We welcome Jason Wallace and Trevor DeSaussure from the podcast, Lyrics and Lattes. And these guys are so lovely, inspiring, upbeat, positive, and so deep. They gift their listeners with wisdom, so many life lessons; provide perfect self-development though breaking down lyrics of hip hop.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lyricsandlattes/
[00:00:00] Fawn: [00:00:00] Hello? Hello. Hello everyone. Welcome to our friendly world. Very special guests today. I am really excited. Listen to this.
" The art of a people is a true mirror to the minds."- Jawaharlal Nehru. Here's another one by Georgia. O'Keeffe: "I found, I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way -things I had no words for." And then Leonardo da Vinci: " Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt. And poetry is painting. That is felt rather than seen. "
Today we have two amazing, amazing men here. And their podcast is just, I think the best podcast I've ever heard.
Matt: [00:00:55] It's a great name. Isn't it?
The podcast is called Lyrics and [00:01:00] Lattes. And these guys are so lovely and so inspiring and so upbeat and so positive and so deep. They have so much wisdom, so many life lessons to help us with, so much self-development, tips from your favorite hip hop songs, they break lyrics down. And it's like, for me, it's like going back to school when I had the most amazing teachers break down Hemingway and, you know, things that kind of like I would read, but they would go over my head and then the, the, the professor would break it down and say, what do you think this person meant by this sentence or this one word?
Or, you know, and, and we would spend hours talking about one sentence and it transformed my entire life. This is what Jason and Trevor do, [00:02:00] Jason Wallace and Trevor DeSaussure Trevor, am I pronouncing your last name? Right? The
Trevor: [00:02:06] first person to ever get that right on the first try.
Fawn: [00:02:11] So everyone friends out there, please help us welcome Jason and Trevor from the podcast Lyrics and Lattes. Ah, it is, I, I am so glad I met you guys. We met at Podfest. They did a presentation and, uh, I, I was flying. I was so I'm still so excited. And this was what? A week ago? Two weeks ago. When was it? I don't even remember, but I am forever transformed and so uplifted. I'm just so excited by these people. Right. Let's get to all right. All right. So today's subject is going to sound like it's not upbeat at all, but Trevor and Jason have a really great [00:03:00] pulse. Like they have, what do you call what's the term when they have a pulse on society? Is that the term?
Yeah. Yeah, they have that. So they break down these amazing songs and, and really help you in life. They're amazing coaches. So, first of all, I guess I should say welcome Trevor and Jason, Hello!
Trevor: [00:03:23] That was one heck of an intro. Thanks for having me.
Jason: [00:03:26] We got to really deliver now. Don't we?
Fawn: [00:03:31] I love you guys. And you were so funny. Did I mention they're funny, please check them out. They are hysterically funny, right? No, absolutely. Um, so today's topic guys is society's greatest pain, greatest challenge. We talk about art all the time. I talk about art, you know, art. My background is that you're also an artist, Matt.
I never, I never considered computer programming and math and all of [00:04:00] that to be an art form, but it really is. It's in, and it's incredibly intuitive. So it's for everyone. And since we're looking at music, you know, Matt, Trevor, and Jason, I don't know if you know, but Matt is a hardcore heavy metal guy.
Matt: [00:04:19] No, no, no, no, no. Let's let's let's frame it properly. Okay. I'm a heavy metal guy. Okay. But I'm a power metal guy now heavy metal guys are gonna say, oh, that's not real heavy metal. So when she says hardcore people like to hear technical death and all sorts of doom and all sorts of other things. No, that's not me.
It's all power all the time. It sounds like doom, but it is,
oh, you should hear the doom. Oh my goodness. No, all vocals must be clean.
Jason: [00:04:45] So the heavy metal is, is that like, is that like creed and the Jonas brothers?
Fawn: [00:04:50] No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matt: [00:04:51] Okay. So the music I listened to comes from in a direct line from Dio who was lead singer of Sabbath for [00:05:00] awhile, uh, Iron Maiden
they were the part of the new wave of British heavy metal Halloween, which nobody has ever heard of, which is the Seminole band in the, in the sphere of power metal. And this is all European. This was all super clean vocals. This is how many octaves can you sing has a very classical kind of understanding to it.
It doesn't have to be played fast. Although sometimes it is, it doesn't have to be played super heavy, but sometimes it is. Um, but it's, it's, it's always classically oriented and very uplifting to them.
Fawn: [00:05:32] Really?
Matt: [00:05:33] Yeah.
Fawn: [00:05:34] Oh my God. All right. Well, I don't, I don't know. Sometimes I feel like it's destroying me when I walk into the room and you're
playing it.
Matt: [00:05:42] You know, if you put on Dragon Force, which is kind of Nintendo metal, which is literally, let's go as fast as humanly possible. I understand that, you know, you can get lost in it because there's so many notes being played, but then you take the more operatic vocals of like a Nightwish or a within [00:06:00] temptation.
Um, and it's, it's, it's, it's its own thing. It's practically opera at
that point. I wonder if we can compare to
Trevor: [00:06:07] hip hop power as power rock
Matt: [00:06:11] Within Temptation, they are a,
Trevor: [00:06:13] uh, within, I think you might like my girl.
Matt: [00:06:16] Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope. Sorry. Within temptation they're a, a Netherland. They were banned from the Netherlands.
Fawn: [00:06:23] So based on these two worlds, we have hip hop, we have heavy metal. I was wondering if we could pick up on what you all think globally society on a global scale, what is society's greatest pain right now? What is being expressed right now? For the most part, do you know what I mean?
What's the common emotion. What is the common, what's the word I'm looking for? I don't want to say theme, but what's the common thread thread. What's the common.
Matt: [00:06:57] Challenge fought the
Fawn: [00:06:58] common [00:07:00] belief. What is happening in our society around the world. Right.
Trevor: [00:07:02] I smell what y'all are stepin' in. So I think right now that's a, that's a very con I just say that all the
Matt: [00:07:08] time.
Sorry. No, no, no. It's all good. I'm going to laugh every time you say it.
Trevor: [00:07:11] I'm going to say it probably like nine more times, but I think everyone. So right now there is number one, history repeats itself over and over again. These are these aren't today's emotions. Um, we, the, these emotions run in a cycle and right now with the pandemic going on right now, a lot of people are feeling fear.
They're very unsure about a lot of things. Um, but these are things. These aren't new emotions we've run through this before. Last time it was, I want to say I don't want it. No, it wasn't the yellow fever. I think it was polio. But I know these, these aren't new emotions that people are feeling right now.
There's a reason it's called the common struggle. It's because everybody feels that we all want the same thing from around the world. We want it to grow old and watch our family be happy. Like those end goal. That's what everybody wants. So, uh, [00:08:00] today's emotion, I think, is at the forefront of everybody's mind is we're just unsure and being unsure, brings about fear.
Uh, so I think that's, we're about where we're at as a global community.
Fawn: [00:08:11] Okay. And before we start, before we start, let's talk about coffee. Alright. Do you all have coffee with you today? Are you drinking coffee or is it too late on the east coast right now for coffee?
Jason: [00:08:20] So our show is lyrics and lattes in which we actually feature coffee on every episode, but we neglected to bring coffee here.
Fawn: [00:08:29] Oh,
Matt: [00:08:29] so this is just lyrics. Oh dear.
Trevor: [00:08:33] I went to a coffee shop this morning. Uh, that was down the street for me. Yeah, I can't, I can't keep doing that to myself.I'm gonna end up... I would have been off the wall bouncing around on this.
Matt: [00:08:44] Fair enough. Sorry.
Fawn: [00:08:46] I never have coffee and here I am drinking in honor of you. I am drinking
Trevor: [00:08:52] well,
Fawn: [00:08:54] well, it's actually a decaf and it's instant and it's from the [00:09:00] store.
know, but here's what I did to it. I am so I'm Persian and I put rosewater and cardamom in it with water.
Matt: [00:09:13] Hey. Oh.
Fawn: [00:09:14] And vegan cream,
Matt: [00:09:16] and there you go.
Trevor: [00:09:18] Kind of an Americano
Matt: [00:09:21] and, and I'm, I'm almost, I'm even worse. I think this is straight up instant decaf with. A teaspoon of maple syrup and chocolate milk, vegan, chocolate milk, but chocolate milk.
So there you go.
Trevor: [00:09:39] In that cup right now, there is
Fawn: [00:09:41] doesn't look very happy. How about our
Matt: [00:09:43] choices? No, he shouldn't be, this is .
Jason: [00:09:47] We have guests that come on that sometimes don't bring coffee. So the fact that you try, we appreciate it. I am drinking something dear. What I'm drinking is something stronger than coffee.
It's a [00:10:00] DC tap water, uh, here in the DC area. You just put the glass in the tap directly. It comes out hot, no matter what temperature you asked for, it's going to come out, hot, drink that thing, recent hair on your chest.
Fawn: [00:10:13] So Jason you're from DC. And what you're you come from politics what's your background? You guys, can you tell us how you started?
How in the world did you come about doing what you're doing with this podcast? Because it is you, you are so brilliant and you're so amazing. Where have you been all my life or where have I been where. I w who, what
Jason: [00:10:35] happened? I got you, Trevor smelled what you're steppin' in so, well, number one, you gassing us up really heavy.
So we appreciate that. So, um, one of the things, so I'm from, uh, San Bernardino,
Fawn: [00:10:49] we're from Southern California originally.
Jason: [00:10:52] Hey, so, um, one of the things that really struck me is that like a lot of people grow up, you know, you see, you hear about these [00:11:00] motivational gurus, the Tony Robbins, the Mel Robbins, the Gary Vaynerchuks.
And while they're all phenomenal, fantastic people, it was hard for me to connect to people like this, growing up in a place in San Bernardino and where, you know, half the people who live there and live on public assistance. And, you know, it was been bankrupt for some time. So growing up, I listened to Ice Cube.
I listened to Tupac Shakur. I listened to these artists and I pooled inspiration and nuggets. I remember I would actually listen to NAS and like what a dictionary, because the, the, the words you use it sometimes. Yeah. I don't know what this word means. I was a child at the time. I'm I'm smart now.
Anyways. Um, uh, anyways, what I, what I, like, I I've always taken truth and, personal development from these artists that come from my communities. So it only makes sense to like, to do a show around it. And it's like, I realized one of my, I was talking to my wife and she'd be, you know, dancing to a song.
And did you hear what he just said? And she was like, no, I had no idea. [00:12:00] And it's like, I thought everybody else was doing this thing too. So in similar to like heavy metal, how you mentioned, like how, you know, inspirational, it might be, but other people may not hear that. Right? Cause like rappers tend to give, tend to get like a bad rap. They get a bad rep. Rappers get like a bad rep on their music or what it is they're talking about, but even in things that are not as positive, you can find truth in them. We had Ja Rule on our show, uh, about a month or so ago. And he, he raps about like violent things is it do from Murder Inc Label, like that was the name of his label. And he's talking about enemies trying to get him. But we were able to like when we had him on the show to break down lyrics specifically around building perseverance, because he's talking about having enemies as trying to stop him and he's going to continue anyways.
So even though some of the lyrics were a little bit, you know, raunchier than the others at the end of the day, he's, he's giving you specific steps on how to get there. So whether it's him or whether it's, [00:13:00] you know, another rapper, like we're pulling inspiration from these people that have real life experiences from our communities that have now doing these amazing things.
Fawn: [00:13:09] Oh, I'm so grateful to you because I listened to you. I'm like, I just feel like I'm rocketing into outer space sitting at my, at my desk. We work in a very tight environment. Matt works a few inches away from me and our two little girls work a few inches away from us. We're all huddled together in this tiny room working.
And I'm listening to you guys. I'm like, like I have to be quiet, but I feel like I am soaring because of you guys. It's so important what you're doing. I'm so glad. So, anyway, I'm sorry. I digress, please go on. Tell us more.
Trevor: [00:13:49] That's what we want you to feel like.
Fawn: [00:13:53] And Trevor, so wait, Jason, how did you get involved in politics? What are you doing over [00:14:00] there in DC besides. Besides the amazing podcast.
Jason: [00:14:05] Yeah. I mean, uh, a former life, I used to work at the white house and I traveled with a bunch of different politicians and then now work at the mayor's office and it's great.
I enjoy it. But like, this work is different because like I'm here. What we do is we provide personal development tips, like very specific personal development tips from J Cole. Like, instead of from, these other places where you will find them, normally you, you mentioned a quote earlier, and you broke down an amazing quote and it's just like, we do the same thing , but we just do it from LittleWayne it's it's and I think what it does is that number one, it inspires people and it encourages people and is growth there.
And then number two, what it does is that it gives you a newfound respect for some of these artists that you only hear these, you know, the pop songs, not realizing what they're actually saying.
[00:15:00] Fawn: [00:15:00] Exactly. They're our modern day Leonardo Davincis. They're our modern day Shakespeare's and yeah.
Trevor: [00:15:07] And Kanye west will be very quick to let you know that with those exact
Fawn: [00:15:11] words, exactly.
The Medici family come sponsor me. Totally.
And Trevor our please, who, where are you? Where have you been? And please tell us more about you.
Trevor: [00:15:30] So I'm, uh, out of Florida at Rocklin, Florida. I've been content creating since I was about 16. I started out in a little newspaper. And now I make nationally recognized ads. And so when we started this podcast, it was kind of, it was kind of great because we already had a person that was really good at networking.
We had another person that was really good at already creating material. And we both enjoy hip hop and we're both, uh, we make each other laugh. So I figured we'd probably make other people laugh too. So, um, it was just a match made in heaven when we got started. Um, but [00:16:00] no, I enjoy I'm a filmmaker but beyond that, I also get into audio engineering. So when you guys were talking about rock and roll, a second ago, I get into the processes. I study a little bit of everybody. I get into the history of everything. Um, I'm a photographer. Um, that's because both of those things make you better and I'll look at that.
Look, I'm not the only one in the house. I love those things make you better at filmmaking. So, um, I've kind of branched out and all of it's centered around being a better filmmaker, but, um, that is the bread and butter. Yeah. That's who I am.
Fawn: [00:16:29] How did you meet, how did the two of you connect.
Trevor: [00:16:35] That actually at a wedding, we weren't the ones getting married, like, um, uh, we were actually, uh, I was filming a wedding and I think it was just Jason's friend and, uh, w we just got along really well.
I don't remember when we tried to contact information, but, um, yeah, we got along really well, and it's just been cool ever since, so
Matt: [00:16:56] nice. Okay. So
Fawn: [00:16:57] let's get into it. Let's get, it was going to [00:17:00] start. Are we going to start heavy metal or are we going to start hip hop up?
Matt: [00:17:03] You know, Trevor already laid down what he thought, the society's greatest pain challenges, which is, uh, the, just the Ron certainties and being unsure of what's going on.
And certainly we can totally see that with, with certainly with the pandemic and just everything got flipped up in the air over the past year. And we can argue that everything's been flipped up in the air it feels like for the past five years or 10 years, as, as everything is gradually going through a shift and a change.
But, uh, but Jason, where are you coming at?
Jason: [00:17:31] I mean, I would say, you know, I think the thing we're dealing with now is like we're operating in silos. I think, I think like, I think what Trevor went mentioned was a great point about how like, in the end of the day, we just want to be, you know, live long, healthy life and then watch our family and be happy with our families.
Right. That's what that's like the kernel of it. And I also think that like the other piece of it is just like to get there not being so siloed. Well, we [00:18:00] went through this past year whether it would be, you know, with, with the, with where there is, you know, in politics or it's just in like policing and justice and those areas, or what's going on right now and Israel, like, it's just, there's so many people that's operating in these are my, this is my group. This is this group. This group is separate than my group, but finding, I mean, that stuff is fine, but finding a sense of unity, uh, and that's like, you know, queen Latifah and when bringing in lyrics all day.
So like, you know, Queen Latifa had the U N I T Y that's a unity. And it's just like finding ways to be, you know, where we can be our own and be our, you know, be ourselves and be authentic, whatever that, whatever culture we come from, but understand that we are a small part of something larger with the human race and that we can all get along together.
I think that's something that we need to get there.
Fawn: [00:18:46] So you guys, this is what happens with me. I'm a photographer, also a documentary photographer, and I've been shooting for decades now. And one of the things about me is. When I'm creating, when [00:19:00] I'm going through stuff, I don't create actually like it doesn't, it's all within me.
So if you were to come to my photography studio, not one picture, will be up on the walls. Everything is bare and that's what I do during creation. So my question is, do you guys think, well, not think, but what has been produced the the past year or two? What lyrics? I mean, Matt, do you listen to new music right now?
You know, can you get a true pulse on what's going on with heavy metal? Yeah.
Matt: [00:19:35] This has been a real challenge, I think, particularly in, you know, leading up to, doing what we're doing right now, which is wow. Okay. So what am I listening to? You know, I, I think I'm as guilty as anyone else, as far as really siloing myself.
You know, I want to say the music I'm listening to, and there's a band called Delaine. There's a band called, um, Scardust, which happens to be Israeli. There's a band. [00:20:00] And, um, Nightwish released a new one last year, but, um, you know, as far as like really highlighting, I mean, everybody's creating in a vacuum, I think at this point, at least in the music I'm listening to.
So there's not a lot of really immersing ourselves in with other people, which I think is, I honestly think it's that it's, that, that to me is the biggest pain I'm feeling. That siloing thing. Absolutely.
Trevor: [00:20:24] A part of that. I actually, uh, it's become easier, I think, to collaborate because we've had to find new ways.
Like I get it. It's we're on opposite sides of the country right now. We're S we're talking. Right. Um, and so it's become. There's a good and a bad to it because you're by yourself, we're social animals. You're physically by yourself. So, and we're social animals. We need that human connection. Um, but it's been easier, especially in this digital age, to collaborate with people.
Ja Rule was in New York when we interviewed him. Senator Castro was in Texas. Um, secretary, I'm sorry. Uh, secretary, I said, and I [00:21:00] said, um, I mean, easier to get people to come to us physically, um, to make something or not physically, but digitally to make something, um, a great part about it I love is that hip hop is connected directly to the streets. It's connected to the people. It doesn't matter how it's most popular music in the world, but at the end of the day, it's real people talking about the things that bother them. That's what it was when it started. And that's what it is still today even with the pop songs. Go to every pop song right now, that's hip hop and listen to what they're saying if it's not a club song, J Cole is, has released an entire album, 12 song album about how he grew up and what's bothering him today and the things that frustrate him. So, um, th there's a give and a pull to it, but, uh, in ways I think it's become slightly easier to create, honestly.
Fawn: [00:21:50] Can I put you on the spot, both of you like both groups, um, I'm, I'm putting Trevor and Jason into [00:22:00] one, and then I'm putting you on the other side, Matt, with heavy metal, but can you, can you guys, Trevor and Jason, can you do what you do on your show?
Can you pick out some words of wisdom from some pieces of music that would tell us what's going on? What is in people's hearts right now? And can we break it down? Can you break it down the way you do? And can you do that?
Trevor: [00:22:26] Oh, I thought we, I thought we got started and I was right. Oh
Fawn: [00:22:29] no, go ahead. Now. I just want Matt to not be quiet this time.
So I want Matt to also do it, but please go ahead, Trevor. I did not mean to interrupt.
Trevor: [00:22:39] There was a song by J Cole just came out. It's called hunger on hillside and at the very end of it, it's by J Cole and featuring Bas. And in it, the hook is all the pain you hold makes you worth your weight in gold. So they're saying all of the struggles that you went through; you're forming a personal bias to the world. So everybody has a personal bias to the world. And that [00:23:00] personal bias kind of creates who you are. There's nobody has the exact same life experience that you have, um, all of the struggles that you went through in life, are what made you what you are today. So even if it hurt a little bit in the past, it made you stronger and all of that pain makes you worth your weight in gold. So J Cole, just reminding you, yeah, we're going through a hard time right now, but it's going to make you stronger at the end of it.
Fawn: [00:23:23] Love it.
Matt: [00:23:23] Yeah. No, that's, that's so powerful. And, and I want to say, unfortunately, the more I think about it, like the music I listened to were were very ivory, towering things. What do you mean? What does that mean?
Um, so if you listen to a band, like Sabaton, for instance, they did a whole concept album on, on world war one. Wow. Okay. Which is great, but that doesn't really take us to today. Um, the music I listened to very much tries to get us away from today on some level.
Fawn: [00:23:48] Why is that? Why do you think they do that? .
Um, do you think they do that because
maybe they don't have struggles with their own these days?
Well, they just go to the past maybe. I mean, they are white European
Matt: [00:23:59] and [00:24:00] there you go. Maybe that has a lot to do with it. I'm not gonna, I'm not going to deny that. Um, but I am gonna say that it does certainly keep us, it keeps the focus away from where you are right now.
Fawn: [00:24:11] Huh. And going back to white Europeans, Northern Europeans, I mean, they're still probably feeling the pain of what happened World War I and world war II and things weren't really resolved.
They weren't resolved World War I was not resolved.
Matt: [00:24:29] Well, definitely not.
Fawn: [00:24:30] Right. And then they created because of World War I, all that strife started to build in the middle east. And I think a lot of the problems we have now is the way they wrapped up world war one, you know, they, they just kind of put things together and put all the borders together and said, okay, there you go, not taking into consideration all the different cultures, all the different tastes and all the different people and languages, they just [00:25:00] put them all together, like we don't care. We don't see you. Here's your space. And I don't know. I don't know. So I'm sorry.
Yeah, no, no, no, no, absolutely. Again, it's a problem.
Matt: [00:25:12] I think, I think honestly, in as much as we are siloed, it's, it's that, you know, we need to see each other as, as people, as someone like me. And I think the messaging that gets sent from popular media is, you don't understand my problems. I don't understand your problems. You're different from me.
And, and that's frightening. And I don't want that, you know, I don't want to be exposed to that, but I think we need to be exposed to that. I think we need to come to as much of an understanding as we possibly can of life experiences that other people are encountering that are radically different from ours, but that's uncomfortable. You know, that makes me feel uncomfortable to even talk about because you know, it's like, I know the path I'm walking on. And I know where I'm going [00:26:00] and I don't want something to come along and kind of knock me off my path
to our marriage folks. I'm the opposite. I want to talk about it. I'm going to bring it up.
We've even had fights on our show. Matt walks away. I'm like, don't you walk away, come back. You're right now,
Trevor: [00:26:19] something I find interesting. And we broke this down in a previous episode is one of our highest sixteens. Um, I took quotes from the Bible, the Koran, uh, script from Hinduism. They all said the same thing.
We all want the same thing. And these are scripts from people that would have never saw each other in their lifetimes. Um, because we didn't have that kind of travel yet. Right. We did. It was just taking you forever to get there. So they probably never saw each other. Um, we all had the same again. We all, at the end of the day, we all want the same thing.
Most songs. I mean, if some, if some heartbroken dudes always over some girl, you know what I mean? Like it's, we all want the same.
Fawn: [00:26:56] They did, they did come together. Trevor, they came [00:27:00] together, all the different religions came together in the middle east. Um, all the different religions, all the different religious heads, they came together and much like what you guys do on your podcast. That's what they did. They shared each other's knowledge.
They shared each other's poetry. They shared each other's insights, um, algebra, like, um, all these sciences and they created basically, um, a church was this amazing, uh, place of worship for education; studying everything from math to art, to everything. And so they did come together. They did. And they broke the lyrics down in a way.
If you think about it, they broke things down. And what happened? What
Trevor: [00:27:49] shouts out to algebra.
Fawn: [00:27:51] Right? It's just, so, anyway, I'm sorry. So where do we go from here?
[00:28:00] Jason: [00:28:03] Gotcha. Wait, wait, wait, wait, Matt, you bring your break your lyric down yet. I didn't hear the lyric from you.
Matt: [00:28:07] You did not hear it. Lyrics.
Fawn: [00:28:09] Yeah. Oh, come on, break it down. Come up with,
Matt: [00:28:13] I would have to go really, really old with, with lyrics, but I, yeah, right now I've got nothing. Go ahead, Jason. I'll I'll I'll cook something up.
Jason: [00:28:21] So I would say the lyric that I think sums up what we're going through right now. I mean, I think if you really, if you really think about 2020 and what we just came from, we just dealt with. No. I remember that big fire in Australia. And then after that, by Kobe Bryant died and then we had a pandemic, something that, you know, we've never gone through before. And then after like George Floyd, it was like the biggest movement ever across the world for racial justice, I guess it's been. And then we had like, people storm the Capitol. Like it's just, it's been a year of just, it's been a lot. And it's, it's been a lot, it's been really heavy, but we've still [00:29:00] survived. Like we came out on the other side, and there are a lot of people that are winning despite all of the negativity that has happened in 2020, which has got me thinking about like, you got to recognize to not allow your circumstances around you affect your ability to do what you need to do, which you want to do in your life. And a line that stuck with me is actually on a new song that came out with Drake. It's a Nicki Minaj song with Drake and Little Wayne. And Drake says, you know, "this ain't going to be the first time that I do numbers on crutches. I seen more plaques than toothbrushes until I'm in the pearly white gates." So the line talks about, I mean, he actually sold a lot of albums while he was on surgery. So he was on two crutches, but I took from it is, is like, we just came off of two crutches. Like 2020 has been a crutch year. We, but we were on two crutches, barely making it and to still be able to do with the things that we've been able to accomplish in the same manner of time. Like he [00:30:00] said, he seemed more plaques than toothbrushes, which is first officer dope punchline. But like, and then, and he's like, then he said the pearly white gates cause pearly whites, toothbrushes placques... get it. Yeah. Anyway, um, but it's, but the idea that you're able to have your circumstances put you in a place where it should cripple you, it should break you down to the bottom. Yet, you still find a way to dominate and to succeed at whatever it is you want to do. And that success might not be starting a business, that's success might not be starting a podcast or launching something new. That success to a lot of people it's just waking up every single morning, trying to do something better, drinking water, trying like just, just trying to level up and better yourself every single day, no matter how small this is, 1% better than it was yesterday. Then that's a big win for a lot of people being able to be at home with your family during this pandemic. And, you know, and of course, you know, it was a lot of terrible things that happened and we can focus on those things, but there were a [00:31:00] lot of people that grew, that changed that developed significantly because of what we went through in 2020.
So that Drake lyric, um, you know, I, you know, and that, that Drake lyric is what stuck out to me.
Fawn: [00:31:15] I so appreciate you. That's a gift. I can't do that guys, when I'm down. I'm like, oh man, I'm this sucks. And I stay there and I'm not, I don't know what pulls me out of stuff sometimes, honestly. So thank God that there are people like you who can explain things and break it down, Jason like that, because that is a lifesaver, you know, I'm a pretty positive person, but at the same time, I'm just like some days I'm just like, I just don't know.
And Jason, someone like you, I am so grateful for. You really provide hope. I really [00:32:00] appreciate that. And you know, like, like Matt, you, when you go through hard times, you listen to music and, um, so what, what, it doesn't have to be from like the last year, but what are some words that help you out? Is it words or is it just the sound of music?
Matt: [00:32:21] There's the feeling. There's sound... One of my favorite bands is Iron Maiden and, you know, it's just, it's literally when they throw down something and you're like, oh my God, I've been through that. There's a song called, oh God. Oh goodness. It's, uh, it's, it's, it's the most depressing song ever. And it talks about how nuclear war and, uh, these people are afraid and they hide out and, and it just goes through their entire thought process. And you're like, wow. You know, I think these things too, and I've, I've, I've been through, you know, I've thought this through and the song ends in a terrible place, but, um, Yeah, because they think the bombs [00:33:00] go off and the whole world has exploded and it hasn't and they end up yeah. Doing bad things to themselves. It's, it's about that, understanding that other people go through stuff and other people can get to another place. You listen to a band like Volbeat and they've written, they wrote the, uh, the ring intro for a UFC fighter. And when you hear that and you feel the summoning up of power, what
are they saying though?
And this is where you catch me. Cause it's, it's the feeling of the song. It's not, it's not so much about what is said, which is interesting because these guys are all about the lyrics. Right. Which is what makes it so challenging.
Trevor: [00:33:39] So a person, one of my favorite composers Hans Zimmer, and I watched the masterclass of his before and one of the things, one of the quotes that stuck out to me that he said he was like, "I'm playing with silence the entire time." He was like, it's the empty space in here that make you feel something. So like, if you go back to, um, "Interstellar - Mountains", that's the name Interstellar is the soundtrack "Go to the Mountains", [00:34:00] is the song. If you listened to the parts that aren't jarring, and you're really paying attention to like taking it as like a case study, those are the parts that make you feel kind of unsure a little like that that's where you start to feel kind of, but then when he ramps it up, it kind of multiplies it to a degree. So I, I really like what you said about, it's sometimes not about what you say that was about how you said it or what you're feeling at the moment. What is the intention? Um, I said, oh, but I have anything else to say.
Jason: [00:34:26] You say it, like you said, the depressing song, I would say the most depressing song that I've ever heard. Uh, it has to be a song. It's a song by G DEP. It's called every day in this, like he was, it was like three verses. I'm like, he's talking about how his life is every single day he said something like, you know, all he got is, you know, lint in his pockets and he had a cigarette for breakfast and he, you know, that's just the beginning pry for my lunch and sleep for dinner.
Try to go to church priest called me a center. They called me everything except for a winner. I'm like, man, this guy, his life sucks. Like, it was just, it was terrible, but it was just [00:35:00] like, it shows a lot of people's days. And how like, people focus on like the macro of like somebody's life versus the like individual days.
Like I re I was actually homeless at one point in my life and or twice, two times. But it's not about the macro of like being homeless, it's more about like the, like the every hour you, you feel it like being ignored, being, you know, feeling like you don't have anybody to call. Like nobody cares like that stuff is that's the depressing stuff.
So it was just like hearing his every single day was like, man, this guy's life is terrible you know. So that's probably the most depressing song that I've heard.
Fawn: [00:35:39] Those are the songs for me. I, you can't pin me to any particular style of music. Um, but for me, when I listened to something like that, it's like listening to a friend and realizing, oh my God, you also feel this way.
Wait a minute, they treat you this way too. I'm [00:36:00] not the only one. And so like, you know, I listened to all kinds of different things, but I remember when I was feeling the injustices of the world and especially in my career, Matt turned me onto Halford. Um, w what did he say? Judas Priest "Breaking the Law".
And the way he talks about breaking the law and you know, I'm just a chicken I'm. I am afraid of the police I always have been, my entire life, but like, to like sit in my car or in my safe little studio and feel Halford. And I feel like his voice is my voice and I'm breaking the law because yeah, I want to break the law and no matter what I do, it seems like I'm breaking the law anyway. What were his words? Cause I still don't remember, but I love every time I listened to that and I'm like,
Matt: [00:36:56] there, I was completely wasted out of working down all inside was so [00:37:00] frustrated as I drift from town to town.
Fawn: [00:37:03] Yeah. It was unemployed.
Matt: [00:37:05] Oh, God I'll lose. I'll lose it here. I haven't heard that song in forever.
I love that song and I love Halford.
Th th the trick with metal is you, you put the words behind such strength. And now for me, when I listen to a sad song like that, a maiden song I was mentioning before that begins, you know, "have you seen, what is coming on the news today? Have you seen what is coming to us all? That the world, as we know it, it will never be the same. Have you heard, have you heard." Wow. And it's songs. So softly and gently, and, and you know, that these people are about to, they think the world's going to explode. So they're going to grab all sorts of supplies and go underground into a bunker. And this was based on a story back in, um, uh, during, uh, the cold war. Um, and it, it turns out that an earthquake happens and they think it's the bomb and they think everybody's dead. And so they kill themselves well. Awesome. Well, that's very depressing and that's a terrible thing to listen to, but I [00:38:00] can't stop listening to it because have you seen what is happening in the world today?
Have you seen what is coming to us all? The world, as we know it, it will never be the same. Have you heard, have you heard? And the fact that the song ends on many levels is what gets me. Is the fact that I can compress it down and I can, I can let it all out. I can feel everything I want to feel, and then I can go on with whatever it is I have to do.
Oh my God.
Fawn: [00:38:27] You're getting so emotional. Are you crying? No,
Matt: [00:38:33] you're crying. Your mom's crying. I'm not crying. You're crying.
Trevor: [00:38:41] There's a song by Lupe Fiasco called little Weapon. And what it's about, he's comparing school shooters in America, um, to child soldiers in Africa. And so the very first, the very first part of it, he's going down the Americans take on the story. It's a story, and he's going down. [00:39:00] Like these kids are bullying me. I'm sick of it. I'm going to take money from my allowance. I'm going to go buy a gun or he takes his dad's gun and he's going to go to school with a black trench coat on. And he does crazy things. And then the very first that's like the interlude to the song, interlude to the song. And in the very first lyrics of the song is " I killed another man that they shot him in his back as he ran away." Um, and then he talks about like being in that perspective of a child soldier in Africa. Um, But he's also talking about like how he's talking about it from the child's perspective. So he's saying like he's describing how they would brainwash these kids in Africa with candy, which were pills. Um, and he's talking about, but it's not a sad song. Like you can hear the anger. I used to run to this song. Um, it w it was one of the, it had like a very, just sharp snare to it. It sounded like it was part of a drum line. Um, so it was actually something that would like really amp you up. If you go to the gym, you play this song. Like it was one of those. So it wasn't like something that was meant to make you feel depressed, but it was just kind of a, it was meant to make you feel hyped [00:40:00] up and angry. It was almost like he was hypnotizing you to go be a child soldier.
Um, we have another person who does the same thing and, um, Kendrick Lamar, um, and black "blacker, the Berry, the sweeter, the juice", he's talking about the Crips and the Bloods warring in America, but then he compares them to like Zulu African warriors, battling over territory, back home. They're in the same land fighting over the same thing.
The only difference is in Africa, the land is actually theirs. Um, so I think, especially in rock and in hip hop, um, because rock was at one point, the rebel music, um, hip hop is, was at one point the rebel music. Um, they kind of had that in common with each other. Um, a lot of the times you're hearing what people like you're hearing what's going on in that moment. Those are the things that were bothering them during the cold war. Like those like that. They were closer to it. Uh, world war II, they were closer to it. Uh, Kendrick Lamar's rapping about gangs. They're outside right now. Uh, and that's what he grew up around. Um, [00:41:00] Lupe Fiasco had , just come back from Africa when he wrote that song, uh, not trying to have a depressant, a depress off here, but, uh, I just really resonated with you guys were saying.
Matt: [00:41:10] Yeah, no, no, no, no, absolutely. And, and I think that's part of it. I think music very much opens up new vistas in the same way that sometimes watching a documentary film or reading a poem does, to really get an understanding of what a person is going through for sure.
Fawn: [00:41:26] It's a huge movement. It always has been, music has been used in war to get people to fight music is used to uplift people. And then the government comes in and tries to destroy certain artists, you know, from even Bob Marley, like just, you know, to, so in a way I know from your perspective, you're vilified, you were vilified, especially in the eighties, right? With, the government saying this is evil music. [00:42:00] Right. But we're always targeted as the enemy. And you're an enemy if you're getting people to move with you, you're an enemy if you get people to feel and to get stronger, be more powerful.
Trevor: [00:42:18] There's a reason they're trying to put a that they're not trying to call it stem anymore.
Right. They're trying to call it steam. They're trying to add art into the oh
Matt: [00:42:29] yes they are.
Trevor: [00:42:31] And so, like, there was a reason for that, like, you're, like you were saying in the very beginning of this, where like math is an art form, um, art itself is like, where you, we're never going to be. We've been creating since the beginning of math, they have cave drawings to prove it.
Right. Um, that's never going to stop. Uh, it's a part of who we are in the way that we express ourselves. So, uh, again, it's, it's all just tying it back to, we all want the same thing at the end of the day, we all behave the same way at the end of the day. [00:43:00] Uh, I had a point and I lost it.
Matt: [00:43:04] Well, here you go. Here's a fun one. So, so literally a band I've become very interested in lately. And unfortunately they broke up as a band called Hellsongs and whatever great name, and they take really serious heavy metal pieces and they turn them in the lounge music and it doesn't change the meaning, but you hear the words so differently.
I love that it's called Hellsongs and they covered..."War Pigs" is the one to hear. And that's a classic Sabbath tune, which is just with Ozzy. It's completely messed up. And the way she sings it from such a point of longing as she's singing "generals gathered in their masses, just like, witches at black masses, evil thoughts, that minds destruction, sorcerers of death's construction." (Matt whistles in overwhelm) and the way she sings it with a hint of longing and love and you're like, but this is the most evil thing ever.
[00:44:00] Fawn: [00:44:00] I don't even understand what you just said. What are the words mean? What did they,
Matt: [00:44:03] this means that there's a, there's a, there's a, uh, cruxt in society that wants to continue war that profits from war that loves war and they don't want it ever to stop ever. So they gather and they, they continue and on and on, and this sounds like the, the longingness makes it sound like either, either she wants more of that or that this has passed and they want it back or something. And it's just, it completely tweaks the meaning. And that's one of the things I'd really love to see. It's almost, uh, uh, I don't know. What's a good word for it. Uh, a dream or a thought of mine of like, you know, wouldn't it be a thing if we could just so like shuffle together, sound, lyric, music, and create just new kind of pairings. Like, um, forever ago I heard the black, not the black [00:45:00] album, sorry, The Grey Album by Danger Mouse, where he took JZ and he mixed the Beatles and he smushed it together and made something new.
Wow. That was a brilliant thing. And, and, you know, I'd love to see, you know, more of that because I kind of have a, I have my own walls up as far as like, I want my lyrics clean. I want my inspiration to be, I want very classical uplifting. I love crescendos and all sorts of other things. Right. And if I'm music doesn't have that, I have a hard - and, you know, music doesn't have that, I have a hard time listening to it, which keeps me away from even pop. But also, you know, certainly from listening to rap.
Fawn: [00:45:40] You, you hate it. When I listen to jazz. You can't stand it.
Matt: [00:45:43] Well, jazz drives me crazy. Cause there's too many damn notes, but yet I listened to super fast metal, which has too many damn notes.
Fawn: [00:45:49] Exactly. So what's what's going on there?
Matt: [00:45:52] It's just, it's dancing around maybe too much. I don't know. But it never, it never feels like it calms down.
Fawn: [00:45:59] That's how I [00:46:00] feel about your music
Jason: [00:46:01] That's hilarious, What about smooth jazz, smooth jazz is nice to listen to. It's like,
Matt: [00:46:08] yeah. Well, and you see, there's the problem because you know, I'm now siloed.
I'm siloed off in my world.
Trevor: [00:46:14] I'm gonna hit
you with a song right now. I want you to, after this, I want you, I want you to go listen to it.
Matt: [00:46:19] Okay. Okay. Don't play it on the, don't play it on the podcast
Trevor: [00:46:22] and, and I'm just going to tell it to you right now. So you've got a notepad right there. I do. Uh, the guy's name is Jordan Ricky.
Um, I believe he, I don't, I don't know where he's from. I'm not even gonna pretend I know where he's from. Um, and the song you want to look up is it's not really jazz. It's really like smooth R and B, but you know, we're, we're on that borderline. I'm looking up the song right now "R" usually stuff pops up when I want it to be here.
Okay. So it's called "A Mad World",
Matt: [00:46:52] mad Wolf?
Trevor: [00:46:52] You look that up. And so he's what he's doing is he's taking his voice and he's making it the, he uses his [00:47:00] voice a lot to replace an instrument. It's kind of like, Kanye West does. Um, but he's using this voice. You'll, you'll see it. Like, there's a pattern that he's using on his voice the entire way through that you just kinda forget is even there throughout the entire thing.
It's really cool.
Fawn: [00:47:12] Trevor, can you repeat the name
Matt: [00:47:13] again? Jordan already mad Wolf,
Fawn: [00:47:15] mad Wolf or a mad world and
Trevor: [00:47:18] world. Oh, world.
Fawn: [00:47:20] Well,
Jason: [00:47:21] you've given me an idea. Just what you just said about that, that the Hells.
Matt: [00:47:26] Hellsong.
Jason: [00:47:27] Hellsong Hellsong. Yeah. Uh, I think we should do thatwith Lyrics and Lattes, Trevor. I think we should like get like trap music and turn it into elevator music, like real,
Matt: [00:47:37] like listen to the original War Pigs and then listen to their version or listening to"Heaven Can Wait".
They cover that as well. And they completely change just your feeling through the song without changing the lyrics. It's a bizarre thing.
Fawn: [00:47:53] Do you guys, is Muzac still around? Do you remember Muzac, elevator music, elevator [00:48:00] music. Are they still around? I worked for music as a temp once in Seattle.
Matt: [00:48:04] You know, I don't know if I've heard music in elevators, any elevator I've been in recently.
I think they're pretty darn quiet. I wonder if
Trevor: [00:48:11] you're usually, I dunno,
in the elevator, I'm usually away headphones on trying to avoid eye contact with people
Matt: [00:48:17] and there you go.
Fawn: [00:48:18] Oh my God. I love the elevator. Oh, I would. I like to get into an elevator and just stare at people and to be so close to them.
I'll start talking. I
love it.
Matt: [00:48:29] If I've got the gumption, I will walk into an elevator and not turn around. I will just walk in and just stay staring at the back of the elevator. That's really (laughter by everyone),
Matt. Matt is six, four, Matt is...
Jason: [00:48:42] There's a reason you all are married!
Fawn: [00:48:43] What do you mean? We're total opposites on a very good day. I may reach maybe five feet, tall, but it's so funny. Cause we, we met in a martial arts [00:49:00] school and out of all people, I'm the one that will probably start the fight to break a kneecap or something. But Matt looks very scary in public.
Trevor: [00:49:11] No, Is that why Matt is sitting down cause his kneecaps is broke.
Oh no,
Matt: [00:49:15] well, no, no, no, no. Here's, here's the, here's the drill. Okay. If somebody gets agitated, this is what we said back in the day, I'll puff my chest up and I'll get up in their face and say, what are you doing? Whereas my wife will get to the side and take his kneecap out. If you kick to the knee cap, five pounds of pressure, the leg goes, we
Trevor: [00:49:33] got Hulk and Batman over there.
Yeah. Wait,
Fawn: [00:49:37] I'm the hook. I'm
Trevor: [00:49:38] the Hulk.
Gotcha. You want to, you want to be Batman because he's the one that like applied pressure point shut the whole left side down. Oh,
Matt: [00:49:48] right. Yeah.
Jason: [00:49:50] I would like to bring up conflict management training and then like, sometimes you can just find ways to resolve issues without violence.
Fawn: [00:49:57] That's how, that's why w we, we met at [00:50:00] Aikido. Aikido is , a martial art that, especially at our school, it was very like the whole motto was protect your attacker.
And I walked in and Matt was the teacher's pet. And I walked in, I was doing a cross training, martial arts, um, mixed martial arts. And I walked in, I was ready to just destroy everything in that room and everybody I was ready and they were like, no, no, we are here to protect our attacker. I'm like, what the hell are you talking about?
Um, and they're like, oh no, no, no, no, we don't hit here. We don't punch here. Like, are you serious? What, but it's the way of peace. And, but don't get it. Don't get it wrong as
Matt: [00:50:43] if you
the way of peace does not mean walk over me, walk all over me.
Fawn: [00:50:46] Yeah. Yeah. Like if you attack someone who's really skilled with Aikido, it feels like if you attack them, if you attack a black belt, it feels like you're a little kid and your [00:51:00] uncle has taken you by the arms very lovingly is twirling you around. You're like, you know, and then next thing you know, you're on the ground and you're completely in all these different locks at the same time. Okay. And it just feels fun because the whole point of Aikido is not to destroy anyone's ego or their physical body.
Jason: [00:51:22] I thought Aikido was like food.
Like if you prepare food a certain way and they're like, uh, oh,
Matt: [00:51:28] I can't, I can't think of the words you're reaching for, but oh dear.
Jason: [00:51:32] Trevor, what am I talking about here?
Oh, keto,
Matt: [00:51:37] K E T O yes. That is a style of food.
Jason: [00:51:40] That's martial arts
Matt: [00:51:41] A I K I D O is the way of harmony with the universe "DO" meaning the way.
Jason: [00:51:47] Okay. I got, I got lost there when you're on Pinterest and you type in food and it's like,
I get it really
Trevor: [00:51:56] quick when you're talking
Jason: [00:51:57] about what you're stepping in.
Trevor: [00:51:58] Hey, [00:52:00] everybody's going to be saying that led into this really quick. We were talking about governments, overlooking everything and like wars and stuff like that.
There's a lyric out there. We were talking about the price and stuff. I want to bring it up. But I want to circle back because there's a lyric. It's one of my favorite lyrics, I think it's in the bio, on the Lyrics and Lattes website. It's by 2 Chainz. It's "Imma be fresh as hell if the Feds, watching." If they watching anyway, like I might as well be fresh. Like, so like in, he's talking about the government, he's also talking about just people that envy him in general. Um, it's just like, if they're going to be watching, give him a show anyway, and just like it just, just keep brushing your shoulders off. Um, I just want to reel it in to circle back to that, because I really wanted to say that I haven't had a chance to say that on the show yet.
So I got to say it on the, on the show. I've been waiting on my opportunity days and, and
Jason: [00:52:45] the Feds are watching, like I saw somebody who was like, I don't want to get the vaccine because you know, they're going to use it to track me. And I was like, do you have a cell phone? And he's like, yeah, it's right here.
And it's like, well, They're probably gonna use your cell phone cause they already have access to it.
[00:53:00] Fawn: [00:53:00] Do you ever buy anything? Do you ever pay with a
Matt: [00:53:03] credit card? Purely credit
Jason: [00:53:04] card. Oh, okay. Yeah. Are you on
Trevor: [00:53:06] Instagram?
Fawn: [00:53:06] Like hello? Yes. Right as
Trevor: [00:53:10] well. You might as well wear a suit and tie. Get dressed
Jason: [00:53:13] crazy. So I used to, I used to do background checks, right?
When I was at the white house, I just do background checks, like all the time. And people like that are so secretive about like, not wanting to share information like the majority of the time that I was doing checks, I wouldn't even go into the system to do it. I would just go to their Facebook page and they would just, they would tell you pretty much everything that they're interested in or that they like, or that they, that their, their birthday where they were last week everything's there.
So it was like, I would do the other check just in case, but, but it was like most of the stuff I would find, I find people's mugshots, like on Facebook, really like
Matt: [00:53:45] nice, nice and subtle, well done guys, mat. Whereas for me, you're going to love me. Then I would never pass a white house background check. I don't have Facebook.
I don't post anything. I don't, um, you know, I don't have a [00:54:00] browser history. I, you know, to that level, I, I make sure Google knows as little about me as possible. I check my Gmail and then I close. And then I go to a private browser and I, I do my, whatever browsing I'm going to do. Um,
Trevor: [00:54:15] very much key and my brother has split.
Now, if I drop dead right now, delete my search history.
Matt: [00:54:20] And there you have it. Yes, I get it. Wait, I smell what you're stepping in. Yeah.
Fawn: [00:54:30] Whew. Ah, love you guys. So music is the heartbeat of humanity. It is, you know, sometimes it's upbeat and sometimes it's crazy as hell over here.
Matt: [00:54:46] And sometimes, you can pull at a, an entire song and you can pull out snippets, which, directly apply and you can feel and, and inspire
Fawn: [00:54:58] and thank goodness for all of it.
[00:55:00] I need. The hardship. I need all that because we all go through all of everything. It's, there's not just one flavor. And going back to Ayurvedic medicine, when you have a meal, he should have all the tastes; the better, the sweet, the pungent, the sour. Am I forgetting the other one, but to be healthy, you need to have all the tastes.
And for me to listen to something's so opposite from how I normally vibe from my heart. My heart needs a Halford sometimes, right. Even though that's not my norm. Halford saved my life. I thought I was the only unemployed person and all of these injustices that I was living through, but hearing his voice and his rage, I was like, oh, thank you for taking that away from me.
It's like talking to a friend on the phone now, but like talking to a friend and realizing, oh, this happens to [00:56:00] you too. They look at you like that too. You know, we're not alone at all. We're completely the same family. We're in it together. That's the world is, is one family really? I mean, we definitely don't get along all the time or ever some of us, but
Matt: [00:56:23] we are here together
Fawn: [00:56:25] making music together.
Can we wrap this up? I don't even know. I don't want to go. I know we're at the hour mark and you guys. We're all busy. I know you have to go back to work, Matt. Um, they don't even know you have a w uh, podcast, do they? Nope. So secretly no,
Matt: [00:56:46] no, they probably won't actually,
Fawn: [00:56:48] we've been doing this for awhile now.
Nobody knows.
Matt: [00:56:50] I have to. I have to tell. I tell people when they leave the company that I have a podcast.
Jason: [00:56:55] How long have you been doing it? A year or a year? And what, what [00:57:00] is it? You said you guys are in California. What part
Fawn: [00:57:01] of Colorado? Actually, we're in Colorado. We don't know where we belong in the world.
We're trying to, we're like, we've been like nomads going here and there. And like, it still doesn't we don't know where we belong right now we're in Boulder county, Colorado. We, yeah, we live in a tiny little town. You can walk through and not realize you went through a town, we don't know. Yeah.
Jason: [00:57:23] I would like to say that.
I think like. Do you practice your podcast voice? It's like super smooth. It's like super smooth and like barely regulated.
Matt: [00:57:35] Didn't I say I like clean vocals. Didn't I say that
Jason: [00:57:38] it's like, no matter what, no matter where your energy is, your voice is like very it's very good. I want to do that. I can't.
Fawn: [00:57:46] Oh my God.
Trevor: [00:57:47] Hit me with your fond voice right now. Are you
Jason: [00:57:49] ready? Are you ready? Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Today's word of the day.
It's like my Alexa. It's very
Matt: [00:57:58] good. You have it. You're a little too [00:58:00] wispy. She's got more power,
Jason: [00:58:01] more power there. I love it. Yeah.
Fawn: [00:58:04] Thank you. You. Oh my God. I think it's the mic. When we were on podcast, a pod Fest, the person who works for Shure. mic and we have a Shure, right? This is Shure. She said this particular mic is best for women's voices.
That's what she said. The rep from Shure. So I really think it's the mic and I don't know what it is about the podcast, but every time we're done talking, regardless of what we talk about, I feel like I came away off of a, um, singing opera situation. Like I feel. I love podcasting. I love talking is a
Matt: [00:58:42] real microphone.
So I do feel like absolutely, but we need to wrap up our show. I don't want to go. I know me neither. I'm having a really good time,
Fawn: [00:58:50] but guys, I will never let you go. Like we always talk about I'm so Persian and Matt is so yeah, interracial couple. [00:59:00] But the thing about my culture is when we have parties, we have parties and we stay there forever.
They never end. They literally like if you go to a wedding, it'll end like seven in the morning. And the thing is when you go to someone's house and you say goodbye, the whole party goes with you to the front door, you know, the hallway, the entrance of the house. Like you're about to leave, but you all ended up staying there for an hour, an hour and a half still saying goodbye, because we don't like to say goodbye.
I really don't want to. I want to be with you guys forever. Jason and Trevor, you are the loveliest. Um, I just, I kissed you on your foreheads guys. I love you so much. I don't want to let you go. I don't want to end this show on the elevator for the
Jason: [00:59:46] first time. That'd be weird. Right? I couldn't
Fawn: [00:59:48] reach, I wouldn't need us.
Yeah, I would. I would hug you. I couldn't reach anybody's forehead.
[01:00:00] Matt: [01:00:00] That's true.
Fawn: [01:00:01] That's why I go for the knees
Matt: [01:00:05] I on. Yeah, no, we're, we're at a point now with our, with our oldest. Now, our oldest is taller than my wife and she can't reach the forehead anymore.
No, she's way taller way taller. And you know what?
She came out almost as tall as I am. I know there, Matt is super tall and anyway, I digress. Hello. Pretty bow. Pretty bow. You do that pretty well pretty bow today. We're pretty well
based basically. You know what I, I think, I think we need to keep talking. I think we need to, I think in this world of uncertainty in this world of siloing in this world of kind of this, this, I think the world is trying to pull people apart and segment, you know, segment people so they can, so they can divide us.
I think we need to keep talking,
Fawn: [01:00:53] and you know, what else we need to do is we need to listen to Trevor and to Jason for them to explain things, please, [01:01:00] because I am not smart like that. I'm like why the plaque, I didn't even get like that. I need you guys. I need you to explain what the heck is happening and what the heck is being said.
Matt: [01:01:14] liked the way they explained stuff too. I knew that's what I'm trying to say. Um, what was so brilliant is, um, yeah. Uh, when an episode I listened to you guys were talking about, Hey, when you first do anything, you're going to be stupid. And I try to explain that to people like ignorance, the ignorance, you can walk into a situation with.
You know that that's, that's, that's, that's the most awesome thing. When you start a job, you don't know anything. And nobody expects you to know anything as far as the business processes at a given job. Right? And so you get to ask all these really stupid questions and nobody looks at you like what an idiot.
And if they do, that's fine because you're going to keep climbing and you're going to figure stuff out. And, you know, in three months you're going to know everything, but only if you ask those really basic questions to start, [01:02:00] and I thought that was really brilliant the way you think
Jason: [01:02:03] we use DMX for that too.
So thank you.
Fawn: [01:02:06] Oh my God. Can I just say our little girls and I, Matt goes to bed super early and thank you, DMX. Thank you so much. Once I, once we realized we were standing in the kitchen, we found out that DMX used to love listening, watching the Golden Girls. When Matt goes to really Jason, really. Well,
Jason: [01:02:27] one of my favorite shows,
Fawn: [01:02:28] it was because of DMX.
We started watching it. I'm sorry, Trevor. What'd you say?
Trevor: [01:02:33] I said Golden Girlsgoes hard. I just like who doesn't love that? They're the most gangster show out there. I'm just sayin'
Jason: [01:02:40] Sophia. Oh my goodness. Forget what 50 Cent, the shade 50 Cent got! Sophie is the one you don't want to mess with it. Nope.
Fawn: [01:02:52] Thank you, DMX.
Thank you. Oh guys. Thank you for coming to our show. Thanks.
[01:03:00] Jason: [01:03:00] Can I share one thing, please? We have a petition that we just put up. Uh, so, uh, if y'all folks, anybody who's listening, please go sign our petition and go to our Instagram page and you click the link tree there, lyrics and lattes just all the way through.
Trevor: [01:03:18] essentially we want NAS and JZ to create a collab album. They've never done it and we think they should because they owe it to the streets. Why? Because. We put em there. So,
uh, we, we need, we need this album. It's been like 25 years overdue.
Fawn: [01:03:36] Yeah. Everything will be in the show notes. Everything will be all over our website.
Matt: [01:03:41] Yes, indeed. We're on it.
Trevor: [01:03:43] Thank you.
Fawn: [01:03:44] Amazing.
Trevor: [01:03:47] This is
Matt: [01:03:48] great. Thank you so much. Oh my goodness. Thank you
Fawn: [01:03:51] for sure. All right, until we speak again, I'm not even going to say goodbye.
I will never, you all have to come whenever we find our true home, [01:04:00] you all need to come over. When all this mess is done and I will, I will cook and have 18,000 different, um, dishes, dishes. Thank you. And please don't get scared. Matt says I'm like a big dog that scares people away. When I really like someone and when they come over, I'm just like, oh, I will make a thousand dishes and get so excited.
And anyway, you're welcome to our home. Right. We're there.
Trevor: [01:04:30] Thank you food. I'm there. That's all you had to say.
Fawn: [01:04:35] All right, we'll see you soon. We'll see you soon. Thanks everyone. Thank you so much. All right. Take care. Bye.
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