Sawubono is the South African Zulu word for "Hello, WE see you, and by seeing you, we bring you into being."
Each person you meet, you're actually meeting their family and their ancestry, which means each one person is never alone. You are never alone. Not only are we meeting an individual, an individual person, but we are also meeting a lineage and we're giving respect to all of them.
You can walk around the world. And it's not about you, depending on people's luggage and their experience; everyone sees you differently. So to be hung up on "how am I seen by this person or this culture," it's ridiculous because everyone has a different lens on it.
This episode is about seeing.
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[00:00:00] Fawn: Speaking of giving credit where it's due, I give credit and acknowledge the ancient ISA Zulu greeting. And that's what we're going to talk about today. Sawubona Sawubona is a greeting in South Africa. Sawubona is the Zulu word for how we say hello or in India, how we say "Namaste" Namaste is way deeper than "hello" because it's essentially saying I see the light in you,
[00:00:31] Matt: but two people use it just as a hello, like a, Hey yeah know,
[00:00:36] Fawn: I don't know, but everywhere we went.
People of all ages will greet you with Namaste.
I didn't know what it was when I was first there. And I was used to mean kids in the United States. So when all these kids were like laughing and smiling and say Namaste I thought they were making fun of me. Do you know what I mean? I had no idea what it meant.
[00:01:00] And then when I found out I'm like, oh my God, do you see the amount of pain? That I feel, I don't even realize that if some kids are smiling and laughing and saying something to me, cause I've never met and because they're laughing, I think they're making fun of me. This was the child in me thinking that, being so ignorant of a culture or a word because of my own pain thinking.
It's malicious
[00:01:29] Matt: and also unwilling to come at it from a complete point of naivete. Did you know that they're saying now that, even a smiley face in a text can be sarcastic. Are you serious? I mean, I've always viewed because. You know, when you get a text or you use chat to communicate with your coworkers,
I've always said that all the tone is positive, that there is no negative tone, even when I'm like feeling very frustrated, but I'm still typing nicely. I'm [00:02:00] like, there is no tone in an email. And so I'm always very careful to put flipin' smiley faces in my text messages so people will know that, I'm not unhappy,
[00:02:09] Fawn: but see, this is why it's never out of style or out of date to use your words and to choose your words and make sure that you express yourself with the words.
So you can explain, I am feeling this way, rather than just, getting to business with a text. That's why, you know, like periods of years ago became out of date. So if you put a period at the end of something or a question mark, it means you're yelling. So people. Oh, my God, this was years ago. I'm yelling.
Well, this was years ago. Yeah. Things change, you know, different, um, different generations will change the rules. So with texting, if there's ever a period at the end, I don't know if they're still feeling this way, but if you put a [00:03:00] period or a question mark, when you're asking something, it means you're yelling; something is wrong; that you're really busy. Right. So then I stopped using exclamation points or, you know, well, not exclamation points, but punctuation is what I was trying to say. Um, but I don't think you can ever go wrong by using your words, choosing words to express what is going on or maybe is that ever going to be
out of
[00:03:24] Matt: Maybe I just need a new emoji, the non sarcastic smiling.
[00:03:28] Fawn: No, we'll just forget the emojis. We need to really learn how to communicate anyway. Can we get back to sawubona please? okay. We get into the meanings of words, the etymology and everything today. I just want to talk about the pure genius and love of Sawubona
like I said, it's south African, it's the Zulu word for hello, it means. We see you. We see you. That's what it is. And it's a, we [00:04:00] not, I, so you're walking around. I see you. I'm walking around and I see you, man. I'm like, "Sawubona". I'm saying, we see you. And why is it the we? It's because
it is, we see you and by seeing you, we bring you into being, but the "I" is a connection to an ancient lineage of family and ancestry with each one person that you meet; their family and ancestry as well.
Each one person you meet, you're meeting their family and you're meeting their ancestry, which means each one person is never alone. You are never alone. Not only are we meeting an individual, an individual person, we are meeting a lineage and we're giving respect to all of them.
[00:04:58] Matt: they literally treat [00:05:00] every single hello, almost like an engagement party where the families get together to, you know, wish well upon the couple, as it were, you know, they'd very much inside of a quote unquote simple greeting that really putting, wow. Tons of energy on it. But then what does it mean? How do you greet someone that you don't like that, you know, you despise, maybe
[00:05:28] Fawn: we see you.
You're just seeing them. We see you. I'm not saying, oh, wow. You're my best friend.
[00:05:35] Matt: OOOOOOOOOH! I like the sinister
motive though, too.
[00:05:37] Fawn: Oh my God,
Matt! Exactly.
[00:05:40] Matt: We see you, buddy! We see you. We see everything
[00:05:42] Fawn: exactly.
[00:05:43] Matt: But also we see you in love. We see you in light. We see you. You know, friendship and happiness and wisdom, but like we see you
[00:05:54] Fawn: and then, and seeing others.
I mean, we always talk about this. We need to [00:06:00] really know your inner Popeye, right? You need to know yourself. Do we see ourselves even, you know, I go back to your mother who takes great pride in saying that she does not acknowledge her heritage because she is American. She is white angle Anglo-Saxon is that how you say it?
[00:06:20] Matt: Anglo-Saxon Protestant wasp.
[00:06:22] Fawn: So she does not want to acknowledge any heritage other than she is American.
[00:06:30] Matt: Right. She was taught that from a very young age though. She didn't, she doesn't really know very much about her heritage. And as a matter of fact, oh my goodness. They were actually told there was this big trunk in, Norway with the tutorial name on it.
And did they want them to ship it to them? And they didn't know what was in it. This was like, I guess customs or God knows what. They wanted to ship them, basically a big crate of maybe heritage. It might've just been, you know, rusty chains, but you don't know. And they said, no. [00:07:00] So they destroyed it.
[00:07:01] Fawn: This is your family, my family?
Good lord. Wow. That's, that's a shame and
[00:07:09] Matt: there's something very, very dark in the past,
[00:07:12] Fawn: but that's just, it that's, that's the problem that I want to get into today is that, by shifting focus by not really seeing each other, by not even seeing ourselves, we're doing each other a great disservice. And that is why we are in the pickle that we are in, in our society today, you know, on all levels in business, how do we see each other? How do we treat each other? Do we ignore each other? You show up with some crazy shirts every day. And no one will comment. Lately they've been commenting, but probably because you've sent hints to them,
[00:07:52] Matt: honestly, it's, it's my coworkers from my previous job. And it's because we have a very frank candid [00:08:00] conversation together once a week where I bring up exactly what I'm squirreling around with, but it's time for my pock-a-dotted t-shirt I should wear that on Monday.
[00:08:07] Fawn: How does this happen in society? For example, we, we don't want to see each other and there are groups within society that we tend to shut away, like the elderly, where are the elderly, even the little kids shut away. Like women, women shut away not to be seen. Generations back, you heard the thing about children are not to be seen or heard, right?
Yes. That's ridiculous. Right? Because they're ambassadors of love that come in. If anything, the elderly and the little, little kids have much to say, because their message is pure because it's not muted by the rest of society. Their message is loud and clear, but we put them away into different compartments where we can't see them.[00:09:00]
They're not involved in things. in then the middle part of society, the major part of society, I feel like I'm, I'm jumping all over the place with what I wanted to say, but I just want to reemphasize, we see you. And by seeing you, we bring you into being
and truly do we see ourselves when we see ourselves, we see others and they see us. There's so many things I wanted to make this a quick show today. So I I'm really studying the craft of children's picture books and there was this one book. We get to read all the most amazing picture books.
Picture books are. The books that have beautiful illustrations with them, and then they have a message and it's meant for usually the parents read it to the kids. Right. So it's at the stage where like, usually they're read [00:10:00] to at night or something and. It involves the parent and the child or whoever's reading and the child.
Right. And then after that, then the other stage after picture books are like early learning books. I guess it depends. It depends on the child, but this is, it's an art form. There was this one book that I read this week. That first of all, all these books are masterpieces works of art. I don't care how old you are.
Guys. Go get it lots of picture books just to have around the house because they all have the most brilliant, thoughtful messages of encouragement of enlightenment. It's just beautiful. So there's one, one that kind of suits what we're talking about today with we see you Sawubona, is called: "They All Saw a Cat". This cat is walking around and has a little bell on its neck.[00:11:00]
And it's walking around and says, the dog saw a cat and it shows the perspective of the dog, how the dog sees this cat. And the cat goes around, you know, throughout the day and these different animals, see the cat, a bee sees the cat, and the bee sees a cat of just like a kaleidoscope of shapes.
Do you know what I mean?
[00:11:23] Matt: Yes, because of his fractally eyes.
[00:11:26] Fawn: Exactly. And if a human being sees the cat, you see this cute little fuzzy thing, right? A cute little cat. Exactly. The mouse sees this vicious, the sharp claws and the sharp teeth, like very scary. The fish sees a cat, a fish sees the cat. Like they all see this one cat. From their experience, this cat looks completely different and it's such a beautiful message.
And it's like, wow, you can walk around the world. And it's not about you, [00:12:00] depending on people's luggage and their experience; everyone sees you differently. So to be hung up on how am I seen by this person or this culture, it's ridiculous because everyone has a different lens on.
[00:12:13] Matt: It's true.
But you do have to understand how they may see you.
[00:12:17] Fawn: Thank you for saying that, because when I say that to you, you're like, oh God, we're bringing, we're bringing race into this again.
[00:12:24] Matt: To quote "Ted Lasso". So Ted has these little army figures that his son gave him that, Ted lasso, by the way, fantastic series on apple TV. He has these little army figures that his son gave him and his son said, you know, put these around to help protect you.
And so he attempted to hand it to one of the Nigerian players and the Nigerian player picked it up and he was so gracious. He was like, wow, thank you coach. But the American army means something very different to me and he handed it back.
[00:12:53] Fawn: Thank you. Yeah, exactly. But
[00:12:58] Matt: it was all done [00:13:00] without, you know, understood the spirit in which it was given and accepted it and then returned it with an explanation for why without being, you know, mean or ornery about it.
[00:13:14] Fawn: Well, I'm not being mean or ornery about things when I'm bringing up race issues, Matt, but I think, I just think it may be. Is as a touchy subject. Do you know what I mean, touchy subject. Well, yeah, but why didn't Ted lasso get so offended by that? It's interesting. And that's what makes the, the spirit of this character, Ted lasso so beautiful, loving,
[00:13:39] Matt: well, he will,
[00:13:40] Fawn: , he accepts an honors other people's point of view, other people's feelings. Right. Rather than trying to fight it and say, no, we're not. We're there to help you. You know what I mean?
[00:13:51] Matt: Yeah, absolutely.
[00:13:52] Fawn: I want to talk about how this happens in our society.
For example, again, we can go [00:14:00] back to Ted Lasso there's a scene where one of the coaches. Who is brown wants to get a seat at the table by the window at a restaurant. And they're like, sure, we can give you a reservation, but here in the corner where no one can see you. Right. And we had to pause and go, oh my God, are they actually going to get into it?
But they did it. They did it in a different way. They talked about the issue of being assertiveness. Right,
[00:14:30] Matt: right. Yeah. Also the other thing was celebrity. Don't forget.
[00:14:33] Fawn: Yeah, because they said. Cause he's like, well, my I'm friends with Roy who was famous. Right. And they're like, well, anytime Roy wants to come here, he can have a reservation.
You can have the window seat. Yeah. He can have the reservation for the window seat. And so, and, and they turned it into it's. It's about, it's about assertiveness. So yeah, perhaps you have to, to get over the hump [00:15:00] of not being seen. You have to assert yourself where
[00:15:03] Matt: you have to say "see me" .
[00:15:04] Fawn: Exactly.
[00:15:05] Matt: You have to stand up.
You have to make yourself a big Prairie dog.
[00:15:08] Fawn: Whoosh. Well, it's a touchy subject because if you make yourself big, then you're seen as threatening. So for a white woman to make herself big, that's how she is able to be seen. If I make myself any bigger, I'm a threat or how dare you? Who do you think you are?
Do you know what I mean? It doesn't quite work. So there's, there's. I don't know there there's a, uh, an intricate art to this,
[00:15:37] Matt: right. And for me, it's even weirder because I'm six foot three I've got now hair. I finally got long hair again. Yay. For me, I've got long hair and you know, I speak in a loud voice.
So, how am I not seen is the weirdness.
[00:15:53] Fawn: Your group, your tribe, if you will, is seen because you are Caucasian and you're tall, [00:16:00] you have blue eyes. So you you're the main scene. You are
[00:16:07] Matt: okay.
[00:16:09] Fawn: As he gulps his coffee. Well, no, it just seems like I'm telling you that. And then you feel guilty. Don't feel guilty, but see me also an and teach other people to see other things. So teach, teach in a very loving, very, very, like, soft way. Please spread the word around and have people see people like me.
[00:16:37] Matt: Right.
[00:16:38] Fawn: Absolutely. That's interesting. Going back to Ted lasso again, there's one particular episode right here. Well, do you remember Roy was, , on the TV show and one of the other men on the panel was talking about he had, he made the rude, sexist comments about women drivers. Remember that? [00:17:00] Yes. And Roy immediately shut him down and said
something about the guy lost his license. Do you know what I mean?
[00:17:11] Matt: Oh no. And he went for it. It was like, you lost your license. Cause you, were you, you would you for drunk driving? And he said, no, it was my medication. He's like, oh, why did you, why did you go to the bathroom on
[00:17:21] Fawn: yourself? No. Is this the same medication?
Yeah, but you see in doing that, but that he did it in Roy way. You know, the Roy is very gruff this character, but do you see what. He immediately without skipping a beat, stuck up for women. Right, right.
[00:17:38] Matt: But again, he's someone else. I mean, there's so many on that show. Everybody knows who they are and maybe that's because the writers are brilliant.
Maybe that's because they've written one dimensional characters. Maybe that it doesn't matter. They know who they are. They have complicated him. And honestly, I think they have complicated histories that, you know, we'd started to get into and like the last
show. [00:18:00]
[00:18:00] Fawn: And look, look at what's happening in creating space for us to see these people, these characters, we're learning true.
It's a healing and that's the beauty of art. That's the beauty of it. That's what I'm talking about. They're teaching people how to navigate, how to be, how to see,
[00:18:20] Matt: but we also need to be fully cognizant of our past and we need to honor it and we need to respect it at the same time, because one of the things I immediately jumped to when you talk about how you know, we see you, we see all of you.
Everybody always talks about, well, everybody I can allow news from Britain. So that's what it is. But everybody always talks about how the queen will say we are not amused and it's the regal we right. And now let's, let's flip that over on its end. It's because she has to always be aware of the fact that not only does she represent herself, she represents her country and yeah, okay,
everybody knows that, but she also represents her entire [00:19:00] family, which includes like king Henry, the eighth, who is, you know, by all accounts, he was. You know, he wasn't a bigamist, but my God let's invent a church and let's decapitate our wives. And so we can marry someone else. Wow.
She has to also live under that. And everybody who meets her knows
[00:19:20] Fawn: and each person has that same situation as the queen, every single person in the world. And that's the beauty of sawubona because it is your entire lineage. And for me, you know, I don't like to go back to my, the family I was born into and that's, I don't even say my family.
I say the family I was born into. Right. Because I had to completely cut myself off from the immediate people I was born into, which unfortunately for a while, I had to completely cut myself off from my entire lineage to [00:20:00] totally see myself and respect myself and honor myself, and then get back into the lineage part, not just the immediate people who hurt me, who severely hurt me and were not ever going to change and coming to the realization of that.
Once all that was healed for me, I was about, you know, okay. I understand now the beauty of the lineage. It started with cooking ,the beauty of Persian cuisine and what, what it truly means. That's why I cried when I saw it at first, Persian cookbook. I wept at the store because she was explaining
the background of each recipe and why we do things. And how is it that we host one another? How is it that we welcome each other into our lives, into our homes? What is the meaning of this, [00:21:00] this ritual? What is the meaning of this recipe truly? Where does it really come from and how my providing.
How am I providing the sacred space from the sacred, beautiful culture? I was ready to see that. It was safe for me to be that and have that behind me. And in doing that, I was even more open to seeing everyone else's and like how we said, how you said Matt, all the good, the bad and the ugly, the beautiful, all of it.
The whole kaleidoscope kind of like what the bee sees right. Of every single person, like all of it. Right. And just respecting and honoring all that. And this is what we're about. Once again with this whole movement that you and I are trying to create a friendship, the art of friendship, really seeing each other.
That's what we've said on [00:22:00] every show. I see you, the power of that, the power of saying that changes. I remember the first time I, I heard it directed at me. This person didn't know me and said Fawn, I see you. And I almost like my entire chemistry, my body chemistry changed immediately and I wanted to weep because this, the white man said, I see you in a loving way.
As opposed to being in school and the teacher is saying, I see you when I was trying to run away at a class. I remember Mr. Lomeli. I had ditched another class and I saw him coming. So I turned around and I w started to quickly, like very fast walk, speed, walk away. He said, Fawn, I see you.
[00:22:54] Matt: And I can be, I can top that. I was like my high school across the street. There [00:23:00] was a cemetery don't ask campus was locked down, but you could get out through the band room and yes, it is my secret shame. I was in the high school marching in concert band last year, trumpet rock on. And we had, there was a door that we could open that would
get us out of the school and then we'd have to run across the street to the cemetery. And then we were quote, unquote safe. And one day we were, as we were cutting across the lawn, me and my buddy, Mrs. Callard was like, Matt, Matt. And then she said, Matthew Anderson, where are you going? And I was like, bro, bro,
completely caught, completely busted.
[00:23:42] Fawn: Oh yeah. See, Mr. Lomeli taught me the concept of people's backs. He said, don't you think I could recognize you from behind he's like, so he went into this explanation. He said, you know, someone has the [00:24:00] it factor, if you can recognize them in a crowd. And I was in a crowd by the way.
And he didn't see my face. Yeah. Like I turned around and before he had an opportunity to actually see, see me. So I thought if I turn around, he just won't recognize me. Right. And so this is when he made me feel special because he went on to say, you know, when you look at certain movie stars, looking, looking at them throughout history, even if you can always tell the person who has the it factor, if you, if you're looking at a crowd.
And you can recognize someone from behind . There's a, there's a special space, like orb around them, like a special force field around them. And actually everyone has this, but he was seeing me throughout the semester. Do you know what I mean? He was seeing my pain and in the [00:25:00] drama of it all. And so he truly saw me, so he could recognize me in a crowd of other kids.
And that's what I'm talking about. Also. It was like really seeing each other in all ways and recognizing one another. The system is built in such a way that we don't see certain people, like I was talking about, you know, we tend to take the elderly and shut them away. The kids shut them away, people of color shut them away.
You know, you want to talk about apartheid and the whole history of the United States, separate fountains, separate buses, separate schools, all of that. But if you really think about it, It's in business. It's still happening, not just with color, but certain people are not to be seen. We do it in our own homes.
Remember our very first three episodes we talked about. [00:26:00] I talked about why there is this loneliness epidemic, where does it really come from? The art of friendship is lost. Where did that come from? It comes from, especially within our society now in the United States, it's comes from separateness .
Like you grew up in a totally different household than I did. Matt, you all, each of you had your own separate room,
[00:26:23] Matt: right? It was even worse because even my dad had a study and my mom had God sexist, sewing room, and then we all had our own bedrooms and, and the kids were upstairs and the grownups were downstairs
[00:26:38] Fawn: within a home
you had your own separate countries, your own separate. Uh, zones, right. And not to be entered by any other person that's you yours.
[00:26:51] Matt: And what was even weirder is like the living room, the quote-unquote we had a living room and a family, or my God, too many rooms. I never went in the living room. [00:27:00]
[00:27:00] Fawn: It was unless we had company
[00:27:02] Matt: it's ridiculous.
And my buddy Dale had something similar. I never went in. His friends with him for years. Never went in his room. Ever not even once it was like kids weren't allowed.
[00:27:14] Fawn: So think about that. How does that not create distance in society? If we grow up in a home like that in the United States, especially in the, uh, in the seventies and eighties and probably the nineties, that's what, that's how homes were designed.
This is why even as an, you know, I'm an architectural photographer, I'm always interested in, oh my God, why are we designing like this? Why are you designing
[00:27:40] Matt: in like this? Yeah. Well, and, and every single, it seems like every single show that a home remodel, we want to open up, dot you open up the kitchen.
We want to break down the walls, which is, which
[00:27:53] Fawn: is interesting. An open concept. So perhaps that's a good sign, right? An open [00:28:00] heart concept, but we're still doing. You know, each, each kid has their own toy. You know what I mean? Now it's apparent because now we're talking about the structure of the home, but still every child has their own room and oh, you don't, you, you sleep in the same room.
Like more than two kids, then there's a stigma right there with that. Right. Or like even like, um, when the kids are little, the concept of family beds in many cultures, the family sleeps in the same bed. In the United States, everything is taboo. Cause everything is assumed is sexual. Do you know what I mean?
And it's not right. I mean, remember when the kids were little, we talked about this before, but when the kids were little, we had company over and this was when we turned the bedroom. It was very, the style of it was very Zen. [00:29:00] It was very Japanese. All, everything is just one muted color. We all slept in the same room, none of the same bed, but in the same room, like it was the sleeping room. And one of our guests was like, oh, how do you guys have sex? Like immediately this person had never been to our home before it was a party. And she announced this question out loud for the entire
party, right. Like, wow, you're obsessed with sex. So, because she rudely like, like brought this microphone question about, you know, something that is so personal and in front of the kids and everything. I mean, first of all, I have always been open with talking about everything with children, but, and I'm not ashamed of sex in that.
That's not the point. The point is for her, it was a very. Secretive kind of a thing. And it was, it [00:30:00] was just rude. So I, for the first time in my life did not wait a few months. I had a snappy comeback and I was so proud of myself because usually months later in the shower, I will have, Tourette's like, there's a lot I should have said, but I immediately said, wow, sex must be kind of boring.
If you think it's only meant for the bed or the, for the bedroom.
[00:30:25] Matt: Absolutely. And also probably a good thing that we had. I think we had more than one bathroom because I could see them asking, oh my God, everybody goes to the bathroom in the same, please.
[00:30:34] Fawn: But just, you know, let's take a look at that because now we're looking at rooms, right.
And it's like, it's obvious. Like, okay. Yes, we've opened up the kitchen and now we have open concepts now in the way the American home is being designed. But in what ways are we not seeing that we are totally separate. The nucleus of it all within our families. What are we doing that is creating separation that once we're out in [00:31:00] society, that translates into friendship because whatever you do in your family, whatever you do in your nucleus world,
Translates to how you treat other people in society; i.e friendship, how are we? What are our friendships like the United States? It's very separate. Like this friend is my work. Separated. It where, yeah, that is my
[00:31:22] Matt: friend things.
[00:31:24] Fawn: Well, but you're, you're a computer programmer and that's how your brain works.
You have to to survive well
[00:31:32] Matt: code. Right. And actually I am slowly peeling the onion with some people.
[00:31:38] Fawn: But like you have to shut off a certain thought to come up with ABCD, to what, two, three, whatever you're typing that creates a code that makes things happen. I can't imagine bringing in whatever's happening in your life? Well, no, it's an art. Nevermind. I don't know what I'm saying. Right? Cause you use life experience to create anything [00:32:00] including code, correct?
[00:32:01] Matt: That is true. It's it's because I've made so many mistakes or I've seen others make so many mistakes that, you know, knock on wood, I can avoid a lot of mistakes. Of course they keep inventing new mistakes. So,
[00:32:13] Fawn: but like, think about it. We have separate schools. We have private schools, we have public schools, we have schools for the artistic minded .
If you're rich enough to put your child in that kind of school, you have Montessori. It's like, there are all these separate things. And I don't know, it happens in business and it happens in families. Right. I want to talk about all that within all of our shows. Obviously that's what we've done the past year.
I want, I want us to really look at that. So when we see each other, really seeing each other that by spending time with people. So coming out of your rooms, coming out of your, whatever separate compartment you've been [00:33:00] put in, or you're, you're putting yourself in, coming out of that, spending time with people, it allows us to appreciate their lives.
So if you're seeing someone outside of your social brackets, is that what it's called? Social hurdles. Outside of your social circle, someone that looks totally different from you, someone of a completely different culture, someone with a completely different skin color than you, someone that has a wildly different experience of life than you.
If you truly see them, you're appreciating that life you're appreciated. That, that person, their existence. And you can see the deep value in all of life. That's why people who spend time with animals tend to become vegan. You're appreciating the value of all life. And you understand, you come to an understanding, that's it.[00:34:00]
[00:34:01] Matt: Fair enough.
[00:34:02] Fawn: You have nothing to
[00:34:03] Matt: say. Well, you just wrapped it up so nicely. I feel weird trying to
[00:34:07] Fawn: add something to it. So we're not going to add, I see, I have folks out there. If you ever talk to me on the phone, which you can, if you email us at, if you just email us at But if you ever get on the phone with me, I can never hang up.
You will always be the one that says, okay, bye. And I will wait for you to hang up. So it's so hard for every episode for me to just say, okay, that's it. I always end up talking. We talk about this all the time. I think it's my culture. Like I always say like Persian people have parties that lasts until six in the morning and it's not because we're drunk
well, we are rowdy and drunk sometimes, but yeah. You don't, it's hard to say goodbye. So will you say goodbye, the party follows you to the door to greet you at the door again, to like wave goodbye, but there's another party [00:35:00] happening at the door that will last another minimum. 30 minutes of goodbyes,
you can't just say, bye. Okay. Bye. Bye. Bye. So it's hard for me to end so seriously. Nothing else or wait, that's it. All right. I will end with this. When you are walking down the street,SAWUBONA, we see you. The response to that is "Yes, we see you too." So yes, we see you too. We love you. Thank you for listening.
Talk to you in a few days. Be well.
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