Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt - Friendship Tools

A podcast about friendship (the art of making and keeping lasting friendships, the remembering of it, the making of it, and the nurturing of it). Welcome to "Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt," the ...more

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Latest Episodes

August 21, 2023 00:23:50
Building a Positive Circle: 5 Kinds of People for a Healthy Friendship & Thriving Community

Building a Positive Circle: 5 Kinds of People for a Healthy Friendship & Thriving Community

As we start thinking about friends, teams, and teammates we should strive for a team/community/friendships that espouse the whole concept of a rising tide...


August 14, 2023 00:52:26
 Living For the Soul's Benefit, While Living Large - How Not to Stress Out About Money and Life W/ Barry Lane

Living For the Soul's Benefit, While Living Large - How Not to Stress Out About Money and Life W/ Barry Lane

This is a time when it's extra important to stay optimistic and filled with faith.Enjoy and appreciate the small successes and recognize that they...


August 07, 2023 00:24:40
Relationships and the 5 Rules of Improv

Relationships and the 5 Rules of Improv

Have you ever found that you thought you were just kind of bebopping through and just doing your own thing, and then all of...


July 31, 2023 00:47:03
"Breaking the Silence: The Art of Friendship and Fearless Storytelling"

"Breaking the Silence: The Art of Friendship and Fearless Storytelling"

This episode takes us on the journey of discovering why we don't talk about certain things, why we don't talk, period, why we don't...


July 24, 2023 00:34:01
Desiderata - The Things Most Wanted or Needed

Desiderata - The Things Most Wanted or Needed

The word and the topic of this week's episode are desiderata, a plural noun with a singular form. Desideratum means things wanted or needed.Desiderata...


July 17, 2023 00:49:11
Don't Take the Bait! - Seven Strategies for Tough Situations with Friends, Family, and People in General

Don't Take the Bait! - Seven Strategies for Tough Situations with Friends, Family, and People in General

Don't take the bait. What bait is and how to handle bait is our topic for this week. Fawn shares advice from her wonderful...

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