Quantum Entanglement and the Schumann Resonance

November 06, 2023 00:37:13
Quantum Entanglement and the Schumann Resonance
Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt - Friendship Tools
Quantum Entanglement and the Schumann Resonance

Nov 06 2023 | 00:37:13


Hosted By

Fawn Anderson

Show Notes

The universe has this nasty habit of expanding and contracting. And so at some point, the universe, everything that we know, everything that we live in, it'll all be in this giant mass of stuff. Well, what if that's a heartbeat, or a breath, or a, of something else?

In this episode, we define Quantum Entanglement and talk about the Schumann Resonance and how it all relates to what we're all going through on the planet right now.

#SantaMonica, #QuantumEntanglement, #SchumannResonance, #FalseIdols, #artoffriendship

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Episode Transcript

Quantum Entanglement and the Schumann Resonance [00:00:00] Fawn: Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. How are you doing? I'm doing well. How are you? I'm fine. I was talking to our friends. Oh, how are our friends doing? Hello everybody. I um, I, I had nightmares. Do you, do you all do this? Like do you ever dream about someone in your life or a place you lived in your life that in your dreams you always go back to? [00:00:26] Fawn: Like, it's a haunted place now for [00:00:28] MATT: you. Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. That's how, um, oh my god. Rebecca by Daphne Des Mauriers begins. [00:00:37] Fawn: I have no idea what you're talking about. I know, stupid stuff. What [00:00:39] MATT: is that? It's a book people were all into. It's been redone as a movie 27 times. [00:00:46] Fawn: Well, you know how this whole show started because of Santa Monica? [00:00:50] Fawn: Yes. I had a beautiful studio there. You know, it was a great life, right? I had a great life, and then you moved in, and it was And then we left. And then it was an even better life. And yeah, and then eventually we left after, like, for me, it turned out, over 14 years? I said only three months. Anyway, in my dreams, sometimes I go back to the studio, and... [00:01:16] Fawn: It's present day, but I don't belong there anymore. It's just weird. It's like nightmarish, right? Whoa, I've never [00:01:25] MATT: told you this. Well, no, I I guess you have I just haven't put it in the context of this wonderful Magical place we lived is now nightmarish. [00:01:33] Fawn: Yeah, because it's like I know It I feel like a ghost and things are not the same. [00:01:40] Fawn: I don't belong there. It's not my studio anymore I don't know where I'm going to sleep, but I'm just walking up and down. Oh, [00:01:46] MATT: right, right, right. I get it. It's kind of like the feeling people have when, like, they visit their childhood home that they haven't lived in in 20 years. And their relatives aren't there, or, you know, their parents don't live there anymore, and all the rest [00:01:56] Fawn: of it. [00:01:57] Fawn: Yeah, I mean, I've never really had the opportunity to do that, you know? Mm hmm. But it's, it's not a great feeling in the dream. It's, it's nightmarish for me. Right. And I have the same thing sometimes with people. And I was just thinking, well why does this happen? Why would I dream about this person? And I think I, I, it just came to me right before we started our going on the mic. [00:02:23] Fawn: This person used to lie a lot. Oh dear. Like no problems, had no morals. Mm hmm. Yet, she seemed very moral. You know, she thought she was moral in her way. Like how you talk about people like with morals, right? Everyone thinks that they're [00:02:39] MATT: moral. Everybody believes that the things they do are moral because otherwise you're insane. [00:02:44] MATT: When you act immorally, you're insane. However, science has proven that people act and then afterwards, they actually deal with the moral ramifications of what they just did. And so we're always rationalizing the things we do. Rationalizing it like saying, Well, it was good for me to give money to this charitable organization. [00:03:05] MATT: Or... You know, I didn't give money, so all of a sudden it becomes a matter of, well, you know, I really didn't have anything to really share, plus I'm a super nice person, so it's, it's, it's going to be okay. [00:03:17] Fawn: Are you saying it's kind of like procrastination, but with morals? It's Like, you'll just do it and deal with it later? [00:03:24] MATT: You do it You do, you perform your actions and then later your higher brain or whatever you want to call it Takes over and figures out if what you did was actually a good thing or a bad thing Which is [00:03:37] Fawn: super twisted. It is really twisted. I'd rather deal with it Immediately, but then sometimes things are twisted and it's hard to figure out sometimes. [00:03:46] Fawn: Well, our brains aren't [00:03:47] MATT: wired to do that [00:03:49] Fawn: So here's what happened yesterday. I was out for coffee With one of my, with one of my really good friends, and there was this discussion about, a pet rabbit, getting another pet rabbit. They have this castle. Our friend's husband built this castle that's attached to the home. [00:04:07] Fawn: It's, to me, it kind of looks like a, you know how people build additions like sunrooms? In addition to, the kitchen area or the living room area? It's like that for a rabbit. It's like, legit, it's like a condo for a rabbit. I see. They take care of this rabbit. Like, they, they really do. Like, if it gets too hot outside, they take care of the rabbit. [00:04:30] Fawn: If it's too cold, they take care of the rabbit. Like, it's still... Inside outside kind of rabbit situation. I mean, I don't fully understand it to be truthful, but I have seen the structure, and it's elaborate. It looks like a condo for this rabbit. Anyway, they were trying to adopt another rabbit, and there are all these rules an adoption, much like you adopt a baby, they interview you, you have to go through all kinds of, you have to answer all kinds of stuff. [00:04:58] Fawn: And one of them was, are you, is this rabbit outside? And my friend is super truthful, doesn't lie, which I love, right? I don't like liars. But the thing is that she really bonded with this rabbit. Technically, this structure would seem an outdoor structure. Okay. So anyway, so she couldn't have it, right? [00:05:21] Fawn: And so she's been tortured by this because she feels... That this rabbit would have the best life, right? They'd take care of the rabbits. Anyway, so we were talking and I'm like, technically it's an indoor structure though, right? So anyway, we played games. Oh dear. Yeah, I played games with the whole and I [00:05:42] MATT: And this is what people do with [00:05:44] Fawn: their entire lives. [00:05:45] Fawn: So I'm immoral. I acted immorally. Bottom line, I was like, it's okay to lie is what I was saying. And I think I convinced her to do it. Nice. But, um, but here's the wonderful thing, and it gets to what we want to talk about today, which is quantum entanglement. Okay. [00:06:04] MATT: Okay. This ought to be fun. How did [00:06:06] Fawn: we get there? [00:06:06] Fawn: Well, first of all, I kind of was like, you should get, you should get this rabbit. Go save this rabbit. We gotta go, I'll go with, let's go save this rabbit. It belongs with the family, like, for real. And so she's like, okay. So she starts texting Shane and Shane comes back. What? like he couldn't believe what he was hearing because Just you know, never lies. [00:06:35] Fawn: It's just very very moral. Mm hmm. Anyway, so They go the rabbits already been adopted so and immediately I was like, I was relieved right and I started to feel bad, and there's your clue right there that you're doing something wrong. Typically, yes. I was like, right. So it worked out perfectly. They ended up adopting this other rabbit from another place. [00:07:03] Fawn: Mm hmm. Um, only had to pay 5. Totally seems perfect, right? And I was thinking, wow, we definitely have something looking out for us, because we really do not want to lie. And we were put in this situation, and we made excuses, but somehow we ended up not having to do it anyway. It didn't go, it didn't happen. [00:07:31] Fawn: So it was fantastic. But going back to quantum entanglement, I just feel like everything is connected. And if you're connected to being a certain way... If you do ask for help, or still want to behave a certain way, and you're feeling conflicted, I think if you, in your mind you're like, Oh, I need some help with this, I feel like you'll be taken care of. [00:07:58] Fawn: Which leads to, let's just get into quantum entanglement. I was trying to explain it. In a way that is out there, so I went to space. com. Have you been to space. com? I don't even know. But anyway, I got this Ha Yes. I got this from space. com. Quantum entanglement is a bizarre, counterintuitive phenomenon that explains how two subatomic particles So, protons, neutrons, electrons, right? [00:08:29] Fawn: Teeny tiny things. Okay. How those can be intimately linked to each other, even if separated by billions of light years of space. Despite their vast separation, a change induced in one will affect the other. I always say, we always say, when something happens on this side of the planet, the other side feels it too. [00:08:52] Fawn: When something happens to people we know, we can feel it even though we're far away. Anyway, there have been lots of experiments where they mess around with atoms and stuff that, it affects everything. By just looking at something, it affects it. [00:09:10] Fawn: Right? Like, you always, when you try to explain this to people, or try to explain how there's something else out there, Like, for those people who don't believe in any of this, who don't believe in anything spiritual, or anything magical, whatever you want to call it, whatever it is, they don't believe in it, you always say, you always use the same example of, you remember you were up on, the building? [00:09:36] MATT: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was, I was in college, and I was in a weird mood. And I was in this spot that was completely hidden. I was, like, up on the third floor, and this was during, like, Christmas. No, it was during Thanksgiving holiday. I was still on campus. Anyways, I spied on somebody, and... They had no, no idea, and they stopped. [00:09:59] Fawn: You were up high. I was up high. Looking from a window, and they were on the street level. Exactly. And they turned around to see who was looking at them. Exactly. They felt it. They felt it. Because we're connected. Right? So, [00:10:12] Fawn: a property of a set of subatomic particles whereby a quantum characteristic such as spin or momentum. of one particle is directly and immediately correlated with the equivalent characteristic of the others regardless of separation in space. And then, someone, there was this quote I liked by someone named Sean Hall, I don't know who that is, but, it says, in quantum entanglement, subatomic particles maintain a relationship, for instance, vibrating when the other vibrates. [00:10:47] Fawn: Even when separated and even if they are at great distances from each other. So, like, a further explanation of quantum entanglement, I have my, my definition, kind of like how you started looking at someone and they felt you looking at them, even though you were far away and above in a building. [00:11:05] Fawn: But, like, even with our kids? Something is happening, but then something completely different is happening in my brain. Like, I'm thinking about something completely off the subject, in the room, and all of a sudden, one of our kids starts repeating what I'm thinking. Well, I did it to you yesterday. [00:11:27] Fawn: You do it to me all the time, and then you say, I'm yelling at you. In my head, I'm yelling. Your thoughts are very loud. I think that's entanglement. That's, we're, we're connected that way. And it happens from far away, it just happens all the time, having nothing to do with what's really happening on the outside. Like calling Martine after 25 years, calling, she picks up the phone, barely skips a beat. She's like, Fawn, I haven't spoken in 25 years. And she swears she saw me like two weeks before, quantum entanglement. [00:12:05] Fawn: You know what I mean? Like, we sense each other coming together again. Even though we're thousands of miles apart, it's just, it's amazing. And so, anyway, this kind of thing led me to, I was just going through my papers because I studied, intuitive medicine last year. Was it last year? Two years ago. [00:12:25] Fawn: Anyway, and I realized, oh my goodness, we were getting into the Schumann resonance. are you familiar with this? It's defined out there by professionals, schumann Resonance is this. [00:12:37] Fawn: It's when you have a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Oh my god, it sounds so complicated. [00:12:46] Fawn: Wow, that's so wordy. In big words. [00:12:48] Fawn: It's not. I know, it's really wordy. But I'll totally do it in fond terms in just a second. [00:12:53] Fawn: Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface. And the ionosphere. How do you pronounce that? I ion? Ionosphere. Ionosphere. so, the earth has a heartbeat. This is what it's all about. [00:13:15] Fawn: Okay. The, the, the, the belief or the, the reason is the earth actually has a heartbeat. Okay? And so, first of all, there are, like, two thousand thunderstorms happening On earth producing 50 flashes of lightning every second. That's a lot of lightning. So each burst of lightning creates electromagnetic waves that begin to circle the earth between the surface and the ionosphere. [00:13:46] Fawn: So the ionosphere is the area that's 60 miles above the earth. That's the ionosphere. Some of the waves in this space, which is the cavity, they start increasing in strength to create a repeated atmospheric heartbeat known as the Schumann Resonance. [00:14:05] Fawn: Schumann Resonance. So, does that, is that clear? Like, so basically, there are... I heard about this a long time ago, like, after 9 11 happened, I had some friends who showed me these graphs, they're like, look, there are these people who are keeping track of the Schumann resonance, there are these charts, and it's, it's live. [00:14:29] Fawn: And you can see how the heartbeat goes to a peak at some points, and then goes kind of back to, like, it's normal state, but when it goes to a peak. is when some big things happen on the Earth, like 9 11. 9 11, the peak was so high, right before it happened. And every time, like, there's a, there's a huge catastrophe, either, , natural, like, um, a tsunami, or, you know, an earthquake, like, big things that happen, the Earth starts spiking like this. [00:15:10] Fawn: The electromagnetic field, I think it is. Whatever it is that's being charted, there's a huge spike before it happens. And this explains me, because I become, like, a lunatic. I get so anxious, and I have to start calling everybody. Is something going on with you? Are you okay? Are you okay? And I'm like, okay, well, let me sit here and meditate. [00:15:36] Fawn: Like, is it me? Am I just going crazy right now? What's happening? And I turn on the news, I'm like, is something happening out there? And then, sure enough, a few days later, something happens out there that's huge. And by that time, I have come down from that. That, that state of pure anxiety. It's a heightened stent It's a heightened state of anxiety. [00:16:01] Fawn: And so, I've been like this my whole life. And I studied with someone. I studied spiritual response therapy. And so What my teacher would do was he would kind of have me taken off this kind of level, so I wouldn't, I wouldn't be connected to it as much, which made me feel easier. It made me feel better, but it comes back like it, and our kids have it too. [00:16:30] MATT: Well, on some level. I think all kids have it. Kids are emotional sponges and they, they, they are hearing and feeling things that we don't necessarily, you know, we, we've built up calluses as it were, spiritual and otherwise. So we, we ignore because there's so much just awesome and horrific things in the world. [00:16:52] MATT: Right, [00:16:54] Fawn: right. And usually, you know, you hear about this no problem in the family, like when something's going on, when the parents are hiding things, the kids know everything, they feel everything. Right. So I feel like it's wrong to hide things from them, but this is going beyond the family, this is like world events. [00:17:11] Fawn: Yeah, but [00:17:12] MATT: I, I, I think that kids are affected by that too. [00:17:15] Fawn: Do you think that's why so many kids are having a way harder time than previous generations? I mean, there's such a high spike in depression. Well, we're seeing, [00:17:26] MATT: you know, the, the people who should be leading us. You know, acting like children. We're seeing the kind of... [00:17:34] MATT: Irresponsibility. You know, who are our heroes now? People who make lots of money, sports stars, and entertainers. Reality stars, etc. It's, it's, it's like, wow. Those are our heroes. No, I mean... Those are the people we look up to, wish to emulate? They're the [00:17:52] Fawn: idols. Yeah. And they're not our heroes, but they're the idols. [00:17:56] Fawn: Well, no, they're the heroes, period. They are the false idols. Maybe. I mean, not to get all, like, religious about it. Oh dear. No, but that's true, right? It's like, wow, life should not be about finances. It should be about how we treat each other. Right. It should be about our communication. It should be about our loving each other. [00:18:18] Fawn: It should be about creating a beautiful life, I think. For me, that's what it is. It's about experiencing life. But not, I don't know, this whole money thing, it's just created, um, a terrible situation, I think. Right. We're at the risk of everything, at the risk of other human lives, at the risk of, all sentient beings. [00:18:41] Fawn: And I feel like the Earth is a sentient being, that you're just gonna destroy everything for the sake of power, money, all of that. [00:18:48] MATT: Well, if it's not gonna happen for like a hundred years, it's not gonna affect [00:18:51] Fawn: me. Oh my god. So anyway, so I was thinking, is there a way that we are unentangled or can we become unentangled when the earth is, is, let's just say when the earth is having high blood pressure, can I, those are my terms, right? [00:19:13] Fawn: Is there a way, as soon as we feel it, that we can, you know how you go into meditation and you can bring down your blood pressure? You can affect. You can affect change. You can create change. Right? Can we, in turn, do you think that the Earth's pressure By just lowering things down calming things down with our little selves. [00:19:39] Fawn: I think [00:19:39] MATT: that's really the trick now There have been people who've tried to organize big groups of people who are gonna meditate for the earth I was just gonna [00:19:46] Fawn: say that yeah, [00:19:47] MATT: you know, I think the trick is is that we can do it for ourselves And there are ways we can do it for ourselves, but we have to enter into a zeitgeist moment, I think, to effect real big change, so we need something that a lot of people are focusing on, and unfortunately, you know, there's, fortunately or unfortunately, there's a huge splinter right now, as far as, like, there's a fragmentation as far as what we look to and what we do, you know, can you imagine, God, we were watching, we were watching a TV show, and they were talking about hands across America, which was this thing, I guess, in the 1980s, You remember it. [00:20:21] MATT: I don't remember it. You don't? I wasn't even born yet. No. Who knows? Doesn't matter. But anyways. Where everybody was going to hold hands and it was going to go from like LA to New York or some ridiculousness, like a common unbroken line of people holding hands. Of course it fell short because, you know, welcome to Arizona, Nevada. [00:20:42] MATT: You know, probably New Mexico. Huge stretches. [00:20:45] Fawn: I mean the Rockies and... But anyways. What are the other mountains called on the East Coast? The Appalachians. Thank you, [00:20:51] MATT: yeah. But anyways, um, anyways, you know, could we have something like that again? I think we're too fragmented even as a society. Everybody would try and claim ownership or want to cast it aside. [00:21:07] MATT: And I don't think there could be a unified, you know, movement to do it. So that makes it very difficult for a zeitgeisty thing to occur. But you [00:21:16] Fawn: know what, maybe that's what we're led to believe because we're not really [00:21:21] MATT: out there. There are forces out there that wish to separate us [00:21:24] Fawn: as a society. I just, I don't believe anything anymore. So I'm like, might as well just like... Cook a nice meal for my family and make sure the house is clean and make sure that I'm creating some good things. Like, let me just do my own thing. I'm connecting to people I really bond with. [00:21:43] Fawn: Hello, Michelle. Michelle Silence. You know, like, I, I'm just like, I'm just going in the direction of what feels really happy. Mm hmm. Joyful. Right. Right? So. But if we could just go back to the Unentanglement because we can get tangled up into all the chaos. [00:22:05] MATT: Oh, yeah, it's super easy We all's we have to do is just start accepting all the things that people want to throw at us. [00:22:11] MATT: Oh my [00:22:11] Fawn: god So here's what okay talk about quantum Entanglement again, so you all know I have I'm late, up late at night. Actually, this has nothing to do with that. But anyway, here's what was happening. Well, I was gonna say, you know, when I do that, I just feel like if I'm not writing, if I'm not doing something productive, I'm watching weird TV. [00:22:36] Fawn: And the weird TV I watch are just like cooking shows at like 3 in the morning. Okay? So I'm watching a cooking show, and this was not that late, by the way. It was not late. It was like... I think it was 10. 35 p. m. I'm watching someone make Rougala. I'm like, I was totally into it. I'm like, okay. [00:22:58] Fawn: And then all of a sudden, a thought came into my head. Okay, so something happened in Maine, where there was another mass shooting in the United States. And this time it was in Maine, and Maine is just like this sweet state. You know? It can't all be sweet, but Well, I mean, it's, it's calm, there aren't that many people who live there, it's just, it just seems like a calm state. [00:23:22] Fawn: Right. Anyway, there was a mass shooting there, and this time, they couldn't find the shooter. He escaped. They could not find the shooter. And I wanna say, a few weeks before, like, what, a couple months ago, there was this guy who escaped jail, who was a total killer, and they couldn't find him either, but they were tracking him. [00:23:41] Fawn: He showed up on people's cameras in front of their houses, like, they saw him, but there was no trace of this guy, right? He was out on the loose, and the towns were shut down, no schools, everybody stay in your homes, that kind of thing. Anyway, out of the blue, I just had this thought, I had a flash, actually, of this shooter. [00:24:03] Fawn: I saw him taking his own life. It was a flash and then I started to think, well, I wonder if they've caught him? So and I started channel surfing. And all of a sudden, breaking news comes on, right at that second. And it's, it's the, the cops, I don't know, whoever was in charge, they were like, okay, we located him. [00:24:22] Fawn: I'm like, okay, they located him. But what they weren't saying immediately was he was dead. And that they found a self-inflicted gunshot wound. And they found him, I think in some field or something, whatever it was. Mm-Hmm. . I saw it and I wasn't, I mean, that's quantum entanglement right there. [00:24:46] Fawn: I don't wanna be a part of that. So, what can we do? How can we dissolve the charge, my definition, of this? Like, can we, do we need to just be conscious of what we want in our lives and what we don't want in our lives? And say, this is not allowed in my sphere, in my circle, as Matt says, in Aikido. What are we bringing into our circle? [00:25:11] Fawn: What are we wanting to get out of our circle, and in my terms, I would say clear. How can I clear my field? How can I clear my circle? How can I clear my spirit of An entanglement I do not wish to have. And, and this isn't saying Becoming unentangled with our fellow brothers and sisters like human beings in the world. [00:25:35] Fawn: I'm just saying unentanglement from chaos from Whatever is the opposite of joy? Love. Being unentangled from crazy stuff that gets in the way of having a loving world. Anyway, that's what I wanted to express today. [00:25:52] MATT: Well, didn't Yogi Berra say, just because someone offers you something, you don't have to take it? [00:25:58] Fawn: Yeah, but what does that have [00:26:09] MATT: to do with this? Well, I'm choosing to not [00:26:10] Fawn: yes, But yeah, do you think that we are too? Do you think everybody is? I mean, we're talking about quantum entanglement. We're talking about how we're completely entangled in everything. All right? There's no separation. Is there [00:26:27] MATT: or isn't there? I mean, that's the fun part or that's the uncomfortable part. [00:26:31] MATT: I mean, if you believe that there isn't, then you're hosed. If you believe that there is, then maybe you can free [00:26:36] Fawn: yourself. I believe that There's no separation. So I guess you would say I'm hosed. Yes. I would. I don't think that there's a separation but I think if you become conscious of it you can you can unentangle from certain threads and become part of another thread over here. [00:27:00] Fawn: I don't know. I sound sort of stupid right now. [00:27:03] MATT: Hell no you don't. Take it easy. I think literally there's, there's a couple of options. Number one is you can specifically avoid, but then you're burying your head in the sand. You can stop completely like watching the news and paying attention to what's going on out there in the world. [00:27:21] MATT: We can live in a cabin thousands of miles from everywhere and just, you know, raise our food and, live off the grid, as they say. You know, that is certainly an option and that may or may not. That'll keep you from the intensities. You'll still probably end up feeling what [00:27:37] Fawn: the world feels. [00:27:38] Fawn: That's what I'm saying. You end up feeling it. You feel it. [00:27:41] MATT: But I think it's about not internalizing it. And it's about trying to influence others to keep it light. You know, honestly I think on some level that's part of the role of, of friendship, honestly. Um, something very prophetic I read said, uh, shared pain is lessened, shared joy is increased. [00:28:07] MATT: Right. And so it's about increasing the joy and lessening the pain and that is, you know, that's friendship in a nutshell and, and really trying to be that agent of change and trying to be, you know, I think that the better friend we are, the more we start to affect the zeitgeist. [00:28:30] MATT: But as J. R. R. Tolkien said, you know, but I am just a small hobbit in the face of it because it's a big world and As an individual we feel small. [00:28:44] Fawn: You know how they did that thing though Matt help me out where they they looked at something that was moving the subatomic particles right and when they put Their focus on it when they looked at it, [00:28:58] Fawn: it behaved differently. Ah, the impartial observer, right? That's what I'm talking about. So what I'm saying is once you become aware of it. Mm hmm. You can choose When you see whatever is spinning in this way And you feel that that is negative, right? You can say Well, I choose to have this kind of way instead and focus on that. [00:29:27] Fawn: So, you're not ignoring it. You're choosing some other way of vibrating. You're choosing some other way. Ugh, Abraham Hicks, I used to listen to a long time ago. I haven't listened in a while. But, um, they would say this. It's a woman, Esther Hicks, who channels, they call themselves Abraham. Um, It's a channel. [00:29:56] Fawn: It's really, really cool listening to that, but, um, ugh, I'm forgetting, uh, uh, oh, contrast. They call it contrast. So let's say something bad happens, right? And you're not wanting that in your life. They're saying that that's really an opportunity for contrast, right? So it's an opportunity for you to say, I would like this. [00:30:21] Fawn: So let's say, I don't know. There's a whole bunch of trash that shows up in your life. It's an opportunity . So, okay, there's a bunch of trash in your life. And what you want to say is, what you want is, I want a beautiful, sleek, beautiful, what's the opposite of trash, Matt? [00:30:40] Fawn: Treasure. Yeah, I want treasure instead. So you focus on treasure, not the trash. So you vibrate with that and that's what gets built. That's the, the other world that will get built. It's the treasure. And [00:30:57] MATT: I would say professional sports and visualization, which is where we get the visualization and the strength of visualization. [00:31:03] MATT: Yes. It's like you don't... You don't visualize the time that you completely sliced your ball at the tee in tennis. Yes, no golf. You remember the time that you whacked it 400 yards or whatever a realistic amount to do is in golf. Like I will forever remember my hole in one in disc golf, which of course most people would say isn't a real whatever. [00:31:28] MATT: But I remember the feeling and I remember how it felt as it was traveling. Mm hmm. And holding on to [00:31:34] Fawn: that. Right. And that creates. Your world and that's what your world is and this kind of gets into that whole point of remember Years ago you talked about this. I'm like Matt. That's terrible. That is crazy No one thinks like that and you were right all these people are actually thinking like that the whole the whole idea that They think this is a video game, that life is a video game, that someone, how do you describe it, Matt? [00:32:03] Fawn: That what we're living is actually someone playing a video game. Right. That life is a [00:32:08] MATT: simulated... That life is the Matrix. [00:32:10] Fawn: It's a simulated, some, some, some game someone is playing. Highly detailed video game. Oh my god. No thank [00:32:19] MATT: you. Right. But, I mean, if you really start to think about it... Things start to get very painful because, you know, here's, here's a fun one. [00:32:28] MATT: I don't think I've ever mentioned this to you before, so we're going to have some fun with this. Oh, no. You know how you said that like the earth is [00:32:34] Fawn: breathing? Well, it has a [00:32:35] MATT: heartbeat. Has a heartbeat. So there's a dun dun dun dun. Schumann [00:32:39] Fawn: resonance. [00:32:40] MATT: So, if we go back some 4. 3 billion years or whatever, the Big Bang, right? [00:32:47] MATT: The universe has this nasty habit of expanding and contracting. Yeah, everything. And so at some point, the universe, everything that we know, everything that we live in, it'll all be in this giant mass of stuff. Well, what if that's a heartbeat, or a breath, or a, of something else? Right. Of a, of a giant, or a... [00:33:09] MATT: Or [00:33:09] Fawn: is it a heart attack? Who knows? Is it a high blood pressure? It's probably [00:33:13] MATT: not. It's probably just a part of some creature who's unimaginable to us. Breathing. Oh my gosh. It could literally be a breath. And it takes, you know, 20 billion years to happen and, you know, he's, he's living his life normally. [00:33:29] MATT: Like, as, as we do with our breaths. Or maybe. And then we have this entire universe inside of us that gets created and destroyed inside of our [00:33:37] Fawn: breath. Well, because again, the quantum entanglement. And [00:33:43] MATT: there you go. But honestly, like, as with all things, it's about paying attention. Right. And, you know, really focusing on, some of these things that, we don't think about. [00:33:55] MATT: Like, something that, you probably brought it to my attention, I'm crediting you with something. Um. Wow. You know the phrase? Yes. Yes. It's the least I can do? Well, screw you! Do more then! Don't do the least you can do! That's ridiculous! Don't ever do the least you can do! Period. In life. That's a terrible thing. [00:34:17] MATT: That's saying, you know what? I couldn't do [00:34:19] Fawn: less. That's messed up. Say something else. Hold on a second. That could also mean... Now I'm like, doing Devil's Advocate. I'm playing Devil's Advocate. It could also mean... I love you so much, there's so much I can do for you, that this that I just did for you is minor compared to what I can do for you. [00:34:40] Fawn: Like, what I will do for you. This is no big deal is what it's maybe saying. So do more! Oh my goodness! Okay, everybody, everybody, everybody calm down. Um, alright, so anyway, that's it. That's the thought of this entanglement that we're in. If it's a knot that we're not excited about, that's bothering us, let's focus, definitely. [00:35:07] Fawn: And let's try to bring down the blood pressure, because things are really crazy pants now. Yes. Like, it's scary. And one of my friends pointed out, life is not scary Fawn if you actually go out there. It's quite beautiful and loving. Yes, it is. Adventures with Todd. You know what? I'll put the link in our show notes. [00:35:36] Fawn: It's Todd and his friends and family, they are always hiking. And they have the most beautiful images, like beautiful adventures. I'm like, wow! Cause you know, I'm terrified of nature. I'm like, whoa. [00:35:48] MATT: You should have seen the shot. I'll have to show it to you. I went on a bike ride yesterday. It was gorgeous. [00:35:53] MATT: Cool. I had to stop at one point and take a picture. But it's out of focus, but still it's still pretty. All right. It's [00:35:59] Fawn: beautiful out there. Get out there. Okay, so that's it Love you guys. Have a beautiful every day Love you. Talk to you in a few days

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