Lalochezia and the Filtered World

July 22, 2024 00:35:06
Lalochezia and the Filtered World
Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt - Friendship Tools
Lalochezia and the Filtered World

Jul 22 2024 | 00:35:06


Hosted By

Fawn Anderson

Show Notes

In this week's episode, Fawn and Matt explore the importance of having friends with different beliefs and lifestyles. They delve into personal stories, including Fawn’s memorable encounter with a childhood classmate and the lessons learned from it. The episode takes a humorous turn as Fawn discusses her unique approach to relieving stress, and the couple reflect on communication challenges in relationships. Tune in for a lively discussion on the value of diverse friendships and finding common ground amidst differences.


Diverse Friendships, Relationship Communication, Stress Relief Techniques, Embracing Differences, Unique Stress Relief, Finding Common Ground, Opposites Attract


#DiverseFriendships, #RelationshipGoals, #StressRelief, #CommunicationMatters, #EmbraceDifferences, #UniqueApproach


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Episode Transcript

Transcript Fawn: [00:00:00] Okay, so not just superficially, but for real, there needs to be a world where we have friends that are totally opposite from us, totally different beliefs, totally different lifestyles, opposite from us. I see that more than ever. Now, having said that, having said that, remember, I feel the need, not remember, but I just, okay, I'm all over the place, but I feel the need to cus someone out. Big time. I haven't really I'm sorry, I didn't mean it! I haven't cussed anybody out since Actually, no, I guess I've cussed you out. You don't count, you don't MATT: count. Oh, Sniggity. It almost sounds like it's coming again. Fawn: No, I love you so much and I'm so sorry. MATT: But Fawn: No, I just apologize for being a lunatic sometimes. But no, I wanted to say, until I caught myself just now, I've only cussed one person out in my life, aside from you. I think, yeah, I think you're the only one. [00:01:00] Wasn't that cute little boy? Webster. What was his name? Emmanuel Lewis. The kid who played Webster. He sat next to me, I think it was seventh grade. It was a drafting class, an architectural drafting class. In MATT: seventh grade? Fawn: I think it was seventh grade, yeah. I forget, like that whole time period is a little I still can't draw MATT: a straight line. Even with the ruler. Fawn: We had, we had T squares and everything. Anyway, I don't want to digress too much. I just want to bring that up because we've already talked about this before. But, oh my god, he pissed me off so much. And I think it was the accumulation of everything that was bothering me. MATT: Injustice. Fawn: Whereas, like, I just couldn't take it anymore. And it was right when the school bell was about to ring. For the, you know, the last battle of the day, like, you're free to go home, I think it was 30 seconds before that. All of a sudden, I lost it. And I started to, I mean, all the bad words I could think of came just shooting out of my [00:02:00] mouth. Towards Webster. Emmanuel. MATT: Towards poor little Webster. Did he look like a poor little deer caught in headlights? Fawn: No, because he was, one of the reasons was because he was acting really arrogant, and he was pissing me off, you know, everyone loved him, everyone loved him, but I was like, I can't take it anymore, I just, like, you all piss me off, I was in a mood. So I just, and his, to answer your question, if I look back, I think he had like a smirk on his face, which made me even more mad, right? But no, I think it was like, he was like, damn. It was funny. MATT: Oh, dear. Fawn: So, um, what happened was the teacher is who I really remember because, I heard Fawn and I look over. Um, And my teacher was like, I cannot believe what came out of your mouth. I'm sorry for those of you who have been with our [00:03:00] podcast for a long time. You've already heard this story. I'll just make it short. What happened was the teacher made me write down every word that had just come out of my mouth. So, in 30 seconds, any bad word, cuss word, that I knew about just came out of my mouth. And Then the bell rang. And I thought, oh well, the bell rang, now I'm free. No, I had to write down every word. And the only thing I had left to write on was, I had this notepad. You know those notepads you like, have at your desk? They're like 4 by 6 inches. Or maybe a little smaller. But if those of you are familiar with, Sandra Boynton, Boynton. MATT: They're cute little helpless animals. Fawn: Oh god, they're adorable. With wide eyes it seems. So at the top of the page you have a giraffe, a hippo, an elephant, a bird. Like these cute little animals all with big eyes, like [00:04:00] wide open eyes like they're surprised. MATT: Oh, big surprise here. Fawn: And every single one of them, I think, was holding a little balloon with a, you know, a string attached to a balloon. Totally safe, totally cute and adorable. Meanwhile, on this page is F U U M E R F ER. Like, any, any possible Horrible thing you could think of. And probably MATT: all the combinations thereof. Fawn: Oh my gosh, I think I had a list of like, 20. Anyways, and then I handed it to him and all the MATT: Here you Fawn: go! And all this time I'm like, I wish I had that piece of paper. Because, even though I have not really cussed anybody out, aside from you, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry darling, I'm so sorry my love. I love you, I apologize. I've been very good though. I love you. the past year. I stopped it. I have stopped it, but I think I'm [00:05:00] feeling the pressure again. I need it, Matt. I need to do it. And this is why a few years ago, gosh, I think it was nine years ago, I instituted in our house, this was when you were working at the office and I was homeschooling totally by myself, so I had free reign on how to do it. How to school our kids. MATT: Oh dear. Fawn: How to teach our kids. But like, we went to yoga training every day. Every day. Six days a week. I was getting my license to become a yoga instructor. Oh my god, this school. Like, ugh. So Awful beyond the opposite of what yoga should be it was like high school all over again like if high school was combat and you're dealing with just What's the word I can describe Matt the kind of behavior like? Not evolved just MATT: go with petty. Fawn: Hmm MATT: petty vindictive and mean maybe Fawn: yes And I want to throw the r word in there too, racist. Thank you. [00:06:00] Anyway, long story. But the kids were getting a lot of that too, and they were also getting some of it from the kids that were about their age, just around town. So one day I said, alright guys, um, here's what we're going to do. We're going to have something called the Let It Out Club. And one of us has to say, let it out club. And that means we started this thing. And kind of like, if you could imagine yourself with a gavel, like meeting is in session, right? Let out club. And you're allowed to say whatever you want without any consequences during that time within the privacy or of our own home. You know, a safe place where no one else can hear us and Nothing will be used against you You just it's a way to get it out of your body out of your spirit out of your mind Anything that's being pent up in there get it out and The kids [00:07:00] are so good, they were so good, that they wouldn't, they still wouldn't use any bad words. I'm like, no, here, let me, let me show you how. MATT: Oh dear. Fawn: Cause I'm like, go ahead honey, say whatever you want. And then the, the worst word that they could think of was the word stupid. They thought, ooooh, stupid. I'm like, let me show you how. So then I started to say stuff. MATT: Oh man, my poor children. I Fawn: started, I started to say stuff about people we, we knew that were really getting to us. Like the injustice that were presented to us because of these people and it was like, As soon as they came out of my mouth, like all these things, we started laughing so hard and then I laughed even harder because the kids had this reaction, like, Oh, and then I felt so liberated. And because they, the kids were laughing, they started to feel better. [00:08:00] and then You know, they said whatever they said, but they still wouldn't use any bad words, but they got it off their chests, the fact that, you know, they thought, whatever they thought. They just didn't use any bad words. And so, when we were done, we would say, Let out club has ended. We're coming to a close, and then we would tap and then we would feel better. And so lately, I keep thinking over and over in my head, you know that that friend that recently, not so recently, like it was a couple months ago now. When was it? We at the grocery store. Like MATT: I wanna say it was a month and a half ago. Fawn: At the grocery store, totally like, let loose on me, like, what's the word? Let loose. Is that the word? Let loose? Let loose MATT: is a good choice. Fawn: And, and then I handled it by like, oh my god, I'm so sorry that, you know, uh, can I give you a hug? And then afterwards I'm like, why did I even do that? I should have let her [00:09:00] have it. Right and haven't been I can't stop thinking about it. And then I saw her at the library We were in the car. She was just glaring at us and it was again, so high school I could tell she was just like wanting to she was mocking me like from in front of the car And I tried not to look at her and I could tell whoever she was with she was telling her Whatever story from her perspective, MATT: right? Fawn: And and then the other person was looking at me like I'm evil. I'm like, oh my god, like, what, it, mmm. I wish I could just let it out and just cuss someone out, Matt. But I've never done that, and um, I wish I could. And you, you are not a believer in using bad words. You very rarely do that. I use them for MATT: emphasis. I want everybody to know that I feel seriously about this. Fawn: I need it. Because I feel like a balloon. If I, if I have any more coming into me, [00:10:00] I will pop MATT: right. Fawn: I need release. And for me, using words is a release for me, but in the opposite way to, using loving words, kindness, like tones that are love, loving, It creates a state of calm for me. However, I also need the really bad words so that I feel cleansed of what I'm holding. And so, anyway, long story short, and I swear I'm going to bring it back to our topic, which is why we should have friends that are so different from us. So, here's what happened, here's what led, here's, here is the maze that led to our subject for today. So, I came across this word called, and it's now all over the internet, by the way, it's like this zeitgeisty thing, it's called Lalochezia, Lalochezia and people are like, oh, it's a word from a long time ago [00:11:00] that has been lost ,we're bringing it back and they're talking about the The etymology of it. I'm like, oh, for real? So I started looking it up. I'm like, there is no such word, lalochesia, for real. If you look at the dictionaries, any dictionary, no one has that word. And then I'm like, okay, well, so then people are like, oh, the etymology, the Greek roots, which is what we do. I'm like, well, okay, but. I did find Lalo means talkative. kheizo, it's not the same spelling as chezia, but khezo means Are you ready? MATT: I'm ready. Fawn: Defecation. Yay! Or elimination of waste. So it's interesting, lalochesia, like speaking in such a way that is a relief, that gets rid of the waste. But what it actually means according to these people, they think it's a noun and it's the use of vulgar or [00:12:00] foul language to relieve stress or pain. Now, I'm all for it. That's how I feel. You don't. What's your feeling about using bad words? Does it not make you feel better? MATT: Never makes me feel better. Fawn: Why? MATT: Because it doesn't. I'd much rather And I've been guilty of this recently too, but yeah, I I get to a point and words don't help They do not, they never help. Even talking to the person and telling them stuff No satisfaction there either because people are pretty much wired into whatever it is they're saying. I go beat myself up on a bike I go for a good long ride. I, I purge it that way because for me at this point in time, because of our awesome bike paths, I can get into inches away from a meditative stat state, the meditative step stage. Right? So I'm meditating, particularly when I go early in the morning because there's nobody [00:13:00] else around when you're between towns. Nobody's around, because people want dogs and blah blah blah, but in the middle of nowhere, odds are you're not going to run into anybody. Fawn: I love that for you. I do. MATT: And it's brilliant. Fawn: I'm glad that that works MATT: for Fawn: you. MATT: But I do find it interesting that you said, let her have it. Because when you were at the supermarket, you did let her have it. I did? You let her have it. It's yours. Fawn: Oh. No, I meant I MATT: know, but it's an interesting wordplay. Fawn: I let her have a hug and all that stuff. Right. No! So you let her have something. Well, one, I was in shock. Not to bring this up again all over again, but I know. No, I was in shock that she felt the way she did because she's the one who stopped communication with me and then she was saying, how dare you say hi to me after you don't even reply to my text. My one She didn't even say my one text. She goes, I sent you messages. I'm like you did? [00:14:00] I didn't see them. MATT: Anyways. Fawn: Anyway, so I apologized. But the MATT: other thing is, is this whole lalochezia, right? Fawn: Laloquizia. MATT: How is that different from doing a proper kiai? Fawn: Like a scream? MATT: Like gai! Fawn: Yeah, that's right. Which MATT: is one of these martial artsy things where you're, you basically, you're kind of letting, putting the universe on notice. Fawn: It's too short, Matt. I want a nice list of MATT: words. I used to curse, I, when I cursed. When I wasn't in high school trying to be cool, but when I cursed I would always say this Japanese word that means Fawn: Well, for me, one is not going to help. And it was very satisfying. No, I just, mmm. Because you MATT: rolled off the tongue. Fawn: I don't want it to roll off the tongue. I want it to be sloppy and mean, and I want it to like, explode in all different directions, and I want the person to know, and I want to use anything that's uncouth, [00:15:00] and I just, you know, sometimes I get tired of like, trying to be nice all the time and holding it together when I feel like they're not getting the cues, you know, and I'm trying to be a good host. MATT: I just don't, you know, even in those instances, I don't curse. Fawn: And I know, I know that you never get any satisfaction from even having a conversation with someone that just doesn't want to see your point of view. I get that. But I'm just talking about in the shower, having a slew of words that just come running out of my mouth or getting pushed out of my mouth. I feel Relieved MATT: right. Fawn: I feel relief MATT: and we call those outbursts. Don't we? Fawn: Yeah, you in the house. Mom's having an outburst I have I have outbursts when i'm by myself, but sometimes MATT: they're joyful. Fawn: Yes, of course But right now i'm just talking about the waste that needs to get out So anyway back to the friendship thing. So I was looking it up. I'm like, whoa All [00:16:00] these people are talking about it. Like it's a legit thing But i'm like matt maybe i'm not learning maybe i'm not Matt, maybe I'm, I'm doing it wrong. Can you please, um, try to find this word and see if it's actually legit out there? Because all I'm getting is Wikipedia stuff and TikTok stuff and Instagram stuff and What else did I get? AI stuff. And we all know that AI is a culmination of basically whatever anything has been said or written about. And AI just gathers that information. So in a way, it's like Wikipedia. Anyone can say anything on Wikipedia and it's like considered truth. But you can go in and change anything on Wikipedia. Anyone can go in. And change a definition or change history, basically. MATT: Right. I mean, there's moderators and whatnot, but still, yes, you're absolutely right. Fawn: So, which, you know, which, again, we're talking about also, synchronicity [00:17:00] has been at play. I've been asking, please show me signs, I need to see synchronicity again, like serendipity. Serendipity! And, um, You, out of the blue, for me anyway, from my perspective, out of the blue, started talking about filtering, filtered views from the internet, and um, this is an early morning conversation we had a few days ago. MATT: Just a little light conversation over coffee. Fawn: The fact that, well, while I was standing making lunch at like 6am, right, for the day. Right, know. Our only time we like see each other. Uh, you were saying, well, could you please describe how, how you, you said it, so, the intelligent way, can you describe it? MATT: So anyways, As opposed Fawn: to me being unintelligent. I have a MATT: crazy reading list, I mean it goes everywhere. I was just finished, oh my god, brilliant book by Ursula K. Le Guin, for kids, brilliant. Finished reading [00:18:00] that, started, started in on the next. I always have a stack of books that I'm reading. So I'm currently reading Eli Pariser's The Filter Bubble, What the Internet is Hiding from You. From 2011, so this is old now. Many computer generations. But what he was describing was basically, The The internet is feeding on itself. And the way things work at a Facebook or a Google or now a TikTok, uh, basically, it's following the zeitgeist to whatever extreme. And we don't, we're, we're losing that sense of having a curated experience curated by quote unquote experts. We're now in a society where we're having a curated experience that is curated by people who are just like me or my friends, which science has, kind of [00:19:00] informed us lately, your friends are kind of just like you too. So it's kind of a weird space. Fawn: And what's that term, you are the culmination of who surrounds you? Like if you want to know who you are or what you're about, think about the people around you. MATT: Right. Fawn: Who, who is it that you're hanging around, right? You may not be conscious of it. But like, what information are you getting? Chances are, it's only because of your small circle of people. MATT: Right. And basically we're getting this kind of megaphone back to us of our own stuff. With a little sprinkling mixed in because they offer a little variety and then if we don't click on it, then it's gone. Fawn: So there's no challenging conversations, there's no challenge to be had. No other viewpoints. Right. Right. MATT: Right. Fawn: Perspective. MATT: Right. And there's a bunch [00:20:00] of other things going on too, but yes, absolutely. So it's even worse if you're on the internet than, you know, if you only get your news from Fox News, for instance, or from MSNBC, right side, left side, you know, uh, in America, the leftist press doesn't talk at all about Hunter Biden's laptop and they don't talk at all about, oh, there was something else. Uh, oh, yeah, Senator Menendez, who is a Democrat, who just got convicted of doing bad things with Egypt. Don't talk about those. And then the right hand side doesn't talk about the multiple felony convictions of Donald Trump and da da da da da. Fawn: But we, we know all this. MATT: Well, it's, it, but it's, it can be really hard to pay attention. Fawn: Well, uh, yes. What, what, so, after you were saying this, Matt, Immediately I started flashing to, oh my [00:21:00] god, you're right. So, as, you said something really, you said something that made me stop in my tracks. And I don't know if you just said it just now, but you said it when we were in the kitchen the other day. It was something like, you'll never know what's going on. If you go online, you won't know what's going on. So something big could have happened, it will not come across your feed. if it's something that you normally is, don't look at. MATT: Right. Fawn: So you, you won't know what's going on. And MATT: because I'm a computer guy, I know that nowadays it appears that the, uh, that the police in America can videotape your front door without a warrant for 60 days because that's the, you don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy anymore because of Amazon ring cameras. Now, That was buried, not buried, it was very obvious, on one of the technical websites I go to, but [00:22:00] holy, that's like, huge! That's walking all over civil rights. Fawn: And also, in the same week, you were telling me about something that didn't even come across my feed, which was All these car companies, dealerships, had to pay off a hacker. Was it like a billion dollars? paid, they MATT: paid the hacking group. They, they claim it was bitcoin. So it fluctuates, but 25 million dollars. Because in America, again, you couldn't buy a new car for like a couple of weeks. From many, many dealerships because this master kind of selling web, web service went down. So it fluctuates, but 25 million dollars. Corrupted data and they wouldn't unlock it and so they were held for ransom by they were Fawn: held for a ransom I didn't hear about that. Of course not. It was not I don't think anyone knew about it except for you Maybe well MATT: at the gas station because the gas station is attached to Auto [00:23:00] dealerships. Yeah, they were talking about Fawn: right, but again, MATT: but again, if you're not in the field, what do you know? Fawn: Right, right. You didn't even learn that online and MATT: god. No god knows what You information is out there that I'm not getting, because I'm not going to the right places. Because I only go to places that interest me, that are directly interesting to me. And we Fawn: don't, we don't even, it's, I don't even go to places anymore. Things just pop up. So for me, what pops up is vegan stuff, or, or um, meditation things, or mind over matter things. You know, it's like, whoa. I don't get anything, and I'm busy too on top of it. I'm working. Everybody's busy, for sure. Right? So it's not like, how would I even know to go looking for something that has happened if it does not come across my feed? And I think I have access to the world because I'm on the internet. MATT: You are, you do. I'm Fawn: online, but no, I'm not. MATT: But you're getting a filtered view. Fawn: That's what I'm saying. And it's going to get worse with AI. [00:24:00] It's going to get even worse. So much like looking up this word. I almost started to say it. With our show like I was just gonna talk about this word. I'm like hold on is it for real, MATT: right? Fawn: I don't know what made me say that probably our conversations this week, right? MATT: Right, Fawn: like is it for real right and I looked I'm like no and then you looked at your what do you call it? you're MATT: Okay, so I got on the internet you can on on the eBay I got a dvd. Remember those? I got an encyclopedia on dvd. I got an encyclopedia Britannica 2016 or some such on dvd that came with a dictionary. We also have a my college dictionary from when I was 13 and we have my Elementary School Dictionary from when I was like, eight. Fawn: Hold on. Let me just preface. Paper books. Let me further explain, just in case you all missed it. So yes, Matt bought this online. [00:25:00] However, it's something that's offline. MATT: Right. It's completely offline, but however, I don't have any Fawn: But explain, explain exactly what it is. Okay. So it's an Remember encyclopedias people used to spend? So much money on them. Yes, right and it would be a wall of these Books, and if you ever needed to look anything up you would go to that letter it would go A to B, or, you know, and then you would look up, I don't know, if you wanted to look up anything about the Amazon, you'd go to the book that had A's in it, and then you would turn to the page, you would look it up like a dictionary. And you would find Amazon, and you would get all the information on the Amazon. Not Amazon, ugh, I used the wrong MATT: example. You Fawn: did. MATT: Digestive system is one I use. Okay, yeah. So it would go through and describe the stomach, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm in Fawn: Brazil. It would go MATT: through it. So this is a DVD. It's not, it's not updated by Britannica, so it's static text. It's un, theoretically unmodifiable text that I was able to just put on my [00:26:00] computer and call it a day. I put it on every single computer I have, including my word computer, but it also has a dictionary. It also has the Britannica dictionary. And so, again, every word that has existed before 2016 is in there. Fawn: So no one could have changed history for you. Right. So if you looked up something in history, whatever was written back then, it's still written the way it was back then. Yes. No one's changed it. Right. We are living in that time where history gets changed right before our eyes and we're so busy and Um, stupid in a way that we don't even recognize what's happening. Who was it? Was it Stalin? Who changed the photos? Yes. Stalin changed the MATT: photos. Orwell called him out on it in 1984. Fawn: Right. So, next thing you know, people believe what they're looking at, eventually. Right. Right. And they don't have any counterpoint, what else are you going to do? Right. [00:27:00] So that's happening right now. And that's why we need to Especially now, it is incredibly, incredibly important. Why are you laughing? MATT: Incredibly. I am a robot. Fawn: It is really important to have friends that are completely opposite from you. MATT: Who know their stuff, and you're able to have an intelligent, respectful conversation with. Fawn: Even if you don't, whatever they're spewing, just look at it, Or try to hear it as if you're watching tv. Do you know what I'm saying? So that you're not so attached to what they're saying and you don't get offended But it's really important to hear what else is going on. Yeah, because MATT: because sometimes you gotta let it go because yeah I have yeah, one of my friends is former marine and he is Yeah. He is an interesting, it's interestingly challenging to talk [00:28:00] to him sometimes, particularly about things like gun control, because yeah, his idea of gun control is you hit what you, what you aim at versus, you know, restricting the number of weapons and dah, dah, So, but, but we're able because we're respectful of one another. First of all, we know when to back off. And second of all, um. Yeah, we're able to articulate and communicate and then say, we agree to disagree and call it a day. Fawn: Mm hmm. And it just sounds so, um, uh, what's the word? Like, you know, yeah, you should just have different friends and blah, blah, blah. What's the word? It's so I don't know the word. Go pithy? No, I can't think of the word right now. But, but after, after a while, it just, it's not, it's not pithy. It's, it's, after a while, it's [00:29:00] not so divided. At initially, you may think, whoa, this is so different from me. Oh, they don't know what they're talking about. Oh, they sound crazy. But after a while, once you get over, it's like jumping into a body of water and you're like shocked by the cold, right? Then you get used to it. Then you're able to like swim comfortably. I feel like it's the same. Cause I have a friend like that too, who's so different politically than I am. And at first I was like, Oh, should I be friends with this person? Not even that I didn't know. I still want it to be friends, but because I respected her, I was like, how in the world is she like this? What? But as she spoke and, and, uh, you know, I use my own advice. Like. I'm watching TV, watching a movie, after a while, it wasn't shocking. After a while, I could see why she said [00:30:00] what she said. After a while, I, I understand why. And then after a while, she, she stops, um, seeming so radical to me because she got it out of her system. Do you know what I'm saying? And she's able to come to center with me. And the other way around. Does that make any sense? It does. I just said. It does. It's like hearing each other, right? It's, it's again going back to this Lalochezia you're getting rid of waste, right? And it's interesting, Michelle Silence sent me a little thing about how when someone's yelling at you and like vomiting all this stuff at you, it's because they've been dying to tell you this stuff all along, right? Right. When you're like, Whoa, which Makes a lot of sense. Like, why, what's her face at the grocery store did what she did to me? [00:31:00] She was thinking about that our entire friendship. Right? MATT: And there you go. And yeah, I've actually gotten scolded lately at work. Yay! Not because what I've said isn't the truth, but it's how I'm telling people. Because I finally just say, are you serious? You know, I literally come across like, are you kidding me over here? And, and then they get offended because where did this come from? And it's like, you have been doing this for weeks and you haven't caught any of my hints. So now I had just have to tell you in whatever scenario it is. Fawn: But see, that's why lolachezia, whatever it is. is good in the shower, Matt, because you get it out. So when you have to talk to someone, the MATT: problem is still there. Fawn: I know. But the the waste is not in you anymore. So you can be in a loving tone and go, I can get right back MATT: there so fast. It's not even if Fawn: you get it out enough. If you get it, if you do it enough and I'm not saying do what I do, which is curse in the shower, but if you get [00:32:00] it out of you enough, then you, you build up, um, you build up a core around you where it doesn't get you as often, it doesn't bother you so much, right? You're more flexible, you're more like a bouncy ball, you know, things can also bounce off of you. Right? It doesn't MATT: In a way, and I see where you're going to in a personal life, but when I'm working on a project, and I know that these people are believing that they're being successful, and they're not, you know, if I'm carrying them Then, they need to understand I am carrying them and I need more. I need more from them. Fawn: Right. That's a whole other subject. And that's a whole other subject. And that's something we've been talking about for a long time now and I don't know how to fix that. I don't know how to fix it yet. Right. Not yet. Okay. That's it for me. Anything from you to wrap it up? MATT: I have said my piece. Fawn: I have said my piece. Well, [00:33:00] no, you know, I'm going I've said my war! I'm going to the shower. No, like I said, I just want to, like, curse somebody out. Cuss, cuss somebody out. Okay, we MATT: better end this show so you can go away from me and then you can do your cursing. Fawn: No, and you know what? In just telling you guys about it, I feel better. Good. So I didn't have to use all the messed up words. I feel better. Okay. But I'm just putting you all, not you guys, not our friends. I'm just putting it out on notice. You know, we need Let It Out Club. Alright, thanks guys. Are you starting it Let It Out MATT: Club is over. Fawn: It is over? I don't know. I think I'm going to go to the bathroom and start it all over again. Oh MATT: dear. Fawn: Okay. Love you guys. Thank you. MATT: Be well. Fawn: Bye. See you soon. Reach out to us anytime.

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