CONNECTED - Roundtable #1 - A Kind World

Episode 1 April 28, 2021 00:56:12
CONNECTED - Roundtable #1 - A Kind World
Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt - Friendship Tools
CONNECTED - Roundtable #1 - A Kind World

Apr 28 2021 | 00:56:12


Hosted By

Fawn Anderson

Show Notes

Sometimes the world can seem unbearable. Today, beyond introducing you to new friends, I want to focus on one thing we have witnessed on earth, to hopefully give light and encouragement for all of us to look towards the beauty and magic out there.

This is our first roundtable with great friends to introduce you to from around the world.




[00:00:00] music Fawn, and Matt: [00:00:00] Hello friends. Welcome to our friendly world. This is, this is Fawn and Matt, we are starting something new today. It's a series that we're calling connected. It's all about how we are all interconnected. We have a round table here. We're going to do this every week. We're going to have amazing friends. And we're all from different walks of life.

We're all quite different. We all have different jobs on this planet. And the whole point is to make our circle grow, to make our friendship circle grow. Most of us here have never, ever met one another in person and we all have different takes on life.  Today we're starting this whole thing. This is our very, very first episode.

And when you scroll through every episode will be called "CONNECTED", followed by [00:01:00] or word, and today's word is kindness.    To start off, I want to talk about our connections to one another. What we're starting here with this round table is much bigger than this little episode. What we're doing is we're going to start conversations, having to do with everything in life, from money to you, name it.

And everyone here at this round table has their particular expertise. And if you're out there listening and you want to join us, please  send me an email. And we'll, we'll gladly, gladly accept you into the round table. We're sitting here right now at our kitchen table, and we're surrounded by some amazing friends.

 We have Beth Hewitt, Dr. Nii Darko. We have KJ Nasrul. [00:02:00] We have our beautiful friend, Katie, our beautiful friend, Paul, and some of them you've heard on our episodes before there are other people coming next week. Kindness. What is that? That's our theme today and I'm here to bring all the aspects of life together.

We're all touched by money. We're all touched by health, where we all have our rituals. We have life and we share a life together. The truth is that we are all connected. And that is this whole topic. This whole topic of connection is that it's to have a get together. Are interconnected family.

We're going to converse about it as friends. We all have different perspectives. I'm sure if we really got into this deep, I'm sure whoever's at the table. We all have different political beliefs. We have different ideas. We've all seen different things [00:03:00] walking on the earth. And the point is to practice conversation.

Sometimes it may become uncomfortable, but we're in the comfort of our home. All of us right now. And you're home. You are ourhome, you are my home. We are friends. And no matter what you say, it will be treated with respect. You will be treated with respect and you will be heard. And I think that's the key these days.

It's the key always is to hear each other, to see each other and to be heard. And that's what this is all about.  Thank you. Thank you friends for being with us today. , I have, we've all walked, walked the earth for awhile. I'm going to start with a little question and then. I'm going to let that question sit for awhile and then I'm going to have everyone introduce [00:04:00] themselves.

The question today is, so we've all been on the earth for awhile. We've all walked the earth and we've all seen somethings. And I really like, I know most of you here. I know all of you here, but what I admire about everybody here is you all are so positive. And the way you describe things is quite beautiful.

I'm a photographer. I have been shooting for a very, very long time and I got to say ever since I was a baby, I feel like an alien having come onto this planet. I see its beauty. I see the beauty in humanity. I see the beauty of the earth, but to be honest, Looking around. I feel like I'm always in shock.

Like there is so much beauty, but I look at it, not with a smile on my face. I feel [00:05:00] like my face probably looks really puzzled and my eyebrows are going together. Like I'm in shock. Like I can't just enjoy things.  Everything seems so serious to me. I could look at something beautiful, but at the same time I have seen some devastating things, even if it's beautiful. So I have a hard time with it, with the question I'm about to pose to you, which is what is the most beautiful thing that you have witnessed on this planet? And please don't tell me, Oh, the birth of my child or the birth of this child. Yes, that's, that's a given all life is precious.

Precious life is precious. I want to know. What's seen out there on this planet. Has shown itself to you for you to say, wow, that's quite beautiful. And first we're going to introduce ourselves and then I'm going to go first. I'll go first as an example of what I've seen, [00:06:00] but let's go around. ,


Beth: [00:06:02] Thank you Fawn. And it's such a pleasure to be here on this round table with you all.

So my name is Beth Hewitt. I'm in the UK, I'm a spiritual performance coach and I help people either pivot in their career or starting a business that is more in alignment with their, true selve's calling. And that is kind of born out of my journey of being a serial pivitor over the years, and just really wanting other people to follow their passions.

Do you want me to answer that?

Fawn: [00:06:32] The beautiful, no, no, don't answer the question you just talk about, but you allowed to like, am I allowed to, um, spill.... We have, um, Nii, his beautiful son is here. Hello? I don't know your son's name. Are we allowed to say on the air? Is that okay?

Nii: [00:06:58] Is that my name or my son's name?

[00:07:00] Fawn: [00:07:00] Your son's name will be also

Nii: [00:07:08] that were from the boys. are named Nii and the girlsare named Naa, um, but there's a hyphen it's hyphenated and it tells you like the lineage, uh, to ours. So I'm a Nii, my first name is Nii Darko. He is Nii Amu. Well, my, my second son right now, I'm watching them on camera right here, but he's Nii Doduu. And it just kind of keeps going until, you know, stop.

So there's like Nii Ofed there's Nii Ajee there's all these different versions of meaning. , but you know, some people decide to call their, , their kids by like a westernized name, um, first, and then they'll have, , their Ghanaian name, as their  middle name. Um, but because my parents, you know, I was born here.

My parents didn't want me to ever forget where I'm from. So Nii is my first name.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:07:59] Nii [00:08:00] what part of the world are your parents from? What part of the world are your parents from Ghana? I thought you said, did he say Ghana? Okay. I'm sorry. I'm listening anyways. So back back to Beth for a second, Beth, tell us more about you.

I mean, I know about you. I asked me a question from what would you like to know? Um, I was going to ask, is it okay if I spill some stuff I know about you already? Is it okay, so Beth and I have been talking for months now, but is incredibly intuitive, you guys, I talked about Beth on what show was it? It was with a show with Paul titled "I need a friend." Beth is very intuitive. You can read, you can do cards, you have this amazing,  , metaphysical quality. How can I explain it? Katy can probably explain that stuff too, but you're, you're quite [00:09:00] spiritual Beth and your skills are amazing. You're highly tuned to some divine aspect of the universe.

Beth: [00:09:10] It's funny. Isn't it? It is intuition. And it's like a knowing. It's just like, sometimes you can hear the words and sometimes you can feel the emotions and it's almost like I can connect the dots between things that are happening. So I'm, I feel I'm always one step ahead sometimes. And that comes really in handy sometimes in

life quite often.

Fawn: [00:09:32] Yeah. Always, always, right. Like you and I with KJ, we'll talk about astral travel. Like it's no big deal. Well, I astral travel astral traveled over here. This is what I heard today, guys. And it was just our normal conversation.

KJ: [00:09:49] So that's Monday.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:09:53] That was KJ talking by the way. , anything else you want to add, Beth?

Beth: [00:09:59] I don't, I, I [00:10:00] it's really hard talking about yourself. Isn't it? I don't know. I just feel like I've always been on this, this spiritual journey since I was. Uh, a baby, since I was born, I knew, I think similar to you Fawn. I have memories of being a young child in nappies, you know, experience in the world the first time.

And, uh, I just, I've just loved the journey of life really. And the, and the twists and turns I,

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:10:22] it has results. And, um, also importantly, please tune into Beth Hewitt's podcast. Everyone. I

Beth: [00:10:32] should have said that. Yeah. So I'm the host of the visualize you show. And that is all about telling the stories of people who have pivoted in their careers who have started their own businesses.

And whether it's been  through a change that they've made themselves or some life occurrence has happened, which means they've had to change direction.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:10:54] And, and that's the, that's the way things go.

 I remember  our friends would sit together and [00:11:00] we would just look at society as a whole. And we would have these sessions where we would see into the future, like feel into the future and we'd be sitting there and  we'd be going like. Wow, job security.

People think their job security is that's it, but we're going to, there's going to be a time when your job is not, it it's not your life and it's not where you're going to be doing. And you have to be really flexible. You'll have to go with the flow because everything will change. And like one reason why I homeschool, why we homeschool is because the jobs that.

Our kids will have don't even exist yet. So we have to be malleable. Is that a right word? Malleable. Yeah, sometimes I say words and I'm like, is that the word? I don't know. I don't know.

KJ: [00:11:56] I don't know if you heard, I tried to mute it quickly. Um, there was someone [00:12:00] knocking on our door, housekeeping getting ready to check out here.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:12:04] That's how it is. KJ is on the road. You guys, KJ is on the road,

KJ: [00:12:10] friends. This is what it's all about. So thank you so much for inviting me to join this incredible round table and conversation.

 The loveliest people are on this call and I know we're going to have. , uh, fluctuating, fluctuating as well as flowing, flowing lineup as well. So I'm just so excited for what we're starting here. So thank you for having me. , well, let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Kimberly, but I invite you all to call me KJ.

I'm a licensed mental health psychiatry. Therapist and a musician and an artist. And my goal in the last year has been integrating and emerging. All of those facets together in the name of creativity and mental wellness, especially during this time, especially during what 2020 revealed to us and uncovered for us.

, [00:13:00] a lot of my focus is on the essential workers and the healers that are on the front lines today because my philosophy is , our healers need healing too. And that we are all healers for us to move together and ascend as a community, we need to be well and we need to feel safe. And so that's why this conversation is so relevant.

This connection, kindness, wellbeing. , that's my jam. So I'm so excited to be a part of this. I have a podcast as well. It's called stories of astonishing light. And that title emerged from the poet Hafez, the Persian poet. I know, I know, babe. And so the quote from Hafez is "I wish I could show you. When you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being."

And I [00:14:00] felt like that's kind of what I can help do. I can help folks. Who sometimes just need someone else's eyes, sometimes a gentle invitation to truly see what their gifts are, what their light is. And we all have gifts. We all have medicine. And my podcast is just about that. The stories of us uncovering are our medicine.

And so I have musicians and poets and artists and, and trailblazers. , on for conversations about  how we can heal the world, heal ourselves, heal, mental, mental, uh, wellness about through creativity and art and friendship and connection. 

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:14:38] Thank you. I love you so much, KJ. I'm so happy and so honored to have everyone at this table.

, we're going to go to, should we go to a Nii, Dr. Darko doctor  Nii,, please tell us a little bit about yourself.

KJ: [00:14:57] Hey guys, sorry about the background and [00:15:00] I'm on daddy daycare this weekend.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:15:03] So

KJ: [00:15:05] my name is NII Darko. I'm from New Jersey. And, uh, currently I practice as a trauma surgeon and, um, I started a podcast about five years ago, called docs outside the box.

The tagline is doctors and extraordinary things outside of medicine. So. If you ever want it to know, , how like Sanjay Gupta becomes Sanjay,or how doctots do these really interesting things outside of what we normally look at them. Um, that's what the show is about. And, , we talk about the three M's money mindset and, , mission.

And I have this. He's tried to be the next co-host

a lot more spontaneous than me, but I have a microphone right here. This microphone right here, right here. [00:16:00] Um, so I know you guys want to. Okay. Give me one second. Okay. Hold on a second. Can you give me one? This is a live unrehearsed kind of show.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:16:11] What's the most beautiful thing we've ever seen? No, no, no, not yet.

Hold, hold your thought right now. We're just introducing everyone around the table. We'll come back. We'll come back. So, and we'll come back. Um, so we come to you. So are you, is there anything else you want us to know about you. No,

KJ: [00:16:27] that's it.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:16:36] Let's go to Paul. Paul do tell.

Paul: [00:16:41] Um, hello. So my name's Paul, I live in Somerset in England, which thought, uh, Southwest of England. Um, I reckon probably the most beautiful part of England is kind of like the Shire in Lord of the rings, where all the Hills are rolling in line. You get a [00:17:00] bunch of hobbits live in and they're all farmers and they all talk like, right.

My darling, how's it going? My love. That's how they

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:17:06] will speak. That is so sexy. No disrespect, Matt.

Matt: [00:17:11] Yes, yes, yes. Yes.

Paul: [00:17:18] Um, so I, I am a meditation coach and teacher. , I teach mainly online at the moment. I had my own company called divine Lotus in Thailand for a couple of years. And now I work for a company called meet your mind and we do workshops and webinars and one-on-one stuff. , Which is is beautiful.

I love doing that. , and also I'm a personal trainer, also loved doing that and a nutritionist and everything like that. , one thing that we'll be talking about, , on this podcast, I'm guessing is, is kind of like a retreat in the future. I don't want to get too far ahead of us. Um, but that's also what I [00:18:00] want to do when I'm older, older is create my own retreat, intertwining, all these beautiful things like fitness and health, , but also spirituality and nutrition and cooking classes and stuff like that.

, and I'm also a musician. So I'm halfway through doing my music album at the moment, and I'm called Lotus that's my stage name. And it's kind of like a flamenco indie, acoustic music I would call it. Um, yeah, I love, I love playing music. I really do. It's you know, it's, it's something I smile about more than anything else.

When I talk about it, I love it. It comes from my heart. truly. , not even from my heart, maybe more so from like, you know, the universe, , you know, if I let myself be really open and,  check on the vessels. I think like most of the, like the musicians that I find truly, , that inspire me also  do the same thing , [00:19:00] when they record and make up their songs, they let it just come and not think about it too much.

Anyway, I'm going on? Um, I love

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:19:07] it. Yeah. Yeah. We are huge fans of you. Thank you everybody. He's been on our show, the episode, I need a friend that was Paul singing, two songs to us. And will you sing to us, , during the round tables as we go along? Is that okay with you down the list? I love it. And we have the most beautiful.

One of the most, obviously you're all amazing, beautiful human beings. I want to introduce everyone to Katy, our friend, Katy. Oh,

Katy: [00:19:42] hi. Um, I'm so glad I called you today. Um, my name is Katie and, , I'm from Boulder, Colorado. I work in a health food store and that's how I met. Beautiful Fawn and Matt and the girls, Elle and Allegra [00:20:00] and we just formed this wonderful friendship every Saturday, when you guys would come in, I'm like, there's my family.

And I would go and hug the girls. The girls were just, Oh, I miss you guys so much. And so I would get my hug from the girls and we would just talk the whole time and I would get in trouble because I would go, I would talk to you guys. My boss would be like, Oh, you're talking to her again. I got, while I'm helping her, um, I actually work in the vitamin department.

And so, , I help people when they come in,  asking questions about vitamins and diet and herbs and things. And so I would always pretend I'm helping her with this. And there are times too, when we were. Legitimately. Well, that's how we met.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:20:44] I was having extreme vertigo when we met and I couldn't figure out why.

And then other things happened and you were always there for us and literally Katy and I would be huddled at the end of an aisle in the market talking [00:21:00] about the universe and what we're picking up and what's happening. And then someone would interrupt us because they were like, excuse me,

Katy: [00:21:07] oh, and so  ever since the, this, this awful thing has happened to us, We have not seen each other and we've kept in contact, but I miss you so much. And, um, you know, we were just every, you know, every say I don't work on Saturdays anymore, so, and I have kind of, , Retired a bit, which is great because I'm getting older and it's kind of hard to work in that job.

So I still work three days a week and enjoy, and that's my passion too, is being there to help people is what I really love is to help people when they come in, because they are scared and desperate. Some of course want the magic pill, but a lot are scared and desperate in need and need guidance. And that's what I love is to help people.

And tell them about the supplement [00:22:00] or whatever and what to expect. And this is a good one. That's a bad one. Don't do that. And then people come back and say, Oh, that helped. That was wonderful. And that's what I kind of get. And I go in every day and I go, okay, let me see if I can help somebody. And then when I do, it's just like, Getting high off of that because I've helped somebody.

And it's such a wonderful feeling, helping somebody with their, their fear and their concern about, Oh my God, I had this bad test and I have this and I should do this. And they come in with all these things that a lot of times the doctors come in or the doctors tell them that they have to go get all these vitamins.

And so we helped them with that. And a lot of times the doctors are not real complete about how much to take and this and that. So we kind of guide them and that's what I do. , and that's what I love. And, , it's very fulfilling.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:22:58] I what you offer [00:23:00] to me before we became friends. The first time I saw you, Katy, you offered me humanity.

And I'm so glad Nii is here because obviously he's a surgeon, Dr. Darko, Dr. Nii. , but I was always, so still am afraid of doctors and you offered, I mean, it was one of the hardest times in our lives for. For me and for Matt. And when we met you, Katy, your friendship literally saved our lives. Oh way. You connected with us.

And that's what everyone can do for one another is just that kindness that you offered, not just saying, Hey, you know, some B12 may do you good right now? You know what I mean? But what really did the best. The greatest. Good was your amazing, gentle, warm embrace. [00:24:00] And that changed our world. And our lives are much better now because we met you and our lives are better because we met Beth because we met Paul because we met KJ because we met Nii and granted.

We have never been in person. The only person here at this round table that we have met in person has been Katy, but every single person here has completely enriched our lives and brought us so much hope and joy. And that's what I want to get across here to everyone listening to whoever's listening that we're here for you and we will all share our particular expertise with you and we're here for you. , Matt, I just realized, I didn't introduce you. Do we need to introduce you and us? You just quickly do it.

KJ: [00:24:59] Yeah. This is Matt. [00:25:00] I'm a software developer. I've been doing that forever. And my wife likes to think I'm wonderfully intuitive, but I like to leave on just observant and that's about it.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:25:12] All right, folks. Okay. So I want to talk about. Something beautiful. Well, it will be. Okay. So back to the question, what we'll talk about, how kindness, , in each of our fields, how that, how that works.  Going back to what's the most beautiful thing you've ever experienced or,  something you've seen witnessed.

Like I said, I'm sure you guys will have the most beautiful scenes .For me, everything is a mystery and I'm just looking at it like a space alien. Like what I feel, I don't want to say horrified, but earth really. Uh, I was going to say troubles me earth really surprises me. And I'm in awe, but not in like, [00:26:00] "aaaaaaahhh", I'm in awe, likeWHAT?!?!.

So example, I was doing a photo shoot. I was in Ethiopia and my friend, Garamo was driving. We're I'm pretty much out in the wilderness, but the wilderness is just like this red earth, very little trees where we were just red earth. As far as you could see no roads, nothing. And all of a sudden I see something and I'm like, Geramo! What is that?

And I kept pointing to it and he's driving. Right. And he's looking at where my finger is pointing. So he keeps swerving to where I'm pointing. I'm like, no, right. Then what is that? What is that? And I'm pointing to the windshield, but he doesn't know that. So he's trying to drive. And so we kept going, zig-zagging all over the desert and I'm screaming at [00:27:00] this point because I'm like, what is it's moving?

What is that? And then he's driving. He's like, it's moving where? Cause he's. He's zigzagging all over the place now I'm like, Oh my God, what is that? And so I'm like, just, I don't know how, but somehow I either said stop the car when he stopped the car, because it was getting ridiculous. It was like a funny movie, like, but for real, so he stops the car and I'm now I'm touching the windshield.

I'm like right there, that right there. What is that? And he like. Oh, and I had never seen this thing in my life, a windshield. It was something on the windshield and it was a huge, and I thought it was a twig, but this thing was moving and it had eyes upon closer, uh, introspection. It was so anyway, he's like that is a walking stick.

I thought it was a piece of wood, but it was [00:28:00] moving, it had arms and legs and everything. So I saw a walking stick for the first time in my life. Does that translate in the UK? Do you guys know what a walking stick is? Uh,

Paul: [00:28:10] yeah, I had one was a little, uh, pet when I was little and then it had babies. I babies and I still got the cage and I had hundreds all over my bedroom.

My mom came in, she was

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:28:22] gone. Oh my God. Oh, funny. So I don't know when, if I think of like, what's the most amazing thing you've experienced on planet earth. That I think is the epitome of my reaction to pretty much everything I see on the earth is like, what is that? Oh my God. And then someone will say, what, Oh, this, this is this.

I'm like, are you crazy? Like, this is insane. How is this possible? The world is surprising me all the time and shocking me. [00:29:00] So anyway, that's one of the things that I will say that was the most beautiful, but interesting  scene that I experienced. There have been many, I have many, many stories, but that's what comes to mind, , who wants to go next?


Beth: [00:29:18] Um, So the first thing that sprung into my mind when you asked this question and fall, and I've said this I've mentioned this story to you before briefly, I think was when I was a baby and I had like one of those picture books. Uh, but it had baby animals in it.

And I was in diapers and I was sat in the hallway, uh, at home. Uh, I think my mom was at home. It was me and my mom. And I opened the book to the center page and there was a beautiful Fawn and I don't believe in coincidences, but there was this beautiful fawn baby [00:30:00] fawn sat with other all babies out there sat on the grass, um, on this beautiful green, this beautiful green scenery.

And it was like how its knee kind of bends keels under itself. And the reason why I say that was the first. Was the most beautiful because it was also, I think the first time I experienced what beautiful was as well, because I felt like my soul had just been like, Oh, like, what is this? What is this thing?

What is this beautiful? I didn't know. It was a fawn, obviously. I couldn't probably speak, I don't know how old it was. Maybe nine, 10, 11 months perhaps. But that was the first time that Oh, The ACE spoke to me, the animal spoke to me in that instant, and I've never met anybody called Fawn until I've met you.

So I like to think there's some connection there, , so that was, uh, that was the first thing that I saw that was beautiful, which I think is beautiful in itself.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:30:56] That's my beautiful, I love that story [00:31:00] obviously. And I love you so much, Beth. I totally. I mean, we know like as soon as we met each other or like, yay.

And I like to say, when I meet someone like you, Beth, I'm like, where the hell have you been waiting for you? My entire life finally meet, I love thatokay. Who's Paul, do you want to go?

 Paul: [00:31:27] , yeah. Okay. Um, so I'm going to sneak in two, yeah, two quick little ones. My first one. So the first one is like landscape and the second one is spirituality.

So first one would be when, when I was about 10 years old, I was in New Zealand with my family and we were driving through the jungle in the South Island. And, um, my dad stopped off and he was like, right, let's go for a walk. And there was a little sign in the middle of nowhere, a little sign saying waterfall, walk through the jungle [00:32:00] for 10 minutes.

So we walked through, we didn't see anyone on the walk on the way to the waterfall and it was just dense jungle. And then it came to this clearing and this clearing was on denied. It was, it was massive. It was, uh, it was about. 400 meters in diameter. It's just a perfect circle. And there were these smooth gray stones, thousands of them all in this clearing and then right in the center of the clearing, that was just a waterfall coming through.

And just, you know, in this dense jungle, just this, like part of it was kind of like a little bit of like a little bit of heaven had been blessed to the green earth. And it was just like pure gray and water. It was just magical. Um, so that is the, the place that I've always found most beautiful in my memory.

Um, and then the [00:33:00] second one, one example of when I got a lot that I'd like to share, but one example of my most favorite spiritual moment in my life, um, was when I was at a temple in Thailand. And this temple had a big boat on top of this Lake and you go onto the boat and then you pray at butter and stuff like that.

If you put this to whatever. So I was praying to my God, just, you know, my own higher power sort of thing, giving thanks and gratitude for my life and normally giving, giving service. And then after I prayed, I turned around and there was hundreds of these golden wishing leaves that all the Thai people write on the right little wish with.

And right in the center of all these leaves and they were all written in Thai, apart from one, one was written in English and it just said, Paul, right in the middle of the state. Oh my

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:33:54] God. Wow. That was cool. I love it. [00:34:00] Oh my God. Thank you, Paul. So KJ, how about you?

 KJ: [00:34:09] Yeah, so many, so many images came up to mind when you posed the question at first. And so my struggle became as it usually is with me, because I'm a wordy girl to narrow

down and come up with maybe just one example or two lovely examples like Paul just shared, , I'll just generally reference the first time I went to a live concert.

, and I understood being a musician all my life I've crawled onto the piano before I was three, and I was always pecking away at the keys. So my mom was just like, we're going to put you in lessons. Let's get, let's develop this, which is amazing. But to hear it on a different level, live in a concert hall for the first time, um, Any live music?

Uh, I, it was, it's still indescribable [00:35:00] to me to this day, but the tears that come to my eyes and the, the feeling that settles in my body, in my blood, I swear to God it's in my blood when I hear live music. Um, my, my first concert conscientiously outside of maybe church hymns, um, was with Tori Amos. The vocalist and piano player.

And since I was a vocal, I'm a vocalist and a piano player, there was something extremely profound about hearing another piano player and vocalist just play, but the amplified in an arena. And I remember the first time she came up on stage, I was, I burst into tears. I had no idea. I had no idea. And I kept saying that, I didn't know.

I didn't know. It could sound like this. And. I still have this reaction to this day to any live music. So if you're at a concert and you see a chick, we [00:36:00] being uncontrolled, it might be me. It might be me. Um, and so I'll reference hearing music, yeah, for the first time in an amplified stage. And then another, another quick point of reference that I have was when I was in South Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, about two years ago, three years ago.

, And it was sunset. And this is, , this is one tiny, tiny, tiny Island in the midst of thousands and thousands of islands  that line and pepper Indonesia. And we were here on this Island with no internet connection. There's nothing that would really connect us to any other moment outside of what was happening in front of us.

And so we're just sitting in these rickety wooden chairs on a deck, overlooking the ocean at sunset. And I see the silhouette of a man walking what appears across the ocean, [00:37:00] just a silhouette  he has a fishing pole over his shoulder and a bucket. I'm assuming it's a bucket in his hand and he's walking across the ocean at sunset.

What we understood later is that there's tons of sandbars out there surrounding the islands. There was this man out there going about his day gathering, urchins or fish, whatever he needed to, to provide for his family, provide for whatever flourishing or thriving, hopefully business that he had. He was out collecting urchins for the day fish for the day, but, but from afar and, and only in silhouette.

I saw this being just walking gently and softly across, across the ocean. Wow. Yeah.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:37:47] KJ.... Holy molly...amazing! Oh my God. That is so beautiful. That is forever ,now in my [00:38:00] imprinted, in my vision, in my, in my head, in my heart. That's beautiful KJ. And, you know, take a picture. I'll show you. Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see it.

Yes, please. Maybe we can post it in the show notes. Excellent. Awesome. Um, and as far as the crying thing, a long time ago, I went once again to a psychic and I, you know, like when they hit upon a truth or they hit upon, uh, an aspect of your soul, your spirit that only you were aware of, maybe. And you start crying.

I got to that point and the person said, you know, when you're being heard, when, when God is listening, when the universe is listening and you feel like you're definitely connected, you have that connection that you feel like you're being heard when the tears flow is, is your signal that that is happening, that [00:39:00] you're connected.

Katie Katie your turn.

Katy: [00:39:04] So again, I have two, , one was when we went to Kawaii and I was blessed to be able to go on a helicopter ride in all over Kawaii, and I. Because I was little, I got to sit in the front seat and it was one of those helicopters where it had the dome where you could see everything.

And we flew all over, , Kawaii and the coast and in the, in the jungle, very close to the jungle and in the waterfalls and, and the same thing, I was crying because it was so beautiful. And I thought, boy, Somebody, if, if you didn't believe in God, now you would because of the absolute beauty. And then the second was again on another travel.

I went to Ireland  I went with my brother , and sister-in-law, and we did a driving trip [00:40:00] where we're actually Irish and we wanted to go see our roots. And we did, we went to the , the wonderful cemeteries and saw our name there. And we drove all around Ireland and we saw the sheep and the cows and the, the ocean.

We went to , a lighthouse and we saw the ocean and the water. And just, I mean, I can't tell you the beauty of, of that, that whole country. And I was just so excited and again, the immense beauty that is all over this world is just, just outstanding. So that's mine.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:40:37] It really is. I mean, it's good to have this conversation and to have this sharing experience because it's, it's, sometimes it's hard to remember how amazing the earth is and how amazing the life here is.

Thank you so much, Katy, for sharing that. , I see Nii's kitchen and I don't see Nii. [00:41:00] There he is. Okay. Nii. It's your turn.

Nii: [00:41:06] Sorry guys, just trying to keep the house from going on fire.

Matt: [00:41:15] Oh, we've got double trouble going on now.

Nii: [00:41:29] Uh, toy microphone. And when it hits. Um, some something, it causes a little bit of some backfeed. So I would say for me, the most beautiful thing that I've seen, , was, , it was , me and my wife. We went on a honeymoon and we did it for a month and we went to New Zealand and the reason why it was very beautiful, is it.

Amount of sacrifice

[00:42:00] over 10 years where you spend so much your time dealing with very stressful life and death type of situation.

 You're trying to pass tests. If you're going to survive. If you're going to get through school, that's stressful. Then obviously the stress of trying to just get through, you know, residency, and then you're taking care of people. It's very difficult. , so at this point, me and my wife had dated for 10 years.

I can't even believe it. You know, sometimes I'm a little embarrassed. Uh, to say it, but we had data for 10 years before we got married and we decided that, you know what, since we're getting married, let's do it up and let's go away for a little bitbefore we start working um, like that we went to go visit was New Zealand, mainly because it was just so different than the life that we're used to here in the unit.

Um, the background

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:42:57] you guys hear me? I can tell, we can [00:43:00] hear

Nii: [00:43:00] all of you. You're all here. Uh, The scenery, the scenery that I saw, um, just, you know, the Maori that we saw, it was just really, really eye opening experience. It really changed my perspective on what's really important in life,

it's really about experiences as opposed to accomplishments. And I think I had spent my entire life trying to get this accomplishment, being a physician, trying to get this accomplishment of getting into med school and so forth, isolated scenery. Like this almost like it's civilized, but it's not.

Or I started to realize, wow, like, it's, it's really about this experience. I have mine, but I didn't take the time. I would've never had this experience to pride myself with this type of experience at that point. That's when

[00:44:00] I'm wonderful and right.

Can I finish?

So it was at that point that me and my wife got really motivated to pay off our debt. And we had a ton of student loan debt. We paid it off because there was a certain lifestyle that we wanted. And it had nothing to do with money. He just had to do it the way that you want it to live. Um, so when we look back, I always say for me to see the scenery of New Zealand was one of the best things I've ever seen in my life.

It helped them lock it off.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:44:41] It's interesting. How nature is always the most quiet? Well, actually, sometimes it's not quite as it, cause it can totally like come and tsunami you away. Right? But that's where you find truth. How about, thank you Nii thank you. Nii Jr.  okay. [00:45:00] How about you, Matt? What is the most beautiful thing?

Matt: [00:45:03] See, not fair, but the one thing that kind of Springs up for me is, has nothing to do with travel, nothing to do with vacation.

To me, it's the dichotomy. So living in LA, uh, I remember taking a bike ride from where we were living in Santa Monica to Dodger stadium, which is literally kind of a downtown ish LA thing, Sunday mornings super early, the streets were clear. It was so beautiful. Are you kidding? No, I'm very, very serious.

And it's because I had seen it so crowded and ugly. It was just, it was quiet there wasn't a lot of people I rode my bike what I want to do is ride my bike and actually touched Dodger stadium. But unfortunately there's like, There's a gate and there was a dude and I was like, ah, come on, man. I just want to touch it.

And then I'll go back home. And he'slike "NO!" So I had T I was turned away at the Gates, but still it's that moment freezing that kind of moment in time of taking that bike ride on a, on a [00:46:00] Sunday morning and just the, the raw difference between how that is then and like how it is on like a Monday, all day or a Tuesday all day.

Um, you know, most beautiful. Probably not, but this is what I'm at. This is where I'm at right now, right in this moment.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:46:16] So we have five minutes left before KJ needs to check out of her hotel room. And I wanted, I wanted to, I wanted to talk about how kindness affects us, but do you think we can go around in about 10 seconds?

Everybody say. Something about that. And then I'm going to wrap up the show. This, this is just the beginning as this is our first episode. We will get into full in-depth conversations that will go deep. , right now this is just our first kind of free flow experience, but KJ, any word on kindness you can share with us 10 seconds or 15 or 20.

[00:47:00] No pressure.

KJ: [00:47:02] None at all. Okay. Uh, for me, kindness is compassion  and receptivity and that includes turning it inwards how are we showing receptivity and compassion to ourselves?

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:47:20] Beautiful. Nice. Wow. I'll how about you? Wow.

Paul: [00:47:26] , okay. Kindness, kindness, kindness, um, brings people who together, you know, um, kind of kindnesses like evidence showing that we are when you experience it.

It's evidence. I find if I experience it, it's evidence to me that I'm meant to be a part of, um, Company and connection and other people, , the feeling I get from kindness and giving kindness, there's [00:48:00] nothing like it. , and it shows that I meant to walk this path with, , a family, you know,

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:48:07] that is perfect,


Matt: [00:48:09] I wanted to say. Okay, good, good, good, good, good, good, good. Cause I, I get the feeling. Somebody will steal my thunder. So kind of

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:48:18] like that. Why did you look at me like that?

Matt: [00:48:21] Kindness, the first three letters of kindness.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:48:24] KIN you stole that from me. I said that on our other episode.


Matt: [00:48:28] my God. Anyways, this is, this is me talking anyways. It's it's about recognizing the family and the connectedness we have with each other , and really wanting to enhance it and BE the help. That to me is kindness.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:48:45] I love you, babe.

Matt: [00:48:47] Even though I steal from (...Matt and Fawn quibble...)

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:48:52] Beth. How about you


Beth: [00:48:55] For me kindness, is that it costs nothing like not [00:49:00] selflessness, like it was nothing. You're not looking to gain something by just being a friendly person, helping somebody else out in a time of need, or just because, you know, you're good pals and you're there to have a chat regardless of what's going on.

So for me, it's just, just being there and not expecting anything in return and just being, being of service.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:49:25] Thank you, Beth. Katy, how about you?

 Katy: [00:49:29] Wow. You've, you've all said so many wonderful things. kindness is going throughout your day. , so hard to express, just, just trying to, to help, to help other people.

I know when, with my job, I just try to be patient with people because as I told my son growing up, Treat people how you would want them to treat you. And I think that's kindness. You gotta have to have a compassion for people because you don't know where they're coming from or what they're going [00:50:00] through.

, there's so many people going through hard times right now. And if you could just even just give a little smile, even though we have to wear masks and everything, , I wear a mask every day, eight hours, and I know you do doctor too. That's hard. Um, but you can see the smiles in the eyes, you know, people, your eyes express the smile.

And that's what I like to do is just smile. And I feel that's kindness giving to people, even just walking by somebody in the store real quick. I don't know who they are. If I can just give a little quick smile that might help somebody throughout their day. And that's kind of what kind of says little things like that throughout the day.

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:50:40] The little thing is the most life-saving thing. Just a glance or a slight touch on a shoulder or just being, just being present and still, Oh my God. Is he still here?

KJ: [00:50:57] Uh, he's still here, but,

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:50:59] um,

[00:51:00] For me, I mean, Nii  for real saves people's lives. Yeah. I don't know. Nii tell us,

Nii: [00:51:15] so I, I heard everybody's definition and I agree everybody definition. Um, I'm not going to add any more definition. We need a lot more of all of that world, right?

That's what I'll do. Is there an elephant

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:51:33] Nii Jr. Nii Jr says it perfectly because elephants are the kindest.

Oh, favorite animal

Nii: [00:51:46] actually. Oh my God. I love about Dumbo

music Fawn, and Matt: [00:51:51] Dumbo.

Oh my God. I love him so [00:52:00] much. Oh, well, okay. And KJ, don't leave yet. I'm going to wrap this up for us today with two words alone. And actually three words, all one. , we made a new friend last week and we interviewed him. He was on our show. It'll come out just a little bit. His name is Barry. He's a singer.

He's a, he's a writer. He's an amazing artist,  he travels around and he teaches children kindness around the country. And he's really a very special human being like completely angelic. And he usually wears this shirt that says "ALL ONE". And it was yet another sign for me that we were meant to be friends because that's all over everything that I do.

I've always said we are all one, all one, the photo book that, I tried to publish, you know, everything is just, we are all one family and that's the whole point of this podcast is our friendly [00:53:00] world as we are all one family. And so Barry wears this shirt that says "ALL ONE". He did a Ted talk and he talked about how his shirt was commented on by this woman that said your shirt is depressing.

He's like why? And because the woman said, because it says alone, he's like he stood up straighter. And so you can see all the words. And it was actually saying all one. And then when we were doing our podcast with him, he was wearing that shirt also. And the way he was sitting. The crease, the shirt was creased in such a way that I saw the words alone.

And we were talking about the big lie in the world, the big lie in life. And we were talking about lying and I was watching his shirt move. And all of a sudden I realized, Oh my God, that's the message right there. It may appear that we're alone, but. [00:54:00] Really we are all one, one sneaky letter can disappear or come back to tell you what the reality is.

And that's how I want to close the show off today is that we are all one. And don't you think for a second, that you're ever alone because we are not. Thank you, everyone for showing up and being present. Thank you. I love you all so much and we'll speak in a few days. Okay. Absolutely take care of before, before I forget, everyone's information will be in our show notes and on the website, our friendly

And if you need to get ahold of anyone here you can do. So there we love you. Take care, talk to you in a few days. Be well, bye you too. Bye

all: [00:54:58] bye. Bye. Bye [00:55:00] bye.


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