Manifestation Dealer

April 29, 2024 00:19:31
Manifestation Dealer
Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt - Friendship Tools
Manifestation Dealer

Apr 29 2024 | 00:19:31


Hosted By

Fawn Anderson

Show Notes

Please don't judge us too harshly for this episode. We hope this is not the first time you're listening to us,  BECAUSE we were exhausted during this conversation and quite frankly, we don't even know if we got our point across, or if we make any sense. Please forgive us.

But anyway, this week on "Manifestation Dealer," Fawn and Matt explore the pitfalls of modern spirituality and the quest for happiness. They discuss the influence of self-help gurus, the difference between manifestation and visualization, and the importance of genuine connections. Join them as they navigate the complexities of positivity, resilience, and the pursuit of authentic joy in a world filled with mixed messages. Tune in for insightful discussions and practical advice on embracing a mindset of abundance and true friendship.

#Friendship, #Authenticity, #Positivity, #Resilience, #Self-help, #Joyful, #GenuineConnections

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Episode Transcript

Manifestation Dealer Fawn: [00:00:00] . Hello. Welcome back, everybody. Welcome to a friendly world. MATT: Our friendly world. With Fawn and Matt. Fawn: Hi! Matt, what were we talking about the other day? Oh, MATT: yes. We were talking about chicken soup. Fawn: Chicken soup MATT: chicken soup guy. Fawn: We gotta MATT: step delicately though, because I'm sure there's gonna be copyright here somewhere. Fawn: We don't wanna cause any trouble. We don't wanna cause no fuss. But Okay, how did we even start talking? MATT: I read an article. Fawn: Well, no, but what led to our conversation about that? And I'm like, alright, we need to talk about this. It's MATT: something that I've been thinking about. You know, I read an article. Fawn: But we were driving. MATT: We were. Fawn: And we were talking about something, and then it led to that. What happened? I don't remember. Do you remember? I hate it when that happens. Yes, indeed. Like, it happens. Like, what led to that? You know, what led to that? Well, it's been on my mind. Okay, so, tell everybody. Let's start again. MATT: [00:01:00] Oh my goodness. Fawn: Bring everybody back. Bring everybody back to our conversation in the car. MATT: So, the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, for those who don't know and those who haven't read, and I'm one of those people who hasn't read, so I'm speaking from a place of complete ignorance. I Fawn: haven't either, actually. MATT: But like, supposedly there are these kind of, A Reader's Digest y, almost, feel good stories. Fawn: Wasn't he also on The Secret? Like, he's part of that whole tribe of They're MATT: running around the same concept. Fawn: But it's people that became well known speakers and made a lot of money. Right. Everyone started following them like gurus on Manifestation. Manifestation. Manifestation. How would Moira Rose say it? MATT: Man, we're all over copyright today. Fawn: We're not allowed to do that? I don't MATT: know. You tell me. I Fawn: don't know. I'm sure everything is legal. But anyways. Okay. MATT: So, stories feel good. They're about manifesting. They're about wonderful things happening. And that all sounds very, very good. And [00:02:00] then, when you go to a seminar, again, it's feel good, here's a community, yay for us. Fawn: Allegedly. MATT: Except. Allegedly. Fawn: Allegedly. MATT: Mutley's here in full effect, I suppose. Um, everything bad that happens is also your fault. Fawn: Oh, that's what they say. Yes. They say, oh, yeah. You've manifested it. MATT: The good and the bad. Fawn: Yeah, these people, this is why I like the medical medium, by the way, because he says that is not true. Like when people get sick with something horrible, they're like, well, you created this yourself with your negative thinking, and it's like, I don't fully agree with that at all, actually. Mm hmm. I don't fully agree with it actually. I do believe that dis ease stems from emotions, but the way they say it, Matt, that you manifest everything. In MATT: this specific instance, there was a woman who was in just a horrible [00:03:00] car accident, lost her family. Not in the car accident, but I think she lost her husband in the process and she had Difficulty coming back from it. She lost motor control and stuff for a while. And so she's sitting in this seminar and Hearing it's your fault that you manifested this And she's sitting there believing it because God help us man Fawn: because there's not enough to feel bad about but thank you but MATT: also Somebody up on stage is authority. They must know the truth, especially when they've been providing you with so much compassion and also a sense of community in the essence of getting your money. Fawn: Yeah. Yeah, that's not very compassionate and yeah, you're, basically left to your own Devices like your base. Is that the term devices? Yes it's what we've always said like these psychologists and these PhDs come on and say if you don't have [00:04:00] friends you're gonna die of depression Diabetes. Heart attack. You're gonna die 10 MATT: years earlier, or it's like smoking 20 packs of cigarettes a day. It's like, Fawn: thanks. Thanks, that is not helpful. By the way, I'm creating a new community to MATT: help. No, they don't say that. Fawn: Oh, and if they do, you have to pay a lot of money for it, I'm sure. But anyway, , so what happened now? , MATT: Well, she finally came back to center and Fawn: How? On her own? Yeah. Obviously. MATT: Well, all of a sudden, like, certain things start to smell bad. And in this case, it was You know, you can continue this feeling, you can join us for the VIP or the, uh, follow up seminars or the VIP follow up seminars. Fawn: This is what happens when you don't have friends. You resort to this kind of stuff. MATT: Right. Fawn: Out of desperation. MATT: Well, desperation and or. And the thing is, is we Allegedly. We, allegedly. We see this in all kinds of different places and different religions and different thoughts. Right. Um, you know, [00:05:00] you offer gifts in faith with an expectation that, when you tithe, for instance, which is one of the five pillars of, Islam, for those of us who aren't aware of that, but that's like religion, but no religion, the fact it's one of the five pillars. It's not one of the 10 commandments. It's not one of, you know, You know, you're supposed to. Fawn: Well, no, in the Jewish religion, you absolutely MATT: But Fawn: they're very strict on you give 10 percent of everything back. The Ten MATT: Commandments are the key Cornerstone. Okay. You don't ignore those. These are this is one of the five pillars of Islam. So BAM is 10 percent to the poor period. Peace out. But the expectation is that you get back that 10 percent tenfold You But they never quite managed to tell you how you're getting it, but still that is the thought and that has been around forever. And being co opted. Fawn: You always say when you gift someone you should never think about how they use it or, getting anything like a thank you even. Right. You're not supposed to judge. MATT: [00:06:00] Which is very hard for me. You're not Fawn: supposed. Wait, how do you say it? You're not supposed to judge? You're MATT: supposed to just let it go. Just let it go. No strings Fawn: attached. No, if MATT: they want to re gift it, if they want to sell it, if they, you let it go. Fawn: You're not supposed to have any charge on it. Right. It's not yours. MATT: Because as soon as you start setting expectations, you get let down, which is interesting, which has been in my headspace a lot lately and it's like stepping into a moving river because there's a lot of moving pieces. But, much like a gift, I think, you know, I have a nasty habit of, like, in the realm of, almost in the realm of manifestation, going, Okay, I'm gonna do this, but I know this is gonna happen, and it's usually something bad back. Like, perhaps I'll give them a gift and they won't be appreciative. Or I'll ask my kids to read a tiny little nothing and they won't do it. Or they'll do it, but they'll make me feel bad about it. Fawn: But that's not a gift. MATT: Exactly. There's strings Fawn: attached. Okay. You're asking for something, but then again, MATT: [00:07:00] am I manifesting? Am I not manifesting? Fawn: I think we should, much like you shouldn't think of how you give a gift. This is overthinking way too much. If something has happened that is horrible, you should not be thinking, I made this happen. Just deal with what has happened. You have enough to worry about. MATT: Right. Fawn: And be appreciative for anything that's in front of you. MATT: And Fawn: move on. Forget these people and the whole manifestation thing. I feel like, and I started feeling this a few years ago on our show, actually. Eh. MATT: Eh. Fawn: Eh. MATT: Eh? Fawn: That's how I started feeling. Like, I was just going to cut. It's funny. That sound just came out of my mouth, but I was going to, I was going to come up with a word, but that sound, eh, came up. But that's precisely, I think, the feeling I have. It's like, enough. It's too much contemplating one's [00:08:00] navel. Like get your head out of there and look around. You know what I'm saying? MATT: Get your head out of your Fawn: whatever hole. MATT: Bass. Fawn: Right? MATT: Exactly. And if, if you go, yeah, the saying is if you go looking for heaven or you go looking for hell, you'll find it. Fawn: Now, having said this, I'm a huge manifest, manifest, manifestator. MATT: See, I would say I want you to To be less of a manifestor and more of a visualizer. Fawn: Yeah, okay. Alright. So Same thing though. MATT: Is it? I'm gonna disagree with you on that one. Fawn: It's the same thing. MATT: No. Manifesting is I'm gonna make this thing happen. Visualization is I'm gonna imagine it has happened. Or it's about to happen. Fawn: Same thing. MATT: Uh huh. I disagree again. Because the Fawn: manifestators would say, Well, [00:09:00] you visualized it. Somehow, on some level, you made it happen. You thought about it enough times to make it happen. Your soul vibrated, vibrated a certain way to make that happen. MATT: See, I would, I would say that A manifestor is using a muscle. Is it an arm muscle or a leg muscle? No, but it's like that. Fawn: Visualization is a muscle. A MATT: visualization person is using an eye muscle, is using a muscle like the eye. Not a muscle like the arm or the leg. You're Fawn: using the brain, not necessarily your eyes. You're using MATT: your brain for all of it, but I'm saying as far as, if you think of, I, it, the, the, the. Who Fawn: cares, Matt? This is exactly what we just said. It's overthinking. Who cares? Whatever. What are we trying to say here? It's overthinking. What? Why are you looking at me like that? I'm offended. I'm sorry. MATT: I'm basically just gonna let, I'm gonna be visualizing good stuff happening, and I'm gonna be letting [00:10:00] every other aspect of everything go. Fawn: Well, what gets me is, you know, when we were talking about this, I think you went in one direction in your mind, and then I went in the other direction in my mind, As we were talking about this guru, or the gurus that are out there, that, that like, are trying to get people to do stuff, to inspire them, or whatever, but it's usually like it involves money, and you have to like, I don't know, you have to be part of this cliquey thing, and you have to have money, and it's a lot of hierarchy involved, and If you don't do it, you don't believe, you know, you get, you, you don't really believe in what MATT: I'm, what, what I'm telling you to believe. It's very Fawn: dismissive to me. Dismissive. MATT: And you're right, clicky. Yes, absolutely. Clicky, dismissive. And in, in point of fact, allegedly, , the founder of this chicken soup, his son called him a drug dealer because people get [00:11:00] this hit of endorphins when they're at a seminar. Or a hit of endorphins when they read the book that they want to get another hit of that endorphin. So they want to attend another seminar or they want to read another book, you know, spend money basically on his goods, services and products. And they don't really walk away with. Anything that lasts. Fawn: Yeah, there's always something else. But like, remember that book? Oh my God, I hope we don't get in trouble for this one. MATT: Allegedly. Think Fawn: and Grow Rich. MATT: Yeah, and they talked about that being the previous generation's manifestation book. It doesn't tell Fawn: you. I read that over and over again. I'm like, I must have missed it. Let me read it again. MATT: Oh dear. Fawn: Oh, I must have missed it again. Let me read it again. It doesn't tell you how to do it. Maybe I'm just an idiot. I don't know. MATT: Well, you had to play the board game. No, I'm kidding. I have no idea. No, that was something else. I have no idea. No, this is Think and Grow Rich. Yeah, I know. There was a bunch of different products around that too. That's not the rat race. Fawn: You're thinking of rat race. I know, MATT: but there was a bunch of good services and [00:12:00] products around Think and Grow Rich. Fawn: Originally, like, when he wrote it, he wrote it, like, in the 1800s or something, didn't he? No, we're not thinking Grow Rich. Thinking Grow Rich is an old book. No. Yes, it is. No. I think it is. Okay. It doesn't matter. What I'm saying is, it's like, much like Friendship, everything is all relation oriented. Yes. Right? It's disappointing when someone puts up a front because they're getting something from you. And you're there because you're wanting to feel a certain way. I think in friendship, in business, in families, if that interaction is happening, it's not healthy. And unless you are clearly aware of it, Then it's okay, but if you fall into it, and that's what you need for survival, I don't think it's healthy, and it leads to disappointment, and [00:13:00] estrangement, like you feel left out, alone, worse and that is the caution I'd like to talk about today. Being aware of that. It all comes down to the Nicomachean ethics again, of the three types of friends. There are three ways to have a friendship. There's a friendship where the person is friends with you because of how they feel around you. The other type of friend is friends with you because of what they're getting from you. And the other kind of friend is just there because they just love you. Period. And that is the true forever friend. MATT: Right. Fawn: You can have all three. You can be friends with all three. But know the outcome the outcome and know what's actually happening so that it will save you some heartache. MATT: Definitely true. And that doesn't mean Disappointment, I mean Just because this person loves being around you and you love being around them doesn't mean that you don't necessarily get anything from them. You know, as far as, maybe it's advice but it's not the center. It's [00:14:00] not at the center. It's at the periphery instead of, if I'm friends with you because you get me into a club. You know? It's a whole other situation. Fawn: we're all going through stuff. Things happen. Hard things happen. Terrible things happen. We need to be there for each other and know that we can make it through all these things together. Yes. That you're not alone. Just even having that thought makes you stronger Mm hmm. And more resilient, and that's what you want, is some resilience to get you through. That's life. To say, you attracted that. Well, you know what? Life is everything. And you can attract the amazing stuff, you can attract terrible things. It's life, I think it's everything, it's experience. We need to have more of, the feeling like how you were saying when you gift someone something of non attachment. Like, be open and not think about, what is this in front of [00:15:00] me? And try to define it. It is what it is. Let's help each other move through it. Instead of saying, you manifested this, you made this happen. That doesn't help anything. MATT: Right. Right. But it pushes product probably. Right. Fawn: Maybe we can remind each other, like, okay, this terrible thing happened. Let's think of the opposite of what we want now. You lost a job. What kind of job do you really want? There you go. Or maybe you don't want a job. Maybe you just want to be taken care of and not worry about it anymore. You want this kind of lifestyle. I mean, just thinking about it makes you feel like, Yeah. Yeah. I just want a mojito with a hammock. Okay. By the beach, thank you. Surrounded by friends. I want to take naps. And maybe get paid for it. I don't know. Anything you want to add? I mean, I kind of want to take the name out and just say this guru. I don't want to get in trouble with the chicken soup people. MATT: [00:16:00] Well, the guy sold chicken soup to somebody else. And they're doing their own thing. Fawn: Well, I don't want to get in trouble, allegedly. Whatever, it doesn't matter. Everyone's doing it. Everyone's trying to pimp their own thing. Everyone is like, the great visualizer, the great manifester, let me show you how to do it. You're living your life wrong. You're, you're, you're dreaming wrong. Excuse me, we are all sentient beings. Everything is dreaming, everything is life, everything is, you are the creator. Why are you harping on that? I'm creating you. I don't want you, telling me that I manifested some crap that I can't fix unless I go to your workshops. Well, now I'm going to Unmanifest you buddy. Bye. Oh, but, but okay. I'm not talking to you there. I'm just saying, you know the people who, , Mm-Hmm. who try to sell you something or try to befriend you in a way that says you need me, right? No, you're totally [00:17:00] perfect the way you are. With friends. Not someone you need to go to for this help that says that you're not going to live a happy existence without this. Whatever this is. Anyway, that's what I was thinking about MATT: yes. Fawn: Things need to be more positive. That's all. MATT: . We need to start focusing on a world of abundance. That's all. Rather than be fearful of a world of scarcity. Fawn: Just a world of joy. Right? MATT: Well, abundance is an abundance of happiness, an abundance of money, an abundance of joy, an abundance of Fawn: Abundance kind of scares me because I'm like, well, what if it's an abundance of trash? Well, you see, abundance of MATT: good things. Fawn: See? That's why I said joy. She, she. Ah. Joy. MATT: Maybe I don't want joy. Fawn: Whatever. All right. Maybe I want happiness. Fine. If you want some trash, that makes you happy. Whatever you want. Bye. Bye. That makes you happy. I support that. Oh, MATT: see? An abundance of happiness. I hear it. Fawn: Alright. I'm gonna go. We're gonna [00:18:00] go. If you need us, you know how to reach out to us, right? Go to the website. Email us. . Have a beautiful every day. Have a joyful every day. MATT: Have a happy every day. Fawn: Okay. We'll talk to you soon. MATT: Be well. .

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