þetta reddast of Friendship - It Will All Work Itself Out

June 05, 2023 00:15:33
 þetta reddast of Friendship - It Will All Work Itself Out
Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt - Friendship Tools
þetta reddast of Friendship - It Will All Work Itself Out

Jun 05 2023 | 00:15:33


Hosted By

Fawn Anderson

Show Notes

There are messages everywhere you guys! It's funny how messages will come to you. They come in the wildest ways and they come just right when you need them. So the message today is, don't worry, it's going to be okay. It will all work out okay. This week, we get the message from a few sources and one of them is from our friends in Iceland. No matter how big the problem, no matter how big the problem a solution, a solution will always present itself. It will fix itself.

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#BobbyMcFaren, #Yo-YoMa, #MichaelSandlerInspireNation, #Iceland, #Icelandicphrase

“þetta reddast” - Saying of Iceland (Icland's Motto to Live By) TRANSCRIPT

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Episode Transcript

“þetta reddast” - Saying of Iceland (Icland's Motto to Live By) [00:00:00] FAWN: Welcome back. Everybody there. [00:00:01] MATT: Hello. There are messages everywhere you guys, and sometimes when you feel out of sorts, the messages that you have in you, that you know the wisdom that is already in you because you are all knowing. You are all knowing. [00:00:21] FAWN: You still get wrapped up in life sometimes and you forget, [00:00:26] MATT: oh dear. Yes you do. [00:00:27] FAWN: And so here's where a friendship comes in. You may not even know the person, or it could be a squirrel like I always say, but it's funny how messages will come to you. But usually if you pay attention, they come in the wildest ways and they come just right when you need them. [00:00:50] FAWN: It's perfect synchronicity and it's amazing when they come from friends, from the people in your lives. So the message today is, don't worry, it's going to be okay. Don't worry, it's gonna be okay. Like the song kept coming back this week. Do you remember that song, the Bobby McFaren song? Actually, I came back because of, I was at the acupuncturist and everyone's been telling me, you need to like be careful. [00:01:24] FAWN: You're really stressed out. I'm like, what are you? Talk whatever. I feel like it's normal, like I'm living normally, but people are like, whoa. Take care of your stress. And it's not like I've been yelling at anyone or anything like that because [00:01:40] MATT: yelling would be a relief for stress Wouldn't sometimes, huh? [00:01:45] MATT: You're not holding [00:01:45] FAWN: it in. But I mean, do I look crazy lately? Like is it in my face? No, but whatever it is, people close to me or like, please get some sleep. Please, please go talk to someone. I'm like, all right. So I went to the acupuncturist and he put the needles in and he's like, don't worry, be happy. I'm like, oh, you mean like that song? [00:02:10] FAWN: Remember that song, Matt? Every little [00:02:12] MATT: thing. What do you mean it's gonna be all right? [00:02:15] FAWN: Did it say it in that song? It may have. It's with Bobby McFaren? I think so, [00:02:21] MATT: yes. and Yo-Yo Ma, see, I can't worry sing it. [00:02:23] FAWN: Otherwise we'll get in trouble. Yeah, we can't sing stuff. Not that we can't, well, we're not allowed to. [00:02:28] FAWN: Hello? But the message is, don't worry. It's going to be okay. How? How else would you say that, Matt? How would you say it? Uh, I [00:02:36] MATT: would. I would throw down an old quote, which is when the stu Oh, nevermind. Nevermind. I'm sorry. No, that's exactly how I'd say that. Yes. Say what? Well, when messages, what I, [00:02:49] FAWN: you were gonna say something about the student and the teacher? [00:02:51] FAWN: You're jumping ahead. Exactly. All right, so the song came up. Yes. I'm like, huh, that's interesting. All right, I'll hold onto that. Mm-hmm. Cause I used to love that song. It helped me out. You know, don't worry, be happy. Right. You can't pay your rent. Oh, well don't worry, be happy. Like what? Really? Listen to the words. [00:03:12] FAWN: Because I remember when I first heard that, I was like, wow. Yeah. And like, who else? Like, uh, one of our favorite, favorite comedians will say stuff like that. In, in his own way. Like Kat Williams. [00:03:32] MATT: Right. Kat Williams from a long time [00:03:34] FAWN: ago, but yes. Yeah, we haven't really, I don't know the past few years, I, I don't know. [00:03:39] FAWN: I've lost track of Kat Williams really wanted. I think the world has lost track of Kat Williams. I don't think so. No. But that's not true, honey. I don't think so. I really don't think so. Okay. Just outside of our world. He said he would be on our show, by the way. And we never heard from him again. Do whatever. [00:03:55] FAWN: Okay. Love him though. Um, okay, so another message came up with the same thing this time from one of my favorite podcasts that I like to listen to and watch actually, cuz he does video. Michael Sandler Inspire Nation. Wow. Seriously, guys, check him out. You probably know about him already. [00:04:17] FAWN: His show is called Inspire Nation and it's an inspirational podcast with motivational advice. He brings in top authors, experts, heroes, and spiritual masters to help you. Seriously. Amazing. Amazing. Angelic being Michael Sandler. Thank you. Thank you. Inspire Nation. So here's a quote from Michael. [00:04:42] FAWN: No one has ever fixed a situation by making themselves feel worse. No one has ever fixed a situation [00:04:50] FAWN: by making themselves feel worse. So yes, a mistake happened, a fumble, will it make things better By beating yourself up, making yourself feel terrible, instead just like, let's move forward. Let's move forward. But how can we, sometimes we can't. We're like, how are we gonna fix this situation? What are we gonna do? [00:05:20] FAWN: And in that case, We take you all the way to Iceland. Iceland. Everybody, they have a motto. Their country has a motto. Unofficial. [00:05:34] MATT: Is it unofficial? It is unofficial, but everybody [00:05:37] FAWN: says it. It's an Icelandic phrase and it means it will all work out. It will all work out okay. No matter how big the problem, no matter how big the problem a solution, a solution will always present itself. [00:05:58] FAWN: It will fix itself. So here's the phrase, please bear with me. Icelanders [00:06:04] FAWN: “þetta reddast” “þetta reddast” okay. Am I pronouncing it? I have no idea. I think I'm pronouncing it kind of close, guys, but Iceland has it down, I mean, I guess they have gone through amazing hardship, it's tough terrain. At any moment there could be an explosion of volcanoes and Right, their, their weather is harsh. [00:06:33] MATT: Well, do you even know why it's called Iceland? [00:06:37] FAWN: Because it's icy, [00:06:38] MATT: it's messed up. So way back when, different Viking groups were actually immigrating and you had your choice, you could either go to Greenland or Iceland. And they were called Greenland in Iceland. And as it turns out, Greenland is a lot less green than Iceland. [00:06:58] MATT: Mm-hmm. So you had to be a little tweaked in your head to pick Iceland over a Greenland to begin with. So you start with this population of people who were a little nutty. [00:07:10] FAWN: Where'd you find this information at? Just [00:07:12] MATT: common knowledge. Common knowledge. I actually learned this in, uh, world history class to be honest. [00:07:18] FAWN: Really? Mm-hmm. But you know [00:07:21] MATT: who's to say if that's actually accurate. Thank you. That's what I was taught. And so like the people who, the original people who went to Iceland were people who chose not to go to Greenland. [00:07:34] FAWN: And those were your people really, right? Vikings. Vikings right? Yes. Yes. Matt, for those of you who have never seen Matt, he's very tall. [00:07:44] FAWN: He looks like Sasquatch. Oh, thanks [00:07:46] MATT: babe. [00:07:49] FAWN: He looks very Viking. He's a Viking. God, don't mess with him. Anyway, so, and I'm like a chihuahua. And we had kids. Pregnancy for me was something else. Guys so big. My stomach was so big in my tiny frame Anyway, hello. So no matter how big the problem, don't worry about it. [00:08:19] FAWN: It'll, it'll fix itself. Just, uh, it kind of reminds me of when you're swimming in the ocean and you get caught in, What's it called? The A riptide. A riptide. Don't fight it. And we can also go back to martial arts. The more you fight, the more energy you lose and you just lose period. So you have to be flexy, you have to surrender and just go with the flow. [00:08:50] FAWN: And the flow will take you to safety. How would you explain that in martial arts? [00:08:56] MATT: Well, martial arts puts you in conflict and so Aikido teaches us not to be in conflict but to harmonize. And when you harmonize and the other person doesn't realize what's happening, so it is going with the flow, going with their flow, letting them lead. [00:09:11] MATT: It's almost like a dance. Mm-hmm. And at the key crucial point, you extend their move and then they fall or they get hurt or et cetera, et [00:09:19] FAWN: cetera. It's like there's a big fist coming at you and obviously you're, you're going in the opposite direction. So if the fist hits you, it's a collision, right? [00:09:30] FAWN: So what you do is you immediately turn yourself towards where the fist is moving. So you go with the flow of the fist, right? You, I mean, you step out of the way. Mm-hmm. But you go with that flow and that allows you to maneuver. [00:09:45] MATT: Right? Right. Exactly. And, and, and, or sometimes you actually move closer into something because. [00:09:55] MATT: There's no power, et cetera, et cetera. But honestly, I think the Iceland saying, and I think why it's so prevalent there and is because a, yes, it is a landscape that's constantly changing, but also I think they get positive reinforcement because as your mind goes, as, as your body goes where your mind leads, mm-hmm. [00:10:17] MATT: If you truly believe that everything's gonna work out okay. Guess what? Things are a lot more likely to work out for you. Right? [00:10:25] FAWN: Right. And you know what? Let's just have a good time. Things are, what's the word? Haywire? Haywire, hectic. I wonder what haywire actually means. I don't know. But yeah. W what else can you do? [00:10:41] FAWN: Like last episode we talked about things, uh, becoming. Going into the realm of the absurd, right? Right. When things happen, you're like, wow, everything is absurd. What are you gonna do? [00:10:55] MATT: Stand back and watch. [00:10:56] FAWN: And this is where the Kat Williams thing comes out. Remember? Like he would say when, like let's say you're totally broke, you can't even pay the electricity bill. [00:11:08] FAWN: You have no electricity, no light. He says, F it. I'm just gonna light. In his case, he was saying a joint and enjoy his candlelight. Right. But so let's just, let's just focus on that. I mean, it's in, it's interesting because, yeah, I think I was trying to fix so many things, you know? Mm-hmm. And I was getting really stressed out and it's interesting how many ways this one message came the past week. [00:11:42] FAWN: And I think that if I'm getting a message, you are getting the message like I'm supposed to also pass it along to you because I feel like whatever I talk about, a lot of our friends are like, oh my God, I was feeling the same thing. So if I could relay that message, don't worry. It's gonna be okay. Everything will work itself out. [00:12:06] FAWN: Don't bother yourself. Don't make yourself feel worse. Just, um, just maybe just sit down or step back or take, just take a breath and relax. Go with the flow, I'm also thinking about money, right? When things get to the absurd level with money, especially like paying bills and. Oh my God. [00:12:33] FAWN: Like this breaks down. You have to do that. Or, oh, this major repair for the house. How are we gonna pay for all that? Matt and I have a thing, so you could do the Fawn and Matt approach, which is when things happen and you have to plunk a lot of cash down that you may not even have. What do we say, Matt? We always say it's a good thing we're rich. [00:13:01] FAWN: Even though we're not, but we say that it's a good thing we're rich. And it's funny cuz it always makes us laugh because it's just absurdity, right? Mm-hmm. But we keep saying that, but it always kind of uplifts us, doesn't it, Matt? It does. Don't you feel like, yeah. As soon as you say it, you're like, yeah, thank God it's a good thing [00:13:22] FAWN: we're rich, so the car breaks down. It's a good thing we're rich. The house needs to be fixed. It's a good thing we're rich. Someone screws you over. It's a good thing we're rich. So that's it. A short little episode for today. Anything you wanna add [00:13:41] MATT: that sums it up. Again, I think life follows intention and if your intention is the belief that everything's gonna work out, then it will. [00:13:52] FAWN: Don't worry. Be happy. And [00:13:58] FAWN: “þetta reddast” [00:14:04] MATT: apologies to all our [00:14:05] FAWN: Iceland fans. Sorry, Iceland. But thank you. But respect. Yeah, major respect to you, Iceland. Thank you. You are a beautiful country. Thank you for this beautiful motto. I'm going to take it. I'm going to use it. Thank you very much. It will all work out. No matter how big the problem, a solution will always present itself. [00:14:32] FAWN: It will fix itself. Don't worry about it. Look for joy. All right, love you guys. Talk to you soon. Bye. Be well.

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