The Auger

February 27, 2023 00:26:31
The Auger
Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt - Friendship Tools
The Auger

Feb 27 2023 | 00:26:31


Hosted By

Fawn Anderson

Show Notes

Today's topic is having anxiety about the future. Let's fix our mental and physical posture. Are we looking at the future that's not good but we're forced to pursue? This brings us to the one word for the podcast episode today, which is Auger. What does it mean and how can it help shape our fate?

Are we truly hopeful about the future? Are we OK with the direction that life is taking? It's about where are we going or not going. Is something happening too fast? Is something changing in your life that doesn't feel right? How many of us are feeling these things, and what can we do about it?

Sometimes the future doesn't seem so great, especially when we rely on mass behavior, mass consciousness behavior, and the pack mentality. It seems to go towards a fearful area, which never bodes well. So what can we do? 

     Have you noticed that in history, things could be really, really rough, but there are people who can find ways to laugh, find ways to appreciate and find ways to enjoy life? That's where friendship comes in. Even going to a coffee shop or going somewhere that is peaceful and nourishing where people congregate and ask for the nourishment in that. Living and enjoying within the precise moment being completely in the now completely.

Thought Exercise: At this moment are you warm enough? At the moment are you not safe? In this precise moment are you not surrounded by love? No matter how dire the situation, if you can bring it to that moment, you're still alive and you're still breathing. There is still hope, there is still peace with you. So, Thinking about that and if you can get yourself a cup of coffee or a cup of tea, that calms and soothes you. Can you relish in that and with the company of someone else? Can you try to think of things that are funny?

     Let's look at the future in a positive way, because we're going to create it to be that way. We're not going to listen to the doom that's been prognosticated. We're gonna create a better future. We're gonna hang out with some cool people. We're gonna find them if we don't have them, we're gonna seek them out and find them, because trust me, they're out there looking for us. And we're going to laugh in the face of doom and gloom and create a better future together. And that is true art right there, friends!

     Inside of all of us, there are two wolves. There is the Wolf of Hope and the Wolf of Fear. Which one are you gonna feed?

     Find people out there. You are always surrounded by people that are your friends. They're also looking for you, and all you have to do is just say hello or look at them longer than you normally would, and when they notice you looking at them, share your heart with a genuine smile. I emphasize the word genuine. Let it come from your heart, from the way you're feeling. So it may not be a happy smile, but if it's a genuine smile, the smile could convey, yes, you're in pain, but you're, you're very happy to be in the presence of this other human being. And that is the spark of friendship right there.

REMEMBER: No fate, but what we make.

Pick up a free copy of Fawn's workbook on making friends:


#ZenStories, #aPositiveAttitudeTowardsLife, #NoFateButWhatWeMake, #Auger, #TwoWolves, #TheArtOfFriendship, #OurFriendlyWorldWithFawnAndMattPodcast, #ArtOfFriendship, #PickingUpOnMassConsciousness,


[00:00:00] FAWN: Welcome back everybody. Hello, .

[00:00:05] MATT: What? That's how I always enter

[00:00:06] FAWN: the show. Uh, you sound like a parrot. That's all you say is Hello. Hello? Hello . Hello. My friends used to say that when something was wrong, or when something was just askew. Hello. Hello, hello.

[00:00:21] MATT: Well, and oftentimes if you get into an argument with somebody, and they're not saying anything, you'll say hello, because that's like hello.

[00:00:27] MATT: A

[00:00:27] FAWN: whole, like you need to say something to that. Hello? Yeah. There's a word you can say in different ways though, means so many different things. I guess you can say that with any word, right?

[00:00:36] MATT: Dude.

[00:00:37] FAWN: Or one letter.

[00:00:38] MATT: Dude,

[00:00:39] FAWN: remember the letter A a. . A!, if you say a in an aggravated way, it stops people in their tracks no matter what

[00:00:48] MATT: truth.

[00:00:49] FAWN: Today's topic is having anxiety about the future. Do you remember the image I always talk about? It makes me laugh when I look at certain runners, people who are jogging. Some of them, if you look, actually, I wanna say half of them. I look at them and I start laughing because, Their upper half of their body is leaning backwards.

[00:01:12] FAWN: I've talked about this before, guys, I'm sorry, but

[00:01:14] MATT: chilling like Bob Dylan,

[00:01:16] FAWN: no upper half of the body is leaning back and their face is like, oh, no, no. It's like they're in a car going somewhere they don't wanna go. , but their legs are forced to run fast, so their legs are like going fast. But if you look at their upper half, it doesn't tell the story of I'm enjoying my run and I'm headed for the future in a bright, optimistic fashion.

[00:01:42] MATT: So not an inspirational poster.

[00:01:45] FAWN: It's an inspirational poster to fix your posture, , to fix your mental and physical posture. Because why are you forcing yourself to do something you don't wanna do? And are you looking at the future in a way that's not comfortable, but you're forced to pursue? So you and I got into an argument yesterday.

[00:02:10] FAWN: Do you remember what it. It was a brief argument.

[00:02:15] MATT: Okay. No, I don't

[00:02:16] FAWN: You don't remember ?

[00:02:18] MATT: Oh dear. This

[00:02:18] MATT: is gonna be bad.

[00:02:19] FAWN: All right. So I chose not to listen or look at the tv. God,

[00:02:22] MATT: that's right.

[00:02:24] FAWN: Right. I was listening to the radio right. And I was listening to it for a few hours while I was in the kitchen.

[00:02:33] FAWN: Mm-hmm. . And it was, it was all really loud. I, I wanted it that way because, . I really love music, but I'm, I'm, I'm a special breed when it comes to music because if I don't, if I'm not vibing, it literally is torture for me to listen to certain things. ie Matt's music sometimes.

[00:02:56] MATT: Always like Matt's music.

[00:02:58] FAWN: No, he says that all the time.

[00:02:59] FAWN: It's not true. I actually love Matt's music, but Matt wakes up five hours before I do. He usually wakes up when I'm going to bed . And so when I come around and we're going somewhere together, it's within 30 minutes of me having woken up if I'm, if I hadn't meditated and we're in the car and he's blaring his European, um, what kind of metal?

[00:03:24] FAWN: Is it European?

[00:03:25] MATT: European Prague Or Power Metal.

[00:03:28] FAWN: Power metal. You guys, it is, it makes me crazy. Makes me feel violent. My goodness. Because I'm not ready for it. I just, I just started the day. But that's the whole power. Power. You're five hours, you're

[00:03:39] MATT: never ready for it. That's why it's so brilliant. Okay.

[00:03:42] FAWN: It disturbs.

[00:03:43] FAWN: It's, it's, It, it angrifies me . So I was listening to the radio for a few hours, I listened to this one particular station that was, I guess, what was it like, rock.

[00:03:58] MATT: It was, it was album oriented rock from the seventies, eighties and nineties. Also

[00:04:02] FAWN: the sixties actually. So I listened to things from the sixties, seventies, and eighties and nineties, a whole range

[00:04:10] FAWN: Okay, so Matt always asks me, why are you looking at this TV right now? Because first of all, we have that movie. So why are you watching that movie on tv? Meaning it's aired on television, which means it has commercials and stuff like that. And the only explanation I can give is I'm literally picking up on what's going on in the world.

[00:04:33] FAWN: I feel like I'm picking up on mass consciousness. I'm getting messages from the tv. Mm-hmm. . And it's not like anything that's said or anything that's shown, I feel certain things. It's just my way of seeing. It's my crystal ball in a way. It's an intuitive, it's something that's happened since I was a little kid.

[00:04:55] FAWN: And so yesterday I used the radio for the same purpose. I'm like, let me see what's going on. and Matt every, and you guys, every song was Total Doomsday and it, that's what I was picking up. I'm not saying that they curated the music to be that, but I'm like, wow, this is what the population is listening to

[00:05:22] FAWN: and. It

[00:05:24] MATT: and you said, wow, all these songs are really depressing.

[00:05:27] FAWN: They were depressing, they were scary. It was all about, I felt the end of the world. I felt like not hope for the future. Things are really messed up. Things are scary, things are not right. Um, like end of the days kind of feeling. Mm-hmm.

[00:05:47] FAWN: which brings us to the one word for the podcast episode today, which is Auger. Auger. Let me just get into the definitions. It's really helpful when you look at a written definition for you to understand the true meaning of life in a way. So here we go, auger. , an event or circumstance, circum an event or a circumstance, portend a good or a bad outcome. A similar word for auger would be bode, portend, herald, foreshadow, indicate, signify signal, predict prognosticate. You get the picture. The noun comes from in ancient Rome, guys, remember we talked about the blue jay a few episodes back,

[00:06:45] FAWN: a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, Interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action. A similar word would be seer, soothsayer, clairvoyant. You get the point. To auger is to predict or indicate. Auger means to be a sign or omen of something, to say that an event or occurance

[00:07:19] FAWN: augers well for the future means that it is a sign or promise of good things to come. And that's what I wanna focus on today. The good things to come because I believe, yes, there's a lot happening right now. There is so much anxiety. The conversations that I've been listening to in various different formats, whether it's what I've noticed in, places that things are broadcasted, like movies, television, news, radio, songs that are created, conversations, I'm listening to at the coffee shops, it seems like there's so much anxiety about the future.

[00:07:59] FAWN: And that's why I started talking about the runner. It's like, uh, I don't wanna go. Are we truly hopeful about the future? And I feel like for the most part, no. And I feel like since the year began let's just take a look at our friends circle.

[00:08:15] FAWN: There has been, major surgeries. People moving all of a sudden fights in the family. Lots of people got covid. Just like bizarre things happening.

[00:08:25] MATT: In my circle. Yes. Uh, the great divorces, tech layoff has affected one or two people in my circle.

[00:08:32] FAWN: Oh my goodness.

[00:08:33] FAWN: And in the world, thousands and thousands of tech layoffs. Right. So there's a. Unrest. Yes. So,

[00:08:42] MATT: yes, and in point of fact, there was a once in a generation storm that hit the Northeast. Oh yeah. You know, the weather itself is, I mean, we're just breaking records left and right. Well, I

[00:08:54] FAWN: mean, You know, they're, they're flooding in California.

[00:08:57] FAWN: I mean, there are certain people that we've been talking to who refuse climate change

[00:09:03] MATT: snow in Texas,

[00:09:05] FAWN: , I don't know how to say this, it feels like, and it looks like everything's really messed up. And what does this have to do with friendship? . What does this have to do with, I'm gonna bring it back.

[00:09:17] FAWN: This, this has to do with the art of friendship . I have a solution so bear with me .

[00:09:24] FAWN: Matt, is the person who brought the word auger to me, and I thought it was ogre, and I thought what? He was just pronouncing it differently. But if I take auger and I bring it to ogre, , which is a mean, it's like a fairytale like mean, ugly monster who eats people

[00:09:44] MATT: very big, very strong.

[00:09:46] FAWN: It kind of makes sense, right to the auger, it's augering events in the future it's like , we are seeing the future as not so great. Perhaps it's like an ogre situation.

[00:09:59] FAWN: The whole having anxiety about the future. the fear and doom, the way people are behaving.

[00:10:06] FAWN: I've been having extreme pain in my foot. I looked up the spiritual reason for this particular pain that I've been having. And it's about the direction that life is taking. It's about where are we going or not going. Is something happening too fast?

[00:10:26] FAWN: Is something changing in your life that doesn't feel right? How many of us are feeling these things, and what can we do about it? This comes into play with the art of friendship, loneliness, all of that. What can we do about it? So yeah, the future doesn't seem so great, especially when we rely on mass behavior, mass consciousness behavior, the pack mentality. It seems to go towards a fearful area, which never bodes well. So what can we do? Have you ever noticed certain people in times of insecurity, when you hear a mother suddenly humm and baking a cake or humming and just doing something in the kitchen; for me that, that sounds, not that I ever heard that really in my life, but I do it.

[00:11:23] FAWN: When I think about it, it makes me feel calm. It makes me feel like all is well, the humming sound or the sound of birds chirping, and especially the sound of people laughing. , Laughing in a happy way, laughing from enjoyment. And how many people have you noticed it could have been in a movie even it doesn't matter. But have you noticed that in history, things could be really, really rough. But there are people who can find ways to laugh, find ways to appreciate and find ways to enjoy life, and that's where the friendship comes in.

[00:12:05] FAWN: Even going to a coffee shop or going somewhere that is peaceful and nourishing where people congregate and asking for the nourishment in that. Living and enjoying within the precise moment being completely in the now completely. There was a time that I was in major trouble.

[00:12:30] FAWN: I had a crazy stalker after me. and, um, I was on a photo shoot that morning. I hadn't slept. It was a traumatic time and I, I told you guys this story before, but basically the gist of it was that I was standing in front of my friend who was on the photo shoot with me, who was the director, and she kept asking me, in these words, child of God, are you happy?

[00:12:57] FAWN: I'm like, what? , are you insane? Because she knew what was happening. , she knew what was happening. Right. Everyone was on alert. Right? The whole building was pretty much on kind of a lockdown situation. Mm-hmm. . And so she's like, are you happy right now? I'm like, no, I'm not happy. And so she kept asking me and every time she asked me, she had me be completely in the moment.

[00:13:23] FAWN: In the moment. Are you warm? In the moment are you not safe? In this precise moment are you not surrounded by love? No matter how dire the situation, if you can bring it to that moment, you're still alive and you're still breathing. There is still hope, there is still peace with you. So, Thinking about that and if you can get yourself a cup of coffee or a cup of tea, that calms and soothes you. Can you relish in that and with the company of someone else? Can you try to think of things that are funny?

[00:14:02] FAWN: When I first met, It was not a funny time in my life. I met Matt when I was having trouble at a job. It was horrible. And after work I would go to Aikido in tears. So, and that's where I met Matt, was in the Aikido school.

[00:14:19] FAWN: And what would you say to me, Matt? You were talking about absurdity when life gets absurd, you had a saying, well,

[00:14:28] MATT: it was the gist of it was when life becomes that absurd, you can't help but laugh and just go with it because the world is gonna buffet you, wherever it's gonna buffet.

[00:14:41] MATT: You

[00:14:42] FAWN: might as well have a good time.

[00:14:43] MATT: You might as well understand that it's ludicrous, right?

[00:14:49] FAWN: Once you acknowledge. Is ludicrousity a word?

[00:14:52] FAWN: It

[00:14:52] MATT: is now .

[00:14:55] FAWN: Once you acknowledge that everything feels better and you're able to move forward and you become a runner that is running towards the future, leaning into it with total, badassness like, yeah, come on, let's go, let's go.

[00:15:14] FAWN: Let's look at the future in a positive way, because we're going to create it to be that way. We're not going to listen to the doom that's been prognosticate. We're gonna create a better future. We're gonna hang out with some cool people. We're gonna find them if we don't have them, we're gonna seek them out and find them, because trust me, they're out there looking for us.

[00:15:37] FAWN: And we're going to laugh in the face of doom and gloom and create a better future together. And that is true art right there, friends! And that is the art of friendship. And that's my message for today.

[00:15:54] MATT: There's actually, there are many Zen stories. One's zen story that I remember the first time I ever witnessed it.

[00:16:01] MATT: It was in a American cartoon, believe it, or. , but it concerns this guy who gets chased by a tiger off a cliff. He grabs onto a branch daunting depth beneath him. Okay? And then on the side of the cliff, so the tiger's on top of the cliff growling and like if he goes up, he's done right. There's a catastrophic fall underneath.

[00:16:28] MATT: And there's a little tiny little vine and a strawberry on the end of it. I swear to God. and the zen story is, or the story tells us that the man picks the strawberry and eats it, and it was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted. Roll credits, . I kid you not. and zen stories are meant to be unpacked, right?

[00:16:57] MATT: you know, it's, it's, it is and isn't what it seems, but it means that enjoy the moment, whatever that moment is,

[00:17:07] FAWN: and that strawberry could give you the life force to defeat the tiger, to, to go a different way, like to climb sideways. Maybe don't fall down, don't go up, but climb sideways. Anything. Find some, you know, some other way, wherever the strawberry came from.

[00:17:24] MATT: And again, the things that are interesting is when I, I remember speaking with a friend about this, but one of the many, singers I'm fond of in the metal arenas, very versatile. He's a pilot. He's was on the fencing team for his country. He's a great singer, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

[00:17:41] MATT: And I've lately been less enthused with him. , but he had cancer and it was amazing. Like I looked over at the guy and he's like, yeah, it's in remission. And I was, I was like, of course it is. Because it was never in doubt that it would be, he's got such a positive attitude towards life. Who is this? The Bruce Dickinson.

[00:18:00] MATT: Okay. . And then I actually recently Flo out Flo, Floor Jansen, who's, Ooh, the best female singer, period. Alive today. Oh, I said it. She had cancer as well. She beat it again, positive attitude cuz she has a very positive attitude too. So it's, you know, it's about, a lot of, it's about attitude. A lot of it's about, you know, there , there's a million pithy sayings.

[00:18:27] MATT: Of course, inside of all of us, there are two wolves. There is the Wolf of Hope and the Wolf of Fear. Which one are you gonna feed?

[00:18:37] FAWN: And we can say that coming from personal experience and Matt's done this, do you mind if I say sort of, sort of, sort of, there was a point where Matt was in the hospital and they basically were like, that's it, and Matt beat it.

[00:19:00] FAWN: and you said you throughout the whole process, you didn't doubt

[00:19:08] MATT: Not for a second,

[00:19:09] FAWN: not for a second. And I remember there was one point at the height of it where they were like rushing around and they, they were taking you into surgery for like the second. and it looked really crazy bad. And they told me, whatever they told me, I just looked at you.

[00:19:33] FAWN: It's like something took over me and my voice and I looked at you. I said, you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay.

[00:19:44] FAWN: And you were, I mean, by some miracle, like it was such a, a miracle that today I still feel like. , did it actually happen or did I collapse into some sort of delirium over losing you that I'm living this dream life where we're living together? Do you know what I'm saying? The, the, the impact of that, that moment.

[00:20:08] FAWN: Mm-hmm. was so scary that it's changed me forever.

[00:20:15] MATT: I get it. However, if you were living that dream life, I probably wouldn't piss you off so much.

[00:20:24] FAWN: Okay, so , so I, I, I bring this up just to say that we're, we're speaking from personal experience and it is a mindset. And if you have trouble with that mindset, lean on us. Find people out there. And like I said, you are always surrounded by them. You are always surrounded by people that are your friends.

[00:20:54] FAWN: They're also looking for you, and all you have to do is just say hello or look at them longer than you normally would, and when they notice you looking at them, share your heart with a genuine smile. I emphasize the word genuine. Let it come from your heart, from the way you're you're feeling. So it may not be as happy smile, but if it's a genuine smile, the smile could convey, yes, you're in pain, but you're, you're very happy to be in the presence of this other human being.

[00:21:31] FAWN: And that is the spark of friendship right there. Am I wrong? You're right anything you wanna add to that? Matt, you, you had a different definition for auger.

[00:21:43] MATT: Well, an augur, nevermind. It's not with eu, it's with an ee. So it's it, it all gets

[00:21:47] FAWN: tricky. So many spellings, so many different things. Language is very holy.

[00:21:54] FAWN: Language is holy. Yes.

[00:21:55] MATT: Well, it goes through evolutions. If, if we all spoke the same language, that was exactly the way it was spoken 2000 years ago, you know, there'd be a lot less, whatever, 10,000 years ago, whatever it is, there'd be a lot less kind of confusion about it really, you know, really you think?

[00:22:16] MATT: except for we would do things like we'd call computers. They'd have a very long name.

[00:22:21] FAWN: Well be coming from the culture I come from, you know, I've been speaking with some friends that also speak the language that I was born speaking. Mm-hmm. , there are so many words that you cannot translate into English.

[00:22:35] FAWN: Right. They're always, there's really frustra. . It's really frustrating because in one word you would probably need three sentences in English to describe that one word. Yes. And there are certain words that just don't even exist in other languages. It's just, um,

[00:22:50] FAWN: and

[00:22:50] MATT: vice versa. Yes.

[00:22:52] FAWN: So the only thing we can depend on is the language of the heart, which is emotion.

[00:22:58] FAWN: Right. And you can do that in total silence, like I said. Smiling. You know, there's one way through looking at each other in the eyes. But what do you do when you're blind? You can still feel it. You can feel the energetic field and all the information that's in there. You can feel it. Matt is looking weird right now.

[00:23:23] FAWN: What's that look for? Nothing in particular. Am I being too

[00:23:27] MATT: hippy? No, I was just thinking about my God. So when I was in high school, just to completely diffuse what you were saying, which is terrible and I shouldn't do this, but we were literally taught, I was in Spanish class and we were literally taught the brown was Color de cafe, which is the color of coffee as opposed to maron, which is another way of speaking it.

[00:23:49] MATT: But anyways, I'm sorry.

[00:23:51] FAWN: We'll have no idea what what I was saying, but that's it. Do you have anything else to add? Every time we're done with a podcast episode and I press the stop button, he's like, but you didn't give me a chance to say this.

[00:24:02] MATT: That's right.

[00:24:03] FAWN: So what is it now?

[00:24:04] MATT: Nothing.

[00:24:05] FAWN: What? Just, you always say

[00:24:06] MATT: that.

[00:24:07] MATT: Okay. So I've been through literally everything that you had in mind, except my quote for Terminator two. What? No fate, but what we make.

[00:24:17] FAWN: All right,

[00:24:22] MATT: I have no idea how I was gonna squeeze that

[00:24:23] FAWN: one in. And, and that's it. It's like, please, let's stop having the pack mentality of doom and gloom. And if everyone else is like, oh, terribleness, let's just start a party. and. and we, I, I do believe that that kind of thing can transform where we're headed and where we're headed is a peaceful, loving, fun time, a clean time where the earth is, well taken care of, that all human beings, all living beings are taken care of, that everything is love that everything is copacetic, . Anyway, love you guys. Thanks for listening. That's it for today. I think. Reach out to us and talk to me or to Matt and you know how to do that, just go to our website, our Friendly World. What is it again, Matt ,

[00:25:23] MATT:

[00:25:26] FAWN: I think so. . Oh dear. Anyway, it's in the link below. Sorry we just had so many. We've had so many websites. Okay. Talk to you guys later. Thank you for listening. Be well. Bye.

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Episode Transcript

The Auger - TRANSCRIPT [00:00:00] FAWN: Welcome back everybody. Hello, . [00:00:05] MATT: What? That's how I always enter [00:00:06] FAWN: the show. Uh, you sound like a parrot. That's all you say is Hello. Hello? Hello . Hello. My friends used to say that when something was wrong, or when something was just askew. Hello. Hello, hello. [00:00:21] MATT: Well, and oftentimes if you get into an argument with somebody, and they're not saying anything, you'll say hello, because that's like hello. [00:00:27] MATT: A [00:00:27] FAWN: whole, like you need to say something to that. Hello? Yeah. There's a word you can say in different ways though, means so many different things. I guess you can say that with any word, right? [00:00:36] MATT: Dude. [00:00:37] FAWN: Or one letter. [00:00:38] MATT: Dude, [00:00:39] FAWN: remember the letter A a. . A!, if you say a in an aggravated way, it stops people in their tracks no matter what [00:00:48] MATT: truth. [00:00:49] FAWN: Today's topic is having anxiety about the future. Do you remember the image I always talk about? It makes me laugh when I look at certain runners, people who are jogging. Some of them, if you look, actually, I wanna say half of them. I look at them and I start laughing because, Their upper half of their body is leaning backwards. [00:01:12] FAWN: I've talked about this before, guys, I'm sorry, but [00:01:14] MATT: chilling like Bob Dylan, [00:01:16] FAWN: no upper half of the body is leaning back and their face is like, oh, no, no. It's like they're in a car going somewhere they don't wanna go. , but their legs are forced to run fast, so their legs are like going fast. But if you look at their upper half, it doesn't tell the story of I'm enjoying my run and I'm headed for the future in a bright, optimistic fashion. [00:01:42] MATT: So not an inspirational poster. [00:01:45] FAWN: It's an inspirational poster to fix your posture, , to fix your mental and physical posture. Because why are you forcing yourself to do something you don't wanna do? And are you looking at the future in a way that's not comfortable, but you're forced to pursue? So you and I got into an argument yesterday. [00:02:10] FAWN: Do you remember what it. It was a brief argument. [00:02:15] MATT: Okay. No, I don't [00:02:16] FAWN: You don't remember ? [00:02:18] MATT: Oh dear. This [00:02:18] MATT: is gonna be bad. [00:02:19] FAWN: All right. So I chose not to listen or look at the tv. God, [00:02:22] MATT: that's right. [00:02:24] FAWN: Right. I was listening to the radio right. And I was listening to it for a few hours while I was in the kitchen. [00:02:33] FAWN: Mm-hmm. . And it was, it was all really loud. I, I wanted it that way because, . I really love music, but I'm, I'm, I'm a special breed when it comes to music because if I don't, if I'm not vibing, it literally is torture for me to listen to certain things. ie Matt's music sometimes. [00:02:56] MATT: Always like Matt's music. [00:02:58] FAWN: No, he says that all the time. [00:02:59] FAWN: It's not true. I actually love Matt's music, but Matt wakes up five hours before I do. He usually wakes up when I'm going to bed . And so when I come around and we're going somewhere together, it's within 30 minutes of me having woken up if I'm, if I hadn't meditated and we're in the car and he's blaring his European, um, what kind of metal? [00:03:24] FAWN: Is it European? [00:03:25] MATT: European Prague Or Power Metal. [00:03:28] FAWN: Power metal. You guys, it is, it makes me crazy. Makes me feel violent. My goodness. Because I'm not ready for it. I just, I just started the day. But that's the whole power. Power. You're five hours, you're [00:03:39] MATT: never ready for it. That's why it's so brilliant. Okay. [00:03:42] FAWN: It disturbs. [00:03:43] FAWN: It's, it's, It, it angrifies me . So I was listening to the radio for a few hours, I listened to this one particular station that was, I guess, what was it like, rock. [00:03:58] MATT: It was, it was album oriented rock from the seventies, eighties and nineties. Also [00:04:02] FAWN: the sixties actually. So I listened to things from the sixties, seventies, and eighties and nineties, a whole range [00:04:10] FAWN: Okay, so Matt always asks me, why are you looking at this TV right now? Because first of all, we have that movie. So why are you watching that movie on tv? Meaning it's aired on television, which means it has commercials and stuff like that. And the only explanation I can give is I'm literally picking up on what's going on in the world. [00:04:33] FAWN: I feel like I'm picking up on mass consciousness. I'm getting messages from the tv. Mm-hmm. . And it's not like anything that's said or anything that's shown, I feel certain things. It's just my way of seeing. It's my crystal ball in a way. It's an intuitive, it's something that's happened since I was a little kid. [00:04:55] FAWN: And so yesterday I used the radio for the same purpose. I'm like, let me see what's going on. and Matt every, and you guys, every song was Total Doomsday and it, that's what I was picking up. I'm not saying that they curated the music to be that, but I'm like, wow, this is what the population is listening to [00:05:22] FAWN: and. It [00:05:24] MATT: and you said, wow, all these songs are really depressing. [00:05:27] FAWN: They were depressing, they were scary. It was all about, I felt the end of the world. I felt like not hope for the future. Things are really messed up. Things are scary, things are not right. Um, like end of the days kind of feeling. Mm-hmm. [00:05:47] FAWN: which brings us to the one word for the podcast episode today, which is Auger. Auger. Let me just get into the definitions. It's really helpful when you look at a written definition for you to understand the true meaning of life in a way. So here we go, auger. , an event or circumstance, circum an event or a circumstance, portend a good or a bad outcome. A similar word for auger would be bode, portend, herald, foreshadow, indicate, signify signal, predict prognosticate. You get the picture. The noun comes from in ancient Rome, guys, remember we talked about the blue jay a few episodes back, [00:06:45] FAWN: a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, Interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action. A similar word would be seer, soothsayer, clairvoyant. You get the point. To auger is to predict or indicate. Auger means to be a sign or omen of something, to say that an event or occurance [00:07:19] FAWN: augers well for the future means that it is a sign or promise of good things to come. And that's what I wanna focus on today. The good things to come because I believe, yes, there's a lot happening right now. There is so much anxiety. The conversations that I've been listening to in various different formats, whether it's what I've noticed in, places that things are broadcasted, like movies, television, news, radio, songs that are created, conversations, I'm listening to at the coffee shops, it seems like there's so much anxiety about the future. [00:07:59] FAWN: And that's why I started talking about the runner. It's like, uh, I don't wanna go. Are we truly hopeful about the future? And I feel like for the most part, no. And I feel like since the year began let's just take a look at our friends circle. [00:08:15] FAWN: There has been, major surgeries. People moving all of a sudden fights in the family. Lots of people got covid. Just like bizarre things happening. [00:08:25] MATT: In my circle. Yes. Uh, the great divorces, tech layoff has affected one or two people in my circle. [00:08:32] FAWN: Oh my goodness. [00:08:33] FAWN: And in the world, thousands and thousands of tech layoffs. Right. So there's a. Unrest. Yes. So, [00:08:42] MATT: yes, and in point of fact, there was a once in a generation storm that hit the Northeast. Oh yeah. You know, the weather itself is, I mean, we're just breaking records left and right. Well, I [00:08:54] FAWN: mean, You know, they're, they're flooding in California. [00:08:57] FAWN: I mean, there are certain people that we've been talking to who refuse climate change [00:09:03] MATT: snow in Texas, [00:09:05] FAWN: , I don't know how to say this, it feels like, and it looks like everything's really messed up. And what does this have to do with friendship? . What does this have to do with, I'm gonna bring it back. [00:09:17] FAWN: This, this has to do with the art of friendship . I have a solution so bear with me . [00:09:24] FAWN: Matt, is the person who brought the word auger to me, and I thought it was ogre, and I thought what? He was just pronouncing it differently. But if I take auger and I bring it to ogre, , which is a mean, it's like a fairytale like mean, ugly monster who eats people [00:09:44] MATT: very big, very strong. [00:09:46] FAWN: It kind of makes sense, right to the auger, it's augering events in the future it's like , we are seeing the future as not so great. Perhaps it's like an ogre situation. [00:09:59] FAWN: The whole having anxiety about the future. the fear and doom, the way people are behaving. [00:10:06] FAWN: I've been having extreme pain in my foot. I looked up the spiritual reason for this particular pain that I've been having. And it's about the direction that life is taking. It's about where are we going or not going. Is something happening too fast? [00:10:26] FAWN: Is something changing in your life that doesn't feel right? How many of us are feeling these things, and what can we do about it? This comes into play with the art of friendship, loneliness, all of that. What can we do about it? So yeah, the future doesn't seem so great, especially when we rely on mass behavior, mass consciousness behavior, the pack mentality. It seems to go towards a fearful area, which never bodes well. So what can we do? Have you ever noticed certain people in times of insecurity, when you hear a mother suddenly humm and baking a cake or humming and just doing something in the kitchen; for me that, that sounds, not that I ever heard that really in my life, but I do it. [00:11:23] FAWN: When I think about it, it makes me feel calm. It makes me feel like all is well, the humming sound or the sound of birds chirping, and especially the sound of people laughing. , Laughing in a happy way, laughing from enjoyment. And how many people have you noticed it could have been in a movie even it doesn't matter. But have you noticed that in history, things could be really, really rough. But there are people who can find ways to laugh, find ways to appreciate and find ways to enjoy life, and that's where the friendship comes in. [00:12:05] FAWN: Even going to a coffee shop or going somewhere that is peaceful and nourishing where people congregate and asking for the nourishment in that. Living and enjoying within the precise moment being completely in the now completely. There was a time that I was in major trouble. [00:12:30] FAWN: I had a crazy stalker after me. and, um, I was on a photo shoot that morning. I hadn't slept. It was a traumatic time and I, I told you guys this story before, but basically the gist of it was that I was standing in front of my friend who was on the photo shoot with me, who was the director, and she kept asking me, in these words, child of God, are you happy? [00:12:57] FAWN: I'm like, what? , are you insane? Because she knew what was happening. , she knew what was happening. Right. Everyone was on alert. Right? The whole building was pretty much on kind of a lockdown situation. Mm-hmm. . And so she's like, are you happy right now? I'm like, no, I'm not happy. And so she kept asking me and every time she asked me, she had me be completely in the moment. [00:13:23] FAWN: In the moment. Are you warm? In the moment are you not safe? In this precise moment are you not surrounded by love? No matter how dire the situation, if you can bring it to that moment, you're still alive and you're still breathing. There is still hope, there is still peace with you. So, Thinking about that and if you can get yourself a cup of coffee or a cup of tea, that calms and soothes you. Can you relish in that and with the company of someone else? Can you try to think of things that are funny? [00:14:02] FAWN: When I first met, It was not a funny time in my life. I met Matt when I was having trouble at a job. It was horrible. And after work I would go to Aikido in tears. So, and that's where I met Matt, was in the Aikido school. [00:14:19] FAWN: And what would you say to me, Matt? You were talking about absurdity when life gets absurd, you had a saying, well, [00:14:28] MATT: it was the gist of it was when life becomes that absurd, you can't help but laugh and just go with it because the world is gonna buffet you, wherever it's gonna buffet. [00:14:41] MATT: You [00:14:42] FAWN: might as well have a good time. [00:14:43] MATT: You might as well understand that it's ludicrous, right? [00:14:49] FAWN: Once you acknowledge. Is ludicrousity a word? [00:14:52] FAWN: It [00:14:52] MATT: is now . [00:14:55] FAWN: Once you acknowledge that everything feels better and you're able to move forward and you become a runner that is running towards the future, leaning into it with total, badassness like, yeah, come on, let's go, let's go. [00:15:14] FAWN: Let's look at the future in a positive way, because we're going to create it to be that way. We're not going to listen to the doom that's been prognosticate. We're gonna create a better future. We're gonna hang out with some cool people. We're gonna find them if we don't have them, we're gonna seek them out and find them, because trust me, they're out there looking for us. [00:15:37] FAWN: And we're going to laugh in the face of doom and gloom and create a better future together. And that is true art right there, friends! And that is the art of friendship. And that's my message for today. [00:15:54] MATT: There's actually, there are many Zen stories. One's zen story that I remember the first time I ever witnessed it. [00:16:01] MATT: It was in a American cartoon, believe it, or. , but it concerns this guy who gets chased by a tiger off a cliff. He grabs onto a branch daunting depth beneath him. Okay? And then on the side of the cliff, so the tiger's on top of the cliff growling and like if he goes up, he's done right. There's a catastrophic fall underneath. [00:16:28] MATT: And there's a little tiny little vine and a strawberry on the end of it. I swear to God. and the zen story is, or the story tells us that the man picks the strawberry and eats it, and it was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted. Roll credits, . I kid you not. and zen stories are meant to be unpacked, right? [00:16:57] MATT: you know, it's, it's, it is and isn't what it seems, but it means that enjoy the moment, whatever that moment is, [00:17:07] FAWN: and that strawberry could give you the life force to defeat the tiger, to, to go a different way, like to climb sideways. Maybe don't fall down, don't go up, but climb sideways. Anything. Find some, you know, some other way, wherever the strawberry came from. [00:17:24] MATT: And again, the things that are interesting is when I, I remember speaking with a friend about this, but one of the many, singers I'm fond of in the metal arenas, very versatile. He's a pilot. He's was on the fencing team for his country. He's a great singer, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. [00:17:41] MATT: And I've lately been less enthused with him. , but he had cancer and it was amazing. Like I looked over at the guy and he's like, yeah, it's in remission. And I was, I was like, of course it is. Because it was never in doubt that it would be, he's got such a positive attitude towards life. Who is this? The Bruce Dickinson. [00:18:00] MATT: Okay. . And then I actually recently Flo out Flo, Floor Jansen, who's, Ooh, the best female singer, period. Alive today. Oh, I said it. She had cancer as well. She beat it again, positive attitude cuz she has a very positive attitude too. So it's, you know, it's about, a lot of, it's about attitude. A lot of it's about, you know, there , there's a million pithy sayings. [00:18:27] MATT: Of course, inside of all of us, there are two wolves. There is the Wolf of Hope and the Wolf of Fear. Which one are you gonna feed? [00:18:37] FAWN: And we can say that coming from personal experience and Matt's done this, do you mind if I say sort of, sort of, sort of, there was a point where Matt was in the hospital and they basically were like, that's it, and Matt beat it. [00:19:00] FAWN: and you said you throughout the whole process, you didn't doubt [00:19:08] MATT: Not for a second, [00:19:09] FAWN: not for a second. And I remember there was one point at the height of it where they were like rushing around and they, they were taking you into surgery for like the second. and it looked really crazy bad. And they told me, whatever they told me, I just looked at you. [00:19:33] FAWN: It's like something took over me and my voice and I looked at you. I said, you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. [00:19:44] FAWN: And you were, I mean, by some miracle, like it was such a, a miracle that today I still feel like. , did it actually happen or did I collapse into some sort of delirium over losing you that I'm living this dream life where we're living together? Do you know what I'm saying? The, the, the impact of that, that moment. [00:20:08] FAWN: Mm-hmm. was so scary that it's changed me forever. [00:20:15] MATT: I get it. However, if you were living that dream life, I probably wouldn't piss you off so much. [00:20:24] FAWN: Okay, so , so I, I, I bring this up just to say that we're, we're speaking from personal experience and it is a mindset. And if you have trouble with that mindset, lean on us. Find people out there. And like I said, you are always surrounded by them. You are always surrounded by people that are your friends. [00:20:54] FAWN: They're also looking for you, and all you have to do is just say hello or look at them longer than you normally would, and when they notice you looking at them, share your heart with a genuine smile. I emphasize the word genuine. Let it come from your heart, from the way you're you're feeling. So it may not be as happy smile, but if it's a genuine smile, the smile could convey, yes, you're in pain, but you're, you're very happy to be in the presence of this other human being. [00:21:31] FAWN: And that is the spark of friendship right there. Am I wrong? You're right anything you wanna add to that? Matt, you, you had a different definition for auger. [00:21:43] MATT: Well, an augur, nevermind. It's not with eu, it's with an ee. So it's it, it all gets [00:21:47] FAWN: tricky. So many spellings, so many different things. Language is very holy. [00:21:54] FAWN: Language is holy. Yes. [00:21:55] MATT: Well, it goes through evolutions. If, if we all spoke the same language, that was exactly the way it was spoken 2000 years ago, you know, there'd be a lot less, whatever, 10,000 years ago, whatever it is, there'd be a lot less kind of confusion about it really, you know, really you think? [00:22:16] MATT: except for we would do things like we'd call computers. They'd have a very long name. [00:22:21] FAWN: Well be coming from the culture I come from, you know, I've been speaking with some friends that also speak the language that I was born speaking. Mm-hmm. , there are so many words that you cannot translate into English. [00:22:35] FAWN: Right. They're always, there's really frustra. . It's really frustrating because in one word you would probably need three sentences in English to describe that one word. Yes. And there are certain words that just don't even exist in other languages. It's just, um, [00:22:50] FAWN: and [00:22:50] MATT: vice versa. Yes. [00:22:52] FAWN: So the only thing we can depend on is the language of the heart, which is emotion. [00:22:58] FAWN: Right. And you can do that in total silence, like I said. Smiling. You know, there's one way through looking at each other in the eyes. But what do you do when you're blind? You can still feel it. You can feel the energetic field and all the information that's in there. You can feel it. Matt is looking weird right now. [00:23:23] FAWN: What's that look for? Nothing in particular. Am I being too [00:23:27] MATT: hippy? No, I was just thinking about my God. So when I was in high school, just to completely diffuse what you were saying, which is terrible and I shouldn't do this, but we were literally taught, I was in Spanish class and we were literally taught the brown was Color de cafe, which is the color of coffee as opposed to maron, which is another way of speaking it. [00:23:49] MATT: But anyways, I'm sorry. [00:23:51] FAWN: We'll have no idea what what I was saying, but that's it. Do you have anything else to add? Every time we're done with a podcast episode and I press the stop button, he's like, but you didn't give me a chance to say this. [00:24:02] MATT: That's right. [00:24:03] FAWN: So what is it now? [00:24:04] MATT: Nothing. [00:24:05] FAWN: What? Just, you always say [00:24:06] MATT: that. [00:24:07] MATT: Okay. So I've been through literally everything that you had in mind, except my quote for Terminator two. What? No fate, but what we make. [00:24:17] FAWN: All right, [00:24:22] MATT: I have no idea how I was gonna squeeze that [00:24:23] FAWN: one in. And, and that's it. It's like, please, let's stop having the pack mentality of doom and gloom. And if everyone else is like, oh, terribleness, let's just start a party. and. and we, I, I do believe that that kind of thing can transform where we're headed and where we're headed is a peaceful, loving, fun time, a clean time where the earth is, well taken care of, that all human beings, all living beings are taken care of, that everything is love that everything is copacetic, . Anyway, love you guys. Thanks for listening. That's it for today. I think. Reach out to us and talk to me or to Matt and you know how to do that, just go to our website, our Friendly World. What is it again, Matt , [00:25:23] MATT: [00:25:26] FAWN: I think so. . Oh dear. Anyway, it's in the link below. Sorry we just had so many. We've had so many websites. Okay. Talk to you guys later. Thank you for listening. Be well. Bye.

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