Latest Episodes
The Art of the Story -
We're talking about the art of the story and how stories shape our lives. Does every story really come down to the two basic...
Perceiving Together and Overcoming Adversity with our Friend Vanessa Brantley-Newton
With our friend and author/illustrator/singer/all-around artist extraordinaire, Vanessa Brantley-Newton, we discuss Perceiving together (also the meaning of Synesthesia), and overcoming adversity is the topic....
The Art of Creating a Loving and Beautiful World with Vanessa Brantley-Newton
the art of friendship; we've talked about the different kinds of friends, the art of friendship, people along the way who changed the direction...
Eudaimonia is a Greek word, literally translating to the state or condition of good spirit which is commonly translated as happiness or welfare. The...
The Awkward Friend
We analyze the true definition of awkward and Fawn explains her own awkwardness, then Matt does also, and then we talk about the geniuses...
The Weird Friend
Weird is not what you think it is. The word "weird" is normally defined as strange peculiar disturbingly, different, or odd, right? No, this...