Roundtable #3
Today we celebrate our friend, Beth Hewitt’s book “The Power of Scripting” which teaches exactly how to go about having the life we dream of.
We speak of visualization and the utter joy and delight of a moment.
We also come together to create a vision for a better world.
KJ quote: “…things are pretty, pretty wonky and bananas right now on many levels, but also on so many levels and intimate levels in the kitchen of our homes are these miracles that are happening.”
Paul: “…in the past three years of my life, when I got clean and sober off drugs and alcohol, my life has just flourished into my dreams coming true. You know, my mind just forgets that so quickly, so I just have to challenge that mind every day…
KJ: …the grace to ask; the grace to pause and notice (as Beth had mentioned, and we've mentioned in the conversation before) the grace and space to notice that you have within your five, six senses, everything you need to manifest and bring, forth. So my hope and holding for us, each other, and the world, is the permission and the kindness and the grace and the space to ask for it.
We learn Katy overcame MS at an early age with the help of visualization.
Learn how Katy and Nii came to the point where they could call the shots of how they work and when they work and how that has been an extremely powerful thing for them in their careers.
Find out a visualization technique Paul used to become sober and get clarity.
Nii explains the importance of understanding that you can create money without you having to trade time for dollars, and that money is just a tool that has nothing to do with accumulating money, but it really is about the experience of a quality of life.
[00:00:00] Fawn: [00:00:00] Hello, everyone. Hello friends. This is connected. We have a round table show called connected. Here we are. This is it. Here we are. We are with a group of friends here to discuss how truly interconnected we all are. Today's subject is the power of visualization. What we are creating for each other, what we are creating in our lives, the power of the word, the power of visualization.
Basically. Matt, did I miss something?
Matt: [00:00:36] No, you didn't miss a darn thing,
Fawn: [00:00:38] are you sure?
Matt: [00:00:38] Pretty sure.
Fawn: [00:00:39] Okay. So for example, years ago, Matt and I, it was one I was born. Was Allegra born back then, do you know what I'm going to talk about? The coffee, the coffee. Where are we with Allegra? That it doesn't matter.
Anyway, I digress. So we're, we're getting coffee. We're on Bainbridge Island and we were [00:01:00] parents. I think Allegra was just born too, but the only outings we would have would be to Town & Country Market .Town and Country Market is actually quite famous because, , it is a store.
Help me out, Matt, you want to jump in there? , it's a family owned store, a Japanese family. During the 1940s, the government decided to
. Yeah. Bainbridge Island has a dubious honor. Terrible honor of being the first place where they actually, during World War II, took Japanese families and dragged them to internment camps.
(sarcasticly) Awesome. Really great legacy.
And so Town & Country was a family owned business, Japanese owned business. They were taken away. And all the people that worked at Town & Country formed banded together, came together and sustained this beautiful market. And this market is [00:02:00] the most amazing center of the entire community.
They all came together. They held everything for years until the owners could come.
Matt: [00:02:11] Right. Yeah. This would be yeah. Between 1941 and 1944.
Fawn: [00:02:16] And the culture that exists in this market is still there. The friendliest, most loving place to be is Town and Country Market. And because living on Bainbridge Island for us back then, that was really the catalyst that brought about this friendship movement we created because we moved there and we could not find a friend to save our lives, man.
We couldn't have anyone come over for dinner. We had one person and Matt would say, I remember the first time you said that it, it made me laugh and cry at the same time. We finally made a friend to come over and she would come over for dinner sometimes. And Matt would [00:03:00] say, so is all of our FRIEND coming over for dinner tonight?
You know, like all of her friends, friends, we had that one, her name was Peggy. And so it was sad, man. We couldn't find any friends. And the only friends we had were at TNC town country market. And they were really good friends, but then we had to think about it and I'm like, yeah, it's kind of like, they're held hostage by us though, because they're forced to be our friends because they have nowhere to go because we go to the market and we start talking to them and they have no choice.
Anyhow, back to visualization
Matt: [00:03:36] anyhow, back to visualization,
Fawn: [00:03:38] back to visualization. Sorry. We were at T&C and they have, an area for coffee, like a coffee bar and Matt and I coming from Santa Monica, we had the coffee, bean was our hangout, and we would get these beautiful ice blended drinks. And the calorie level was very low actually, but it tasted so good [00:04:00] guys.
Oh my God, I just blended mochas. And so when we realized they could make a mocha of some kind, that was kind of similar to what we had in Santa Monica, we were all over it and we would get it every chance we could this drink, Matt and I would share it. We would get it all the time. And we were friends with everyone who worked there at the market.
One day I'm like, what is in this anyway? You guys. And so they're like, hold on. Let's see. So they brought the big VAT and they started reading what's in there and I'm like, and then I'm like, well, how many calories pray, tell does this thing have? Guys, when they told me the number, I was so shocked that, I mean, my face was like stunned.
I'm sure. Like I was stunned and all I could do, Matt had to pay. Cause I was just like in shock. Meanwhile, I'm still sipping on it through the straw, but I kept [00:05:00] repeating the number. Now, I don't know the exact number. I think it was a 1,346. I think it was actually more than that, you guys, whatever it was, I was thinking, this is many meals for more than one day meals. Like I can't believe it, but I was still sucking on it.
Matt: [00:05:20] Well, it was 24 ounces. It had whipped cream. I mean, come on,
Fawn: [00:05:24] whatever it was, the number was outrageous. So don't hold me to the number, but here's what happens. And this is totally directly in sync with what we're talking about today, because we're talking about the power of the word visualization, the fact that you can utter a sound and how that will manifest for you complete reality.
So here's what happens. So we go from the coffee area to the main part of the store and we're going up and down the aisle, but we're not really doing our weekly grocery shopping. We were just the reason why I'm telling you about [00:06:00] town and country is it was our Disneyland. Town and Country was our, the only place we could go to hang out with friends and feel connected with people.
Nowhere else on the Island, because it's basically just forest. . It was like, nobody like hung out. We were so lonely. That was our big outing was to go to the market. Anyway, so here we are, we're sipping on our drink. We're going up and down the aisle. We just decided to just get a few things and only use a basket.
Usually we would have the big shopping cart and Katy has seen us do this. We just pile it with all kinds of vegetables. It's like overflowing, like where like getting ready for Armageddon. Like, but it's our weekly shopping trip because all we eat our vegetables, so we need lots of them. We juice them, we cook them with just veggies and they're fluffy and they're big and they take up the whole cart. But this day it was just a [00:07:00] tiny little basket. We just wanted to get a few treats after our coffee, treat our outing. You know our little basket, here we go. But the whole time we were walking up and down the aisles, I kept all I kept chanting was the number of calories in this drink.
So let's just say it was 1346. I was like 1346. God, I want to say a bad word. God bless it son of a biscuit, 1346. And then I would have Tourette's you think I'd be, I was stopped. I stopped doing it. And then all of a sudden I'd spat out with 1346. I couldn't stop saying that number. So anyway, we're at the checkout stand and our turn comes up.
Bloop, bloop, bloop. We go through the register. Our friend at the cashier goes 1346. The exact that's the amount of calories that I kept [00:08:00] chanting somehow, whatever we bought that day are y'all feeling me. Do you understand what I'm saying? The same number showed up because I kept saying it over and over again.
Now, do you understand what I'm saying? Everybody's quiet. How crazy is that? That's crazy. That is like pure magic. That is, I couldn't believe that. So I'm like, Oh wow. I really have to watch my words because I grew up knowing whatever you utter will definitely manifest . That's why Matt and I will not- we will not buy certain things that have the word killer in there. Like there's a bread out there. That's called so-and-so's killer bread. Best believe we're not buying that bread.
Pete's wicked ale.
No, no wicked or like chocolate to die for. No, thank you. No, no, no.
Paul: [00:08:55] It's got the word peace in it. That's weird
Matt: [00:08:58] in that contradiction.
No, [00:09:00] it's actually Pete, as in Peter, Pete. Oh, okay. Okay. Sorry. It's the colonial accent. I know,
Fawn: [00:09:08] but you know, just so the power of the word, I want to start off with that and we're going to totally get into visualization. But what I'm trying to say is, like today I got into another big fight with Matt's family, , over a word.
And I was trying to explain that in our society I've been seeing for years now, how words are used to de-humanize people. Words are used so we don't take life seriously anymore. And what I mean is that, there are words out there that are used so nonchalantly that are there to make us feel that certain people are not worth anything that they are [00:10:00] there. Their life does not have value. And this is what Hitler did. You use a certain word against certain people and you de-humanized them. So when you see people getting hurt, when you see people getting killed, I'm sorry, I'm going somewhere. Very, um, not so it's not light guys, but, and I guarantee this episode is a light episode, but what I just want to point out is that words have power.
So when we use certain words that other people used without thinking about it. I'm just asking, please, please can we take into consideration what we're saying? Whether it's, , the calorie of the coffee drink, it's going to create that for you. Like, if you keep saying that over and over again, if we're going to say infestation at the border, and you're talking about [00:11:00] human beings, we're not talking about roaches that are eating the crops and bringing disease.
We are talking about human beings. Stop it. Um, but anyway, so using beautiful words, using peaceful words,
Matt: [00:11:16] yeah, absolutely. Um, yeah, if you can't say anything, nice. My goodness. Come on. Don't say anything at all.
Fawn: [00:11:23] No, because you can think it, why don't you switch the thought pattern? And let's look at beauty.
Let's let's just so let's just today. Let's go into visualization. I'm sorry. Hard, right or left. I don't know. Let's just, I'm going to take it back to a happy place right now, because that's what we're going to concentrate on. We're going to concentrate on happy calories and we're going to create happy calories.
You understand what I'm saying? People. So today we are here to celebrate actually or celebrating our friend Beth. We're celebrating Beth. Yay. Beth. Beth is releasing her new [00:12:00] book called "The Power of Scripting" and it's totally in sync with what we're going to talk about today.
So before that please let's go around the round table. Everybody introduce yourselves, Beth, you go first.
Beth: [00:12:12] Hi everybody. And this. So far Fawn you, you've done some amazing the sound. So I liked your cash register and also your screeching car. Wonderful sounds from everybody. So my name is Beth Hewitt, I'm a spiritual performance coach, , for life and business.
, I live here in the UK and I have been passionate about visualization ever since I was little since I was four years old, when I manifested a red bouncy castle for the first time. So I'm so excited to be here today and talking about this subject.
Fawn: [00:12:47] We're so excited for our beautiful round table and there's so much, I can't wait until we share everything today.
And Matt, please, don't forget. We did a show yesterday with Beth, you guys, so make sure you listen [00:13:00] to that because it was all about her book and we were talking about visualization and this is , we're discussing more of it because we didn't get to the things we really wanted to get to. Right, Matt.
Well, so make sure you do that. Instead of waiting until the show has done. So and say, Oh, I was going to mention these things, conversations go where they will. I'm just saying, okay, so next we have our beautiful KJ. KJ is here.
KJ: [00:13:25] Hi!, , my name is KJ Nasrul. I am currently and actually for the last 20 years off and on have been located in the San Francisco Bay area in lovely California.
And I am a licensed psychotherapist and trauma informed counselor. I also am a musician writer and artist, and my goal for the last year, year and a half has been melding that together, , using these mediums, , to help folks understand that they have this [00:14:00] incredible innate capacity to heal themselves.
They have medicine within and oftentimes we don't even realize it. And so , using art, using words, which we'll be talking a little bit more about today, , music sound words, art, uh, we often are revealing within ourselves that we have this incredible, incredible light. , so that leads me to, , talking a little bit about my podcast, which is called Stories of Astonishing Light to emphasize that is that we all have stories and all of our stories are interwoven , with so many things, so many layers, but among all of it is light.
That's where you can find me. And I'm so, so happy to be here. I love speaking about visualization and I certainly love speaking about the power of words, because words are incredibly, incredibly impactful. So thanks for hanging with me today.
Fawn: [00:14:57] Love you KJ. And before there was [00:15:00] anything, there was the word.
Is that how it goes? I keep it. That's how it goes in the Bible, right? That's
Matt: [00:15:05] how it goes in. Yes. The old Testament, new Testament styles in
Paul: [00:15:09] Lord of the rings as well.
Fawn: [00:15:10] That's true. The Lord of the rings books.
KJ: [00:15:13] This is true.
Fawn: [00:15:14] So next we have our beautiful friend Nii
Nii and his beautiful sons.
Nii: [00:15:24] How are y'all doing? My name is NII Darko. , I have my kids in the background. It's daddy daycare this weekend. So it was just me and the kids. And, , I am a trauma surgeon and I'm a traveling trauma surgeon. So I travel for my job. I don't live at home and I, when I finished working, I'd come home with my kids and my wife.
But I host a podcast called Docs Outside the Box is a podcast where we talk about the three M's money, mindset and mission , so that doctors and other healthcare professionals , can have very impactful and fulfilling lives, , outside of the [00:16:00] hospital walls or clinic. And I'm really excited to talk about this concept of visualization, because for me, , I had one thought process of what it'd be like to be a physician and quickly I had to change my mindset and, , visualize myself having more of a more freedom and being free.. It's manifesting itself right now as it is the little non-traditional for most people. But this is exactly what works for us. So glad to be here.
Fawn: [00:16:26] I cannot wait to hear everything Nii.
Next we have Paul. Hello, Paul.
Paul: [00:16:33] Hello. Um, so my name is Paul. , I am a meditation teacher and I do, I also am a personal trainer and I discussed like nutrition and all that kind of stuff.
That's like my passion self-healing self-love. I'm really excited about the visualization conversation we're going to be chatting about. , especially at the moment I'm doing like this visualization stuff with a certain client, who's had a lot of [00:17:00] PTSD and, you know, visualization can just be a massive tool of healing and going into the past when someone is really uncomfortable with being vulnerable, it puts them in that safe space.
But it also, I think it puts them in that automatic space where they just start letting doors open. Um, so it's lovely. So I do that and I'm also a musician. ,
Fawn: [00:17:22] so talented musician.
Paul: [00:17:25] Thank you.
Fawn: [00:17:26] Did I interrupt you? Can we find you tell everyone where they can find you? And aside from our, aside from my
Paul: [00:17:35] website, um, related to meditation is meet your mind
Fawn: [00:17:40] Awesome. And also we can find all of our friends on our podcast website and last, but definitely not least the most beautiful wisest person I love having conversations with. And usually I get her into trouble because we end up talking so much, , our [00:18:00] beautiful friend, Katy,
Katy: [00:18:01] hi Fawn. , I'm Katie and I live outside of Boulder, Colorado.
And, , I met Fawn and her beautiful fam Matt and the girls. I call them my lovely girls. Elle and Alegra. , a couple of years ago in the store, I worked for health and store in Boulder. I am a certified herbalist and I work in the vitamin department giving advice to people on vitamins and nutrition, and we just hit it off.
And every Saturday I would, so look forward to you coming in the store and then I would kind of run off and thank goodness, my boss wasn't there till later. And so we could actually do that. And then we would run around to the other parts of the store, hiding from other people so we could talk totally.
And we would just have so much fun. And I just, you know, you just one of my favorite people that come in the
Fawn: [00:18:50] store, I love you so much, Katie. It's been six years.
Katy: [00:18:54] Oh, has it? Oh my gosh.
Matt: [00:18:56] My goodness.
Fawn: [00:18:58] It was like [00:19:00] much like this round table. It was love at first sight. Katie love at first sight, it was a "meet cute" kind of situation. So everyone let's let's begin. Oh my God. There's Matt. I'm sorry, Matt. You go ahead. He just tapped me on the shoulder.
Matt: [00:19:19] So yes, I'm Matt, , cohost of, , Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt I'm a professional software developer. And let's talk about bringing things into the world.
This is what we do as software developers.
Fawn: [00:19:30] Is that it? Yeah.
Matt: [00:19:31] Sure. Okay.
Fawn: [00:19:34] And I'm Fawn, you know, we're we host Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt, so let's get started. Visualization. How do we start guys? Oh my God. Beth, you take over girl, woman. Lovely goddess.
Beth: [00:19:49] So for me, visualization is that, that beginning of that thing that we're trying to manifest, because whenever you have a thought in your [00:20:00] mind, Of something that you want to create in your life, it is, , that plant, that seed is in your mind. And so it's bringing that idea to life. That thing that has been dropped in your consciousness, that is your dream. That is your vision. It's about bringing that to life. And so the way that we can do that is through all of our, through all of our senses, , how we experience the world day to day is via one of our, all of our different senses; , touch, sight, hear, smell intuition if you particularly intuitive person. And so when we're trying to visualize, we should visualize in as much detail by focusing on each of those senses, you can't really do visualization, you can't really manifest properly, if you do not focus on those areas and paint that picture in this clear a way as possible. So that is [00:21:00] kind of a nutshell of what visualization is, but there is so much more to it because as we all know, we can all think of something, but then we might have some resistance to something and it's not, it's not quite coming up. We all have these things. Maybe we were taught things as a child or with somebody said something to us when we were little or it's part of our culture, or some things happened along the way. And we internalize these emotions and they can stop us from achieving those dreams. Sometimes it's about when packing up and finding out what's going on inside of us. So my, my journey with visualization started when I was four years old was the first time. And I mentioned in the intro, I manifested a red bouncy castle and it has continued throughout my life; this theme of visualization.
I think as a child, the reason why it struck such card as a child was because I didn't have that baggage. I didn't have any resistance. I believed with all of my heart and [00:22:00] certainty that I was able to create this red bouncy castle. There was no doubt in my mind that that wasn't going to be possible.
And, the very next day, the red bouncy castle appeared. And so it has been a lifelong journey learning more about different techniques, and, learning about meditation and affirmations and just seeing how all of that can be brought into the mix to be able to help you visualize , the things that you want.
And so that's what I do regularly on the way that I do it, the lots of ways to visualize, but the way that I do it is through the written word. Some people might use vision boards. Uh, some people might use meditation, but there's something for me. I am a bit of a wordsmith. The flow of the pen, that word seemed to channel and flow through me.
And so that's what we're talking about today is the words and how we can use them to help us create , that vision and bring it to life.
Fawn: [00:22:59] You know, [00:23:00] yesterday we were talking with Beth and we were starting to touch on how really this has been here from the way beginning and how religion comes into this also; that religions have this, , step-by-step process of manifestation. You know, if you're willing to look at religion in a way where it's self-empowering . When it just there's so many religions that actually talk about visualization and the power of the word and manifestation.
Matt: [00:23:37] Right.
You have to be on some level paying attention though. Um, things like, uh, you know, I was, I was raised as a Protestant. Uh, there's a verse in the Bible, Matthew 2122 that says, , whatever you ask for in prayer, you shall receive, wow. That's a powerful statement. And that's a powerful kind of, that's really calling belief [00:24:00] and visualization right there.
Right. , and also if you take a look at certain aspects of Buddhism, uh, where, you know, you're really supposed to hold in your head the right thoughts and you're supposed to have the right. You're supposed to say the right things. You're supposed to have a bunch of other things like right profession and all sorts of other things, but it's really about guiding your intention towards the good, whatever, of course you perceive the good to be. So, yes, no, no, no. I do find that very, , very fascinating. And, and honestly though, ,Beth,the best part about your story is to me is the fact that it's red.
Red bouncy castle, because I don't see a lot of red bouncy castles, but the fact that you've manifested to that level that you had in your head at four years old, red bouncy castle, not bouncy castle, not big bouncy castle, not fluffy bouncy castle, but red
Fawn: [00:24:52] and within 24
Matt: [00:24:53] hours. It's just, it's it's, it's so clear.
Beth: [00:24:57] Well, the, to, just to give a bit more detail to that, [00:25:00] that started, I won't go into the whole story, but the real crux of that vision was that I was on my own on that red bounce castle. It wasn't a bouncy castle at a fairground where there was 20 other kids backing into me. My thought was I was on my own on that red bouncy castle lit with a bounce castle, all for me so that my four year old little legs could actually stand up and bounce on that bouncy castle.
And that was the specific detail. And that's why it's so important to get really specific in your visualizations.
Matt: [00:25:30] Gotcha. Gotcha. Absolutely.
all: [00:25:32] Well,
Fawn: [00:25:33] who's next. Who anyone want to chime in before I overtake everything with my words,
Matt: [00:25:39] what? I don't want a guide and I don't want to ask the question, but my God, I want to hear, I want to hear from Nii and I want, Nii to tell us about more.
I want Nii to give us the blow by blow. on really on the placebo effect and how words can affect the placebo effect.
Katy: [00:25:53] Yeah,
Fawn: [00:25:54] he's putting his headphones back on. Hold on
Nii: [00:25:56] guys. Sorry, I'm listening. And then, , I had switched my [00:26:00] microphone , these kids are literally about to destroy this house right behind me. But anyway, Um, so, you know, you know, I had a very, so, , currently I'm a trauma surgeon. , I had a very, , now kind of position. I want it to be when I was growing up.
You know, I learned it from Phoebe. There wasn't anybody in my family who was in medicine and my mother was a nursing assistant, but, , pretty far away from what a physician would be. And, , once I got to that point, , I always found myself as the person who would be looking four years ahead when you're currently going through a process.
So if I was in college, I'd be thinking about what it would be like to be in medical school. If I was in medical school, I'd be thinking about what it would be like to be a resident, as opposed to just really enjoying the process, you know, just smelling the roses and enjoying the process of, you know, literally the struggle.
Right? So when I, when it was time for me to start working on my own, , there really wasn't that much of a challenge anymore. And, , that was something that I found really difficult to deal with. [00:27:00] , as well as all the student loan debt, that, me and my wife were in and you know, she's an OB doc and it's very interesting how, if you don't have the proper training on money, just because you get to a certain status, it doesn't mean that all of a sudden everything changes. It just means that more bad behavior may get exacerbated. And although we didn't have bad behavior, we just didn't manage our money well. So we were two physicians in a household, living paycheck to paycheck, living paycheck to paycheck.
And I remember in 2014, I said to myself, me and my wife said to ourselves, we went on actually, before this went, we went on a honeymoon because we had dated for a long period of time and we just never sealed the deal. So we said, we're going to go on this nice vacation honeymoon. And we went to Australia, we went to New Zealand and then we went to Bali, right.
And it was 30 days and we paid for it cash. We've been saving up for a while. We paid for it [00:28:00] cash. We went there. And after about the third or fourth day of being in Australia, we're like, man, this place is amazing. It's great. We were like right in front of the Harbor at, in, in Sydney. And we, I was telling my wife, I was like, yo, like, what is the next time we're going to come back here and do this?
Cause we got to do this more often. And then there was this like uneasy tension between us and, and we both kind of said to ourselves, and then we said it to each other. We're like, we're never coming back. Are we right? And you know, before we had kids and everything and we were just like, yeah, we've got like debt we got to pay off. We got jobs, we got to work. And then when we have kids, like who's going to come and like, there's no way we're going to come back. And we enjoyed the rest of the trip, but there was like this underlying, like something ain't right. Like this doesn't seem right at all. And literally from that day onwards, we were just to ourselves like, look like, we got to have this life where I call the shots and we decide for ourselves, , when we want [00:29:00] one word, how we want to work. And although at the time it seemed really crazy. I was like, he works like that. Nobody works like that. You know, over the next several years, we kinda manifested this life for ourselves where we got our debt paid off, uh, in, in three years, , that required a lot of double shifts and a whole bunch of different things like that.
But shortly after we got our debt paid off, we actually stopped working for the hospital that we were employed at mainly because I just realized that there was a sense of autonomy that I've always been looking for. And although we haven't been on that trip again, , just the fact that we kind of can call the shots of how we work and when we work has been an extremely powerful thing for us.
And, , through that, , No through that time while we were trying to get off our debt, we found out that, you know, we're having a difficult time trying to have kids also,
particularly this one right here. We went through IVF and all those different things and it never worked. And one of the things that we said to ourselves is like, look [00:30:00] like when we have kids, we have to make sure that we teach them the importance of one: understanding that you can create money without you having to trade time for dollars. Right. So ie: it's very important to teach them how to be entrepreneurs. The other thing too, that we wanted to teach them also is that money is just a tool it's really has nothing to do with accumulating money, but it really is about the experience. Right. And it kind of brought us back to that time.
We went on our honeymoon because it really wasn't about the money. It really was just about , literally sacrificing your life for something. And then now all of a sudden, we're at this point where we're enjoying it, And the one thing that's hanging over us is money. So for us visualization, at least for me, visualization, , has been really like an intentional mindset changed of really just disassociating (Nii's son: Look I am making bubbles!)
Nii to his son: "Okay, cool!". This is, so disassociating , my self-worth from [00:31:00] what I do for a living, right? Because I think oftentimes people say, well, I'm a doctor, so that's what you are. That's who you are. Like, no, that's not who I am. It's just a part of who I am. And then also at the same time, understanding that money is literally just a tool, right?
It's something that we can use to get ourselves an experience. It's something that we can use to help our nephews and nieces maybe get into college and have a different lifestyle. , so I know it's a long-winded answer, but that's what visualization has done for us. And really literally I can tell you to the day it was like January 13th of 2013 of when we said you got to change, unfortunately, wasn't here on this hemisphere. It was in the Western hemisphere, but, um, that's what it's done for us.
Fawn: [00:31:45] You know, it makes me think of how, first of all, I think of two things, I think of how hard it is sometimes to carry that dream. And my question to all of us is how can we hold a dream for each other? Because sometimes it's hard [00:32:00] to hold it for ourselves. And when we go through life and we go through the daily, uh, the daily pitfalls, we lose track of what we really want.
We lose the faith and knowing that our dreams can totally come true, that we can achieve and have the life that we want. The other thing that I think about Nii is that. It's so messed up, but it's the United States guys, other countries, people work, you can be a waiter and you still get five to six weeks paid vacation.
So you can travel and traveling is so important for you to get perspective, have your vision expand. But as Americans, we don't do that. We're like struggling to just live. W we're
all: [00:32:55] we're we're
Fawn: [00:32:56] working so we can live. And it just seems [00:33:00] so opposite. It seems so backwards. So those are the two issues. One is carrying that. Carrying that baggage of like, can I achieve this dream where your dream becomes baggage? And I think that's where friendship comes in and that's where Beth's book comes in because you may not have that. You may not have that friend that will always be right there with you throughout the dayto say you can do it.
You can do it Beth! You could do it, Paul! Nii, this is you got it. You got it. We don't have. And so, you know, to have Beth's book in your pocket and you can open it up and go, okay, Beth says to write this down today and you know, to keep your focus, that this is totally achievable, you know, beyond that, I think there's a societal issue that we need to work on is we need to change something here because we don't even get vacation.
And when we do, it's not paid, [00:34:00] you know, maybe after two years, you'll get a two week vacation and. You can't really take it because if you take time off from work, it's the stress of going back to work? What have you missed? And we don't even take time off because now you're linked to the emails and, and whatever.
If you take time off, you'll be pushed out of your position. I think a lot of people feel that way. You know, it's just guys, I need help because this is really depressing me. I don't know. I mean, the, the society thing in the United States is really depressing. I don't know what it's like in the UK anymore.
What's it like you guys get holiday?
Paul: [00:34:39] Yeah, I mean, not a lot holiday. I mean, I luckily have been blessed to stay away from the average nine to five jobs for a few years now. Um, but even when I was, I mean, I've had quite a few jobs and the holidays used to get like. People will be like, Oh yeah, I'm [00:35:00] doing a teaching job because it's good holiday.
And I'll be like, well, how many, how many holidays do you get off a year? Then that'd be like, I don't know. I'll think like 60 days or something, or 70 days is a lot from 326 days. And I'm like, what? So you think like,
Fawn: [00:35:18] hold on Vegas, you guys get 60 days.
Paul: [00:35:23] The teachers that's really long compared to everyone else.
Like, you know, if they don't enjoy their job and they're working to survive and they think that's a good deal, it's just baffling.
Fawn: [00:35:36] Okay. Do you know how bad I feel right now?
Beth: [00:35:40] Like 20 and 30 days, I would say in the UK. Yeah. Yeah,
Fawn: [00:35:43] exactly. Yeah. That's better than us. This is terrible. And this is w this is like one of the things that is breaking people.
And I think this is one of the situations where we don't have friendship, especially in the United States, because one we're too tired to [00:36:00] there's no money, three. We're tired. I said that already, but there's no time. We're always working for what? We don't even have health insurance. You guys,
Matt: [00:36:11] well, we don't have universal health coverage.
Yes. Um, but
Fawn: [00:36:17] sorry, let's be more positive. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This highway,
Matt: [00:36:23] um, you know, the job I'm currently at, they offer us quote unquote, unlimited PTO. So theoretically, I could take a kagillion days off, practically speaking it doesn't necessarily come out that way. , but bringing us back to visualization, I just had a really challenging thought.
So the way I like to begin every day is I like to write down all the stuff I want to get done that day. I have a, I have a, do I have a to-do list and, you know, Everybody, I think at some point has to deal with that, to do list. But what I really think I'm doing when I plan my day and I'm like, okay, I can get this done, this done, and this [00:37:00] done, and this done on some level, I'm exercising my visualization muscles because I'm kind of bringing this forth from nothing.
These are, this is what I'm going to accomplish now. Obviously I'm not, , I'm not, , visualizing something awesome. I'm visualizing what I'm going to get done that day, but I'm still doing that. And I'm still quote, unquote manifesting small trivial, perhaps things, but I'm still manifesting every day.
Beth: [00:37:27] , to-do list is a good start for somebody who has never done this before, but I think it's getting into the detail. I think having it to do list to tick things off is still keeping in that mind frame of I've got stuff to do.
Matt: [00:37:42] Yes.
Beth: [00:37:43] I've got to work through this stuff before I can even think about doing something else.
Matt: [00:37:49] Yes, definitely. Absolutely. Yeah, no. I mean, it's the most trivial form, I think probably of something that starts to approach visualization. You're absolutely right. Yeah.
[00:38:00] Beth: [00:37:59] And so I wrote this book so that people could pick up from other point from where they currently are, you know, so they can learn the skills of how to do it.
And then if life gets hard and they need to come back to it again, they can go, right. I've got some steps here. I've got 10 steps here that are going to get me back on track that are going to help me to create this vision and to hold that space for that vision. Because I don't think as human beings, we gave her self, I know time to do that, to reflect and think is this actually what I want to have in my life?
Is this somebody else's dream? Is this my dream is this actually where I really want to be headed in.
Matt: [00:38:38] Right. And how do I even recognize I'm moving towards that dream?
Fawn: [00:38:43] And then there's also the whole concept of contrast when bad things happen, it's a great opportunity for you to say, I don't choose this.
I choose this. So if the universe gives you chocolate cake, [00:39:00] you're like, I don't like chocolate cake. I don't know why he would ever say that, but I don't like talk like cake. I choose tiramisu. So if all you have is chocolate cake and you don't want that, it's the perfect time and the perfect setting for you to choose tiramisu
Beth: [00:39:19] because we always have a choice.
Fawn: [00:39:21] Right. We have to remember that. And that's where the friendship thing comes in for me, because our friends can say something when we're wrapped up in it. They can point to the road sign, which is what your book does for me is , look over here, there's a road sign. Look, there are boulders coming at us.
Let's step over here and walk this way. So the boulders don't knock you over the head, which in life they tend to do. And you, you lose faith; , you get knocked off course, but to remember what your dreams [00:40:00] are, you need a reminder, you need a friend, you need a book, and sometimes you need a friend to hold it for you.
Matt: [00:40:06] Sometimes you do. And, but you also need to recognize and celebrate. And remember when, when the successes do come, when you get closer to what you're attempting to bring in. And that's another thing that I really liked about Beth's book.
Fawn: [00:40:19] Writing all the wins and also having the ritual, like having a ritual of celebration.
Like we were saying yesterday, we forgot to do that , in our little family over here, we used to do it all the time in Santa Monica. And we were, when we were younger, we used to celebrate in our wins. Like, yay. Like when you're also exhausted, you're just like, okay, that, that was good. Even though it's a huge win, and you're like, okay, cool. Moving onto the next thing. So in our little house here, we got a button, , kind of like in the commercials, that easy button for that office supply store. Our button, , we recorded it to say, yeah, [00:41:00] or so whoever gets a win and it could be any, any tiny thing is a big win.
Yeah, , we slam that button and it says "YIPPEEE!", and then the rest of the family has no idea what's going on, but we'll applaud: "YAY!" in unison, like, you know, join in, right? You need that ritual, you need celebration. And that's another thing we need to come together and hold things for each other and see things for each other and hold the vision for each other and make it happen; physically, make things happen and join in the celebration. Because although I got very negative at the beginning of the show, because that's the state of the world right now. There's a lot of things we need to fix. I really want to choose where we focus. And as friends as a village, I want to focus on the opposite of what is happening in the world right now.
I want to [00:42:00] focus on a world of compassion and respect, total, appreciation for all of life, for our fellow brothers and sisters for our home, which is the earth. I just want to switch that around and I choose love and I'm choosing friendship and I'm choosing a world that is peaceful, a world that is healthy, a world that is filled with beautiful music, a world where we thrive; that we really truly feel each other in a state of resonance state of resonance.
Katy: [00:42:46] When you first were talking about Carolyn mace, I read her books many, many, many years ago.
And so I was learning about visualization from her many years ago. And , many [00:43:00] years ago I was diagnosed with Ms. And so I didn't know what to do, and I just visualize myself healthier. And that's actually how I got into what I'm doing today is to learn how to be become healthier. So I just visualized myself.
I am not going to be in a wheelchair because I have a young son that I have to drive to baseball and to summer camp and I have a dog to take care of and my husband. And so I just did that. And , I'm fine today. I have, didn't nothing ever happened to me, except for some, I do have some issues and, but I'm fine with that.
I I'm fine. I've continued ever since and lately, my visualization has been, , to go down to three days working because, , I'm actually getting older and being on those hard floors for now, 22 years is affecting my body and I thought about it and thought about it. And finally I'm like, what am I doing?
I'm just going to tell my boss. I can't, I can only work [00:44:00] three days now. And they said, Oh, okay. And finally, they kept on putting off. And so I said, finally, Hey, you know what, January 1st I'm doing it. And so January 1st, well actually it ended up January 11th. I'm doing it. And now I work three days a week, three days in a row. I have four days off. I feel so much better. I am rested. I'm de-stressed, the pain in my body is leaving me and I am just so thrilled. So I know visualization does work. You just have to have faith and you just have to do it and it's not hard.
Fawn: [00:44:38] And it isn't some mystical, it could be seen as mystical, but it's not, it's not, it's not anything.
Woo, spectacular, super metaphysical. It is pure science. You could bring it back to that. It is for real, it is a real deal thing
KJ: [00:44:57] I I've been here absorbing [00:45:00] and wanting.
I'm wanting to celebrate basically everything that has been brought up so far. And then I just wanted to take a moment to observe while you were speaking Fawn about requesting and remembering to choose the good knee was blowing bubbles for his sons. And they were standing there in utter awe of the miracle of these bubbles just floating around.
And I just remember looking just what you're talking about is happening right now in front of us. , and luckily we have our cameras on and we're able to see it, but how often is it that these little miracles are happening in the moment and , it's not named. We don't pause to say, "Look at this" and the way ...see, and he's doing it now.
And then if we can catch a glimpse of the joy and the delight on these sweet kiddos faces, like, that's what, that's what we [00:46:00] can embrace again too, is the utter joy and delight of a moment of this spherical floating, floating, um, uh, magic, uh, refracting and reflecting light. How beautiful is that?
And so, yeah, things are pretty, pretty wonky and bananas right now on many levels, but also on so many levels and intimate levels in the kitchen of our homes are these miracles that are happening. And so I, I just wanted to say that, that,
that, taking the time to observe.
That there are, there is this brilliance around us. It can get heavy at times, but when there's moments like that to hold on to I'm, I'm pulled up pretty quickly.
Fawn: [00:46:47] That is so beautifully said, you're right. And you know what? We should be blowing bubbles every day and pointing, thank you for pointing that out because I was watching that too, [00:47:00] but the way you just pointed that out so beautifully, it changes everything.
KJ: [00:47:08] Well, it was like, you were narrating it, you were speaking to wanting to
KJ: [00:47:16] better and community and delight and love. And we were watching it happen. And so I was just like, well, there you go. That's you, you naming it and observing it and celebrating it. And so.
Beth: [00:47:30] And that's one of the secrets of, , manifesting quicker is having that appreciation, recognizing that joy, in the smallest things , not waiting for the, Oh, I'm going to be happy when I've got this amazing new house and car, whatever that is, it's in the little things.
And when you can be grateful for the everyday things, you can manifest more to be grateful for in the everyday.
Nii: [00:47:56] That's that? So that is exactly the issue that I [00:48:00] was talking about in terms of living my life four years ahead of schedule where it's just like, well, I'm going to put my life on hold for this bigger thing.
That's coming delayed gratification, which will help you get to wherever you need to do, because you need to focus. It needs to be Uber. You know, you need to Uber focus to reach whatever goal you want. But what happens is you get so used to not living that when it's time to live, you don't know how to do it.
And that's what happened to me. Right. And I saw a lot of my colleagues who are maybe 10 years or 20 years older than me, or they, you know, within surgery as a high divorce rate, um, or just having a strange relationship with kids or, , your family. And I just, I saw the, I saw you can see the signs coming, you know, very quick witted with my family, making excuses.
I can't go to this wedding. I can't go to that funeral. I can't do any of these things. I gotta focus, which is, it's important to be good at what you do, but also at the [00:49:00] same time at what cost, you know, if I'm at the age of 60 and these boys don't know who I am, or don't want to talk to me or I'm paying... I have to work until I'm 70 because I have to pay alimony.
And what is all, what are we doing here? You know? And I, I agree with what you guys say, just the ability to just do this or five years ago, I wasn't able to do that. You know? So it's just one of those things that I just really cherish, just the small things. Then we drive used cars and all those things.
That's not important. It's really like these two are the most
Fawn: [00:49:31] important thing. It's the relationships we show up for. That's what it's all about. like we go to work we are trapped there and it's an ongoing machine and it's so easy to get pulled away from one another. Another thing is , when I first started this episode, I heard myself say today, we're going to be talking about visualization.
And I kind of stepped out of my body and I said, EEWW..Fawn. You know, [00:50:00] because I sounded, I could S I could hear myself from the perspective of someone who's looking and listening to me as like, I'm so hippy I'm so they call it now woo-woo. And I was embarrassed using the word visualization. I was embarrassed for saying, Hey, this is what we're going to talk about today, folks.
But here's the thing major athletes use this, this was w w where, what we started to talk about yesterday, but why is it that it's okay for athletes to totally immerse themselves in this process of visualization, where they totally see every step of every move they make in winning that race if their a runner, feeling it, seeing it, hearing it incorporating all their senses.
That's what they do. That's visualization. Why is that looked at as, okay. But for me to say, we're gonna talk about visualization today. Why do I [00:51:00] feel, so embarrassed. I feel stupid. Like it's not for real, , I have to prove to you that this stuff works
Matt: [00:51:07] honestly, as a society, as a culture, we're drawn to the things that are dark or drawn to the things that cause they're serious, we're drawn to the serious things.
And so we're drawn very much, I think, to the negative because please, please reverse everything I'm about to say, but like words hurt. You know, if you write, if somebody writes down some negative thing about you, that's something that a lot of people myself included hold onto for a long time. You know, the words that have been said to us, , the, somebody saying, Oh, well, you're just this way.
And this that the other thing. And, in as much as they can hurt and in, in as much as a society, we tend to focus on that aspect of things. Words can also help words can also uplift us words can also, bring people together in as much as they do tend to divide [00:52:00] people and really focusing on the good, , what you focus on grows.
, so if you focus on negative things, then welcome to negativity. If you focus on, visualizing positive things in your life, well guess what
Fawn: [00:52:15] definitely what you focus on grows. You guys. I, so I'm going to steer in a little bit before I do that. Cause I don't want to end this episode without making sure that we say what we want to say here today regarding this topic. Does, is there anything anyone wants to add right now?
Paul: [00:52:37] Um, yeah, I mean, for me, I know I have to my mind, you know, well, I'm not my mind, you know, I challenge my mind every day, on the little things like that we'll chat about, but my mind can actually go quite negative and it can go quite self doubtful and stuff like this.
Um, So, you [00:53:00] know, I really turn into that every day and try and see, because, so the things I achieve quite a lot at the time they happen quite slowly, and that's the beautiful thing about friends. I'd be like, wow, you're doing amazingly, look, this has happened. That's happened. And I just forget just like that.
And, um, you know, I will sometimes just my mind, I will wake up and it'll be like, Oh, what's the point? You know what I'm saying?
Fawn: [00:53:25] Totally know what you're saying. I'm surprised that you feel that way. That's surprising.
Paul: [00:53:32] I work hard to challenge my mind every day. You know, I'm like what you want about, you know, remember you've done this, you've done that in the past three years.
But in the past three years of my life, when I got clean and sober off drugs and alcohol, my life has just flourished into my dreams coming true. You know, my mind just forgets that. So quickly. So I just have to challenge that mind every day. Not always sort yourself [00:54:00] out.
Fawn: [00:54:03] This is where I want to lead us off into is holding things for one another.
What can we hold for one another? What are your wishes that I can hold for you? We should all write the things down that we wish. And also what we hold for our society. What do we hold for this new world that we are creating? What are we creating? Because we are creating each other. Every moment we are creating our lives.
We are creating new universes.
Who wants to go first? All right, I'll go. I hold for the world
an overnight in a split second total transformation, every negative thing, every [00:55:00] hurt transmuted into pure love and understanding and compassion and respect. I hold a big, beautiful, open, embrace, and embraced by everyone on the planet. I hold perfect health for everyone. I hold prosperity for everyone. I hold.
Top-notch education for everyone. I hold beautiful feasts and rituals that involve wonderful tastes and sounds
in everyone's lives. I hold
sparkly, beautiful bubbles, floating in the air, tickling everyone on their foreheads, kissing them. I can go on. Who wants to take over? [00:56:00]
Katy: [00:56:01] You said it all,
Paul: [00:56:03] especially the bubble
all: [00:56:04] was it. Then I can't talk that.
Fawn: [00:56:08] I also hold vacations for everyone. I hold naps. I hold joy, joy. And for me, I hold, I finally figure out where we belong on the planet. That's what I'm holding for myself. Actually. Can someone hold that for us?
Thank you, Paul.
all: [00:56:33] We can hold that for you too.
Thank you. Okay, who's next?
Paul: [00:56:38] Um, do you mind if I, I might quickly chat about, um, my main manifestation that came, came to reality my life. So when, when about three years ago towards the end of my addiction, my alcoholism, I was really F up. Um, and I was looking [00:57:00] online. Yeah, it's something I don't know about star signs.
And it was like, if you're born under the star under the planet of Saturn. Write down, ask for clarity, and then write your star sign and bury it in the ground. And I didn't even know what the word clarity meant. Yeah. Until I got sober. So I went out , in the garden quite F'd up, and then I, I buried it underground in the soil.
And then literally a month later, something just happened that pushed me to the edge and made me become sober. And I got clarity. Yeah. And I bet even if I knew what clarity meant when I was in my addiction, I would have known, ever wished for it. But because I didn't know what it was. And it came true through turning it into word; I know like Beth talks about making it solid, you know, making it real, putting a grant in the ground and it became, I'm so grateful for that [00:58:00] gift. The universe gave me when I asked for it. Um, but yeah, just
all: [00:58:05] that.
Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, exactly. Thank you.
KJ: [00:58:21] I maybe in response to all that's been said already, but thank you, Paul, for sharing, sharing your experience, because that is what I'd like to hold for you myself and everybody else is the, um,
the grace to ask the grace to pause and notice as Beth had mentioned, and we've mentioned in the conversation before the grace and space to notice that you have within your five, six senses, everything you need.
To [00:59:00] manifest and bring, bring forth. So my hope and holding for us each other and the world is the permission and the kindness and the grace and the space to ask to ask for it.
Fawn: [00:59:20] Beautiful.
Beth: [00:59:21] I just like to, add to what KJ said, really. I think I'm thinking as we're coming out of, uh, hopefully out of the pandemic and people are going to be moving maybe to some more normal, let's say, and I think it's been able to hold that space for people like KJ said to be kind to one another, as we're emerging, you know, it's going to be all kinds of emotions going on for one another and to not lose sight of what our longer term vision might be for ourselves. I think that there's the idea that we might just go back to how things were before and actually is that what we actually want for ourselves? So I'd like [01:00:00] just to hold that space for people to think, actually I want to do something different with my life. I want to, to be somebody, somebody different.
Fawn: [01:00:11] I hold that
Katy: [01:00:12] well, um, I just wanted to expand on what Beth just said, because I think that a lot of us are not going to know what to expect when everything is, so-called getting back to normal, which we'll never get back to what it was. So we kind of have all brand new lives ahead of us that we can start. And it's so exciting and there's so much to manifest in that.
And I think we should just, run with it and just say, I really want this and this to happen. And just, um, think of that every day that you can do it and it's available to us. Um, as everybody just said, if you just ask, [01:01:00] so it's an exciting time coming up and I think it's great.
Fawn: [01:01:04] Okay. Thank you, Katie.
Matt: [01:01:06] for me? My, what I would want to manifest, , for everybody is just to have a desire for understanding, understanding where everybody is as far as like, um, you know, I mean, everybody lives their own lives, but really trying to come together and trying to figure out well why, and really empathizing with people who are going through things, more empathy, which I honestly think that we will see more of that going forward just because I think everybody's had a really rough time under quarantine.
And, , I think that everybody will, , want to share and experience what other people have shared and experienced.
Nii: [01:01:53] , mine is simple. I just want to hold, uh, or I won't be able to hold. We'll put out there, , the ability to empathize with [01:02:00] people who are from different backgrounds or different, upbringing, someone that you haven't grown up with, or someone that you've never spent time with is the ability to have empathy for that person at that out there. I think that it would, , it would go a long way in terms of, , dispelling a lot of the ills that we have, we can just learn to put ourselves or put our shoes in someone who doesn't look like us. So someone that we have no relation with, I think we could better understand, uh, people who did that.
Katy: [01:02:31] Yeah.
Paul: [01:02:34] Gorgeous
Fawn: [01:02:34] Thank you Ni. If I may, unless someone wants to say something else, I have a little tidbit to close this episode with something I was taught by Gregg Braden. He talks about this all the time, where there was this drought, he lives in New Mexico.
There was a drought for years, no water. , it's the concept of pray rain. You don't pray [01:03:00] for rain, but you pray rain and it's this. What he taught was this, what his friend taught him was this you want there to be rain, so you go in your circle, your prayers circle, and you visualize the rain.
You smell the rain, you feel the earth underneath you soaked by the water falling on the earth, you hear the drops and you say, thank you to all of that. That's praying rain. If you pray for rain, you're praying for something that's not there. And it's a continual, never ending predicament of no rain when you're praying for something.
But when you're praying with gratitude and feeling it with all your senses, that is praying rain, and that's how I would close it off today. [01:04:00] Thank you to our beautiful friends. Thank you, Beth. Thank you, KJ. Thank you Nii thank you, Paul. Thank you, Katie. Thank you, Matt.
Thank you. Thanks babe. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you to all of our friends listening right now, our beautiful village around the world. I wish for you, a beautiful and joyful every day. Happy every day, we will talk to you soon in a few days, actually guys, with this theme, I think next week, this is what we should talk about: the reemerging of us. When we come out of this pandemic, when we come out of the hardships, when we come out of all the pain, what does that look like? This new awareness?
What does that look like? The re emerging into the new world, the reemerging of us [01:05:00] as human beings as friends, as brothers and sisters as family. Talk to you in a few days?
all: [01:05:07] Bye bye.
Fawn: [01:05:09] Bye bye guys.
all: [01:05:12] Bye.
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