Episode Sit Still!
Nugget of wisdom from Santa Monica: Petite Sensei (Francoise Petite)– make yourself at home in the uncomfortableness.
We talk about being comfortable in the many forms being comfortable and uncomfortableness exists. Fawn brings up her friend Eowyn and the subject of being comfortable with money no matter where you sit in the financial realm.
How does being still and not being still; multitasking contribute to loneliness?
How can the alarm clock help you?
Capacity is a big factor in the loneliness epidemic or in people having their relationships fractured. We don't have enough capacity to be able to offer anything to anyone else. When you have so many things vying for your attention, you end up with a piece of over here, a piece of you over there, and you're not there. You’re not present. You're scattered throughout all these other places and tasks. And that's where you are fragmented all over the place. So you're not able to totally be with your kids a hundred percent and not to be there for your friends. So you can't notice that one look that you need to notice that would quite possibly save someone’s life, or a look someone will give in a split second that gives you information. You'll miss out on stuff like that. And that's being distracted. We are distracted from each other.
In this week's podcast episode, Fawn and Matt explore the concept of the "Enchanted Stranger" and how every encounter in life, no matter how...
Could the loneliness epidemic have been rooted initially from the family unit, where we learned how to treat each other? As the family dynamic...
If I can reiterate the whole reason why we're here, it is to prove, to show, that we are not alone. You are not...