Unlocking the Power of Giving Love, Gratitude, and Connection in Relationships

December 16, 2024 00:10:13
Unlocking the Power of Giving Love, Gratitude, and Connection in Relationships
Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt - Friendship Tools
Unlocking the Power of Giving Love, Gratitude, and Connection in Relationships

Dec 16 2024 | 00:10:13


Hosted By

Fawn Anderson

Show Notes

"Unlocking the Power of Giving: Love, Gratitude, and Connection in Relationships"

In this week’s episode of Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt: explore the art of giving and receiving, self-reflection, and the power of gratitude in our relationships and personal lives. Fawn shares affirmations to help listeners feel safe and loved, while Matt emphasizes the importance of appreciating and connecting with our physical bodies. Together, they discuss the joy and challenges of sharing with others, how to embrace our unique roles in life, and why focusing on what we want can transform our reality. Tune in for heartfelt insights and a reminder that we’re all interconnected, growing stronger together.

Gratitude, Relationships, Love and connection, Giving and receiving, Self-reflection, Personal growth, Interconnectedness

#GratitudeJourney, #LoveAndConnection, #GivingAndReceiving, #SelfReflection, #PersonalGrowth, #Interconnectedness, #FriendshipGoals

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Episode Transcript

"Unlocking the Power of Giving: Love, Gratitude, and Connection in Relationships" [00:00:00] Fawn: Welcome back to our friendly world, everybody. [00:00:02] MATT: Hello. [00:00:03] Fawn: two pieces of advice. Quick, quick, quick. Number one, I guess they're kind of like affirmations, aren't they? [00:00:09] MATT: They can be. [00:00:10] Fawn: Let's think about it this way. Keep reminding yourself. Wow, as I'm about to say this, the sirens are going on outside, which you probably can't hear, but we can, as I'm about to say this. [00:00:27] I am safe in all my relationships, and I give and receive lots of love. Now, regardless of what's happening, focus on that, that you are safe in all your relationships, you are consistently giving and receiving lots of love. Definitely, you're getting love from us, for sure, right here. Yes. Now, there may be people that aren't loving towards you. [00:00:52] Veer the focus away from that. Get away from that. And then, you will draw love. And even, [00:01:00] if you, beyond friendship too, like, let's think about romance. Uh huh. You will draw it into your life. And That is what you will accept. Say, I accept it now. Draw love and romance into your life. So you say, I draw love and romance into my life and I accept it now. [00:01:22] Thank you. Once again, the message for me today is, or this week is, you are safe in all the relationships and you give and receive lots of love. And from those you don't. If you find yourself in a situation where that is definitely not the case, focus on what you want. Focus on the kind of relationship that you want, the kind of friendship that you want, the kind of, like, circle that you want. [00:01:52] It's a very special time right now. Things are moving really fast. As long as you're clear with what you are working [00:02:00] to create have you noticed things are happening way faster now And I think that comes with your goals to your your aspirations your dreams and desires That's it for me. Matt. How about you? [00:02:15] MATT: I'm more thinking centering and grounding and being comfortable inside of Who you are? Um, and believe it or not Hmm [00:02:29] Honestly, I am so thankful I'm grateful that, you know, I've been, I've been gifted the body that I have because it can do amazing things. I can remember back in the day, you know, getting out of touch with it or, or, or. And now it is the most amazing machine and I recognize it for what it is. I've climbed a mountain on a mountain bike on a fire road with this body. [00:02:57] So there you go and then the other and this [00:03:00] has been a real [00:03:01] Fawn: Yes, i'm sorry. This has been a real challenge. Hold on. Hold on. Yes. Yes, and you have overcome death [00:03:07] MATT: Hey, oh, [00:03:08] Fawn: thank you [00:03:09] MATT: you know I wasn't gonna i'm just gonna keep it. [00:03:12] Fawn: I know you want to keep it light, but You overcame like what most people would think is the impossible [00:03:22] MATT: And if you are not happy with your body move it move it move your body around [00:03:28] Fawn: Well, just be thankful. [00:03:30] Like, wow, heart, you're working really hard and I don't even have to really, like, be on top of it. Like, beat now, beat now. Okay, now beat now, beat now. You know what I'm saying? That is true, too. Or lungs, it's, um, I don't know, like, to go through all the steps, whatever all the organs have to go through to, like, do whatever they're doing. [00:03:48] We don't even know how they do the stuff they do. That is true. [00:03:51] MATT: And then this was a real challenge for me this week. I had a moment. So I'm always finding cool stuff. And I'm always sharing [00:04:00] the cool stuff that I find because, guess what, it's cool stuff. And this week I was like, oh, why don't people reciprocate with me? [00:04:07] Why is it always me giving, giving? But you know what? I need to relax into that and I need to embrace that aspect of who I am. Yes, I find cool stuff. Yes, I share cool stuff. But if I really think about it, there are cool stuff that, there is cool stuff that people have shared with me. The problem is, is I'm such a, I'm such a little puppy when it comes to cool new stuff. [00:04:31] Oh my god, check this out, oh my god, check this out. That I think other people are almost exhausted just checking out the cool stuff that I'm sharing with them, let alone finding their own cool stuff. So, I try, I do, I don't try, I give pieces of my time. I give pieces of my knowledge to help others. And, that's good for my health. [00:04:57] Fawn: How? [00:04:58] MATT: Just, that, [00:05:00] that sense you get when somebody sees this cool thing and they're like, Wow, and all of a sudden you can feel their mind exploding. Like, in a good way. Like, their reality has now expanded. What was is now bigger. [00:05:14] Fawn: Because we're all, oops, I'm sorry. Because we're all part of one. So, when you help someone or when you expand something, we're all expanding it. [00:05:25] Kind of like, yeah. So when, when something good gets passed along, it grows bigger. So it grows for the whole unit. Yes. All of us. So that's why we feel good, right? [00:05:41] MATT: Right. And I was starting to feel like, you don't recognize, you don't. And you know what? It's not necessarily about that and the, the wise people will recognize and respect. [00:05:53] Fawn: And that's, that's your job though. Can I add to that? What I learned this week from one of our friends, [00:06:00] one of our friends who is, a pretty well known religious figure. We were talking about, actually the kids asked him, why, why are there people that are struggling? And then, why are there people that are not, you know? [00:06:15] And he led it into this path of talking about , people that are poor and people that are rich, financially, right? Mm hmm. He was talking about, no, life is not fair and it's not meant to be that way. Otherwise, there would be no challenge. Otherwise, there would be nothing to work on. It would be kind of boring also. [00:06:36] But, the role of each person is specific. So, the role of a person that has lots of richness is to give. Their job is to give. and help out. And maybe, I don't know, I have to go and ask him again, like, then would it be the job is [00:07:00] to be able to receive? Like, that would be your job if you're not financially rich like that? [00:07:06] MATT: Right. [00:07:07] Fawn: But, that's your job, is to give. So, when you said that, it made me think of what he said. Right. So yeah, maybe you know, there are times many times where I'm like, I don't even know Like remember when we met you're like, well, what's your what's your hobby? I'm like, what? [00:07:24] MATT: Hobby, [00:07:24] Fawn: I don't even What do I do? [00:07:27] Whatever I do. Like, what do you mean? What's my hobby? You know like as if I have like time or money to have hobbies. I go to the work, I go to the gym. I go to the work, I go to the gym. Like, when we met, you know, at that age. So I needed examples of what hobbies were. Like, what do you do for fun? I'm like, for fun? [00:07:51] MATT: Oh dear. You [00:07:52] Fawn: know, like, I mean, the things I did were fun, but like, to put it in those categories, or to think of fun things that are [00:08:00] outside of my normal routine, you know, it was like, I just drew a big blank. Blanks, you know, like nothingness. Like, I don't know. So, you know, I felt like your job back then was to show me ways to have fun. [00:08:19] You know what I'm saying? Mm hmm. So you, you always talk about this. When you give someone a gift, you should not think about what Or how you're going to be reciprocated. Right. It's a gift, you just let it go. I know, and that's [00:08:29] MATT: hard. Sometimes. [00:08:31] Fawn: Uh huh, so you said it's hard, but when I try it [00:08:34] MATT: Sometimes. It was a challenge for me this week, okay? [00:08:38] We're working on our self annual evaluations at work. [00:08:42] Fawn: Got it. [00:08:43] MATT: So, all of a sudden I'm very, I'm putting a mirror up to me going, Are you as cool as you think you are? And the answer of course is yes, but that's entirely beside the point. Okay. [00:08:54] Fawn: So, I guess that's it. Is it that? Is that it? Is that it? I think that might be it. [00:08:58] Sorry for the mini [00:09:00] sessions, you guys. I hope that's okay. but if you need to talk to us further, like you need company, friendship, someone to talk to, reach out to us, okay? [00:09:10] MATT: Be well.

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